Move accounts window to src/widgets
authorJose Dapena Paz <>
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 12:55:04 +0000 (13:55 +0100)
committerJose Dapena Paz <>
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 16:01:51 +0000 (17:01 +0100)
src/hildon2/modest-accounts-window.c [deleted file]
src/hildon2/modest-accounts-window.h [deleted file]
src/widgets/modest-accounts-window.c [new file with mode: 0644]
src/widgets/modest-accounts-window.h [new file with mode: 0644]

index 65830ef..e673911 100644 (file)
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
 #include "modest-tny-folder.h"
 #include "modest-folder-window.h"
 #include "modest-accounts-window.h"
-#include "modest-maemo-utils.h"
 #include "modest-utils.h"
 #include "modest-tny-msg.h"
 #include "modest-tny-account.h"
index 74f7b7c..eafa3c8 100644 (file)
@@ -51,8 +51,6 @@ noinst_LTLIBRARIES=\
 libmodest_ui_la_SOURCES=              \
        modest-account-view-window.c  \
-       modest-accounts-window.c \
-       modest-accounts-window.h \
        modest-default-account-settings-dialog.c \
        modest-easysetup-wizard-dialog.h modest-easysetup-wizard-dialog.c \
        modest-country-picker.h modest-country-picker.c \
diff --git a/src/hildon2/modest-accounts-window.c b/src/hildon2/modest-accounts-window.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 29d3f8b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,726 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2008, Nokia Corporation
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met:
- *
- * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * * Neither the name of the Nokia Corporation nor the names of its
- *   contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- *   this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- */
-#include <modest-accounts-window.h>
-#include <modest-scrollable.h>
-#include <hildon/hildon-banner.h>
-#include <hildon/hildon-helper.h>
-#include <modest-ui-actions.h>
-#include <modest-window-mgr.h>
-#include <modest-signal-mgr.h>
-#include <modest-runtime.h>
-#include <modest-platform.h>
-#include <hildon/hildon-program.h>
-#include <hildon/hildon-button.h>
-#include <modest-maemo-utils.h>
-#include <modest-icon-names.h>
-#include <modest-defs.h>
-#include <modest-folder-window.h>
-#include <modest-ui-dimming-rules.h>
-#include <modest-ui-dimming-manager.h>
-#include <modest-window-priv.h>
-#include <modest-ui-constants.h>
-#include <modest-account-mgr-helpers.h>
-#include <modest-mailboxes-window.h>
-/* 'private'/'protected' functions */
-static void modest_accounts_window_class_init  (ModestAccountsWindowClass *klass);
-static void modest_accounts_window_instance_init (ModestAccountsWindow *obj);
-static void modest_accounts_window_finalize    (GObject *obj);
-static void connect_signals (ModestAccountsWindow *self);
-static void modest_accounts_window_disconnect_signals (ModestWindow *self);
-static void on_account_activated (GtkTreeView *treeview,
-                                 GtkTreePath *path,
-                                 GtkTreeViewColumn *column,
-                                 ModestAccountsWindow *accounts_window);
-static void on_progress_list_changed (ModestWindowMgr *mgr,
-                                     ModestAccountsWindow *self);
-static void setup_menu (ModestAccountsWindow *self);
-static gboolean _modest_accounts_window_map_event (GtkWidget *widget,
-                                                  GdkEvent *event,
-                                                  gpointer userdata);
-static void update_progress_hint (ModestAccountsWindow *self);
-static void on_queue_changed    (ModestMailOperationQueue *queue,
-                                ModestMailOperation *mail_op,
-                                ModestMailOperationQueueNotification type,
-                                ModestAccountsWindow *self);
-static void on_row_inserted (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
-                            GtkTreePath  *path,
-                            GtkTreeIter  *iter,
-                            gpointer      user_data);
-static void on_row_deleted (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
-                           GtkTreePath  *path,
-                           gpointer      user_data);
-static void row_count_changed (ModestAccountsWindow *self);
-static gboolean on_key_press(GtkWidget *widget,
-                               GdkEventKey *event,
-                               gpointer user_data);
-static gboolean on_delete_event (GtkWidget *widget,
-                                GdkEvent *event,
-                                gpointer userdata);
-typedef struct _ModestAccountsWindowPrivate ModestAccountsWindowPrivate;
-struct _ModestAccountsWindowPrivate {
-       GtkWidget *box;
-       GtkWidget *scrollable;
-       GtkWidget *account_view;
-       GtkWidget *no_accounts_container;
-       GtkWidget *new_message_button;
-       /* signals */
-       GSList *sighandlers;
-       gboolean progress_hint;
-       guint queue_change_handler;
-                                                                           MODEST_TYPE_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW, \
-                                                                           ModestAccountsWindowPrivate))
-/* globals */
-static GtkWindowClass *parent_class = NULL;
-static GtkWidget *pre_created_accounts_window = NULL;
-modest_accounts_window_get_type (void)
-       static GType my_type = 0;
-       if (!my_type) {
-               static const GTypeInfo my_info = {
-                       sizeof(ModestAccountsWindowClass),
-                       NULL,           /* base init */
-                       NULL,           /* base finalize */
-                       (GClassInitFunc) modest_accounts_window_class_init,
-                       NULL,           /* class finalize */
-                       NULL,           /* class data */
-                       sizeof(ModestAccountsWindow),
-                       1,              /* n_preallocs */
-                       (GInstanceInitFunc) modest_accounts_window_instance_init,
-                       NULL
-               };
-               my_type = g_type_register_static (MODEST_TYPE_HILDON2_WINDOW,
-                                                 "ModestAccountsWindow",
-                                                 &my_info, 0);
-       }
-       return my_type;
-static void
-modest_accounts_window_class_init (ModestAccountsWindowClass *klass)
-       GObjectClass *gobject_class;
-       gobject_class = (GObjectClass*) klass;
-       ModestWindowClass *modest_window_class = (ModestWindowClass *) klass;
-       parent_class            = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
-       gobject_class->finalize = modest_accounts_window_finalize;
-       g_type_class_add_private (gobject_class, sizeof(ModestAccountsWindowPrivate));
-       modest_window_class->disconnect_signals_func = modest_accounts_window_disconnect_signals;
-static void
-modest_accounts_window_instance_init (ModestAccountsWindow *obj)
-       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv;
-       priv->sighandlers = NULL;
-       priv->account_view = NULL;
-       priv->progress_hint = FALSE;
-       modest_window_mgr_register_help_id (modest_runtime_get_window_mgr(),
-                                           GTK_WINDOW(obj),
-                                           "applications_email_accountsview");
-static void
-modest_accounts_window_finalize (GObject *obj)
-       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv;
-       /* Sanity check: shouldn't be needed, the window mgr should
-          call this function before */
-       modest_accounts_window_disconnect_signals (MODEST_WINDOW (obj));        
-       G_OBJECT_CLASS(parent_class)->finalize (obj);
-static void
-modest_accounts_window_disconnect_signals (ModestWindow *self)
-       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv;      
-       if (g_signal_handler_is_connected (G_OBJECT (modest_runtime_get_mail_operation_queue ()), 
-                                          priv->queue_change_handler))
-               g_signal_handler_disconnect (G_OBJECT (modest_runtime_get_mail_operation_queue ()), 
-                                            priv->queue_change_handler);
-       modest_signal_mgr_disconnect_all_and_destroy (priv->sighandlers);
-       priv->sighandlers = NULL;       
-static void
-connect_signals (ModestAccountsWindow *self)
-       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv;
-       GtkTreeModel *model;
-       /* accounts view */
-       priv->sighandlers = 
-               modest_signal_mgr_connect (priv->sighandlers,
-                                          G_OBJECT (priv->account_view), "row-activated", 
-                                          G_CALLBACK (on_account_activated), self);
-       priv->sighandlers = 
-               modest_signal_mgr_connect (priv->sighandlers,
-                                          G_OBJECT (modest_runtime_get_window_mgr ()),
-                                          "progress-list-changed",
-                                          G_CALLBACK (on_progress_list_changed), self);
-       model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->account_view));
-       priv->sighandlers =
-               modest_signal_mgr_connect (priv->sighandlers,
-                                          G_OBJECT (model),
-                                          "row-inserted",
-                                          G_CALLBACK (on_row_inserted), self);
-       priv->sighandlers =
-               modest_signal_mgr_connect (priv->sighandlers,
-                                          G_OBJECT (model),
-                                          "row-deleted",
-                                          G_CALLBACK (on_row_deleted), self);
-       priv->sighandlers = 
-               modest_signal_mgr_connect (priv->sighandlers,
-                                          G_OBJECT (priv->new_message_button),
-                                          "clicked",
-                                          G_CALLBACK (modest_ui_actions_on_new_msg), self);
-       /* we don't register this in sighandlers, as it should be run
-        * after disconnecting all signals, in destroy stage */
-       g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(self), "key-press-event",
-                       G_CALLBACK(on_key_press), self);
-static ModestWindow *
-modest_accounts_window_new_real (void)
-       ModestAccountsWindow *self = NULL;
-       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv = NULL;
-       GdkPixbuf *window_icon;
-       GdkPixbuf *new_message_pixbuf;
-       guint accel_key;
-       GdkModifierType accel_mods;
-       GtkAccelGroup *accel_group;
-       GtkWidget *no_accounts_label;
-       GtkWidget *empty_view_new_message_button;
-       GtkWidget *box_alignment;
-       new_message_pixbuf = modest_platform_get_icon ("general_add", MODEST_ICON_SIZE_BIG);
-       box_alignment = gtk_alignment_new (0, 0, 1.0, 1.0);
-       gtk_alignment_set_padding (GTK_ALIGNMENT (box_alignment), 
-                                  HILDON_MARGIN_HALF, 0,
-                                  HILDON_MARGIN_DOUBLE, HILDON_MARGIN_DOUBLE);
-       priv->box = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
-       no_accounts_label = gtk_label_new (_("mcen_ia_noaccounts"));
-       gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (no_accounts_label), 0.5, 0.5);
-       hildon_helper_set_logical_font (no_accounts_label, "LargeSystemFont");
-       empty_view_new_message_button = hildon_button_new (MODEST_EDITABLE_SIZE, HILDON_BUTTON_ARRANGEMENT_HORIZONTAL);
-       hildon_button_set_title (HILDON_BUTTON (empty_view_new_message_button), _("mcen_ti_new_message"));
-       hildon_button_set_image (HILDON_BUTTON (empty_view_new_message_button), gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf (new_message_pixbuf));
-       priv->no_accounts_container = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
-       gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->no_accounts_container), empty_view_new_message_button, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
-       gtk_widget_show_all (empty_view_new_message_button);
-       gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (priv->no_accounts_container), no_accounts_label, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
-       gtk_widget_show (no_accounts_label);
-       gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->box), priv->no_accounts_container, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
-       g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (empty_view_new_message_button),
-                         "clicked",
-                         G_CALLBACK (modest_ui_actions_on_new_msg), self);
-       priv->scrollable = modest_toolkit_factory_create_scrollable (modest_runtime_get_toolkit_factory ());
-       priv->queue_change_handler =
-               g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (modest_runtime_get_mail_operation_queue ()),
-                                 "queue-changed",
-                                 G_CALLBACK (on_queue_changed),
-                                 self);
-       priv->new_message_button = hildon_button_new (MODEST_EDITABLE_SIZE,
-                                                     HILDON_BUTTON_ARRANGEMENT_HORIZONTAL);
-       hildon_button_set_title (HILDON_BUTTON (priv->new_message_button), _("mcen_ti_new_message"));
-       hildon_button_set_image (HILDON_BUTTON (priv->new_message_button), gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf (new_message_pixbuf));
-       gtk_widget_show_all (priv->new_message_button);
-       g_object_unref (new_message_pixbuf);
-       setup_menu (self);
-       gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->box), priv->scrollable, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
-       gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (box_alignment), priv->box);
-       gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (self), box_alignment);
-       gtk_widget_show (priv->scrollable);
-       gtk_widget_show (priv->box);
-       gtk_widget_show (box_alignment);
-       /* Get device name */
-       modest_maemo_utils_get_device_name ();
-       /* Set window icon */
-       window_icon = modest_platform_get_icon (MODEST_APP_ICON, MODEST_ICON_SIZE_BIG);
-       if (window_icon) {
-               gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (self), window_icon);
-               g_object_unref (window_icon);
-       }
-       accel_group = gtk_accel_group_new ();
-       gtk_accelerator_parse ("<Control>n", &accel_key, &accel_mods);
-       gtk_widget_add_accelerator (priv->new_message_button, "clicked", accel_group,
-                                   accel_key, accel_mods, 0);
-       gtk_window_add_accel_group (GTK_WINDOW (self), accel_group);
-       return MODEST_WINDOW(self);
-ModestWindow *
-modest_accounts_window_new (void)
-       GtkWidget *action_area_box;
-       ModestWindow *self;
-       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv = NULL;
-       HildonProgram *app;
-       if (pre_created_accounts_window) {
-               self = MODEST_WINDOW (pre_created_accounts_window);
-               pre_created_accounts_window = NULL;
-       } else {
-               self = modest_accounts_window_new_real ();
-       }
-       priv->account_view  = GTK_WIDGET (modest_account_view_new (modest_runtime_get_account_mgr ()));
-       action_area_box = hildon_tree_view_get_action_area_box (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->account_view));
-       gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (action_area_box), priv->new_message_button, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
-       hildon_tree_view_set_action_area_visible (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->account_view), TRUE);
-       gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->scrollable), priv->account_view);
-       connect_signals (MODEST_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW (self));
-       app = hildon_program_get_instance ();
-       hildon_program_add_window (app, HILDON_WINDOW (self));
-       /* Dont't restore settings here, 
-        * because it requires a gtk_widget_show(), 
-        * and we don't want to do that until later,
-        * so that the UI is not visible for non-menu D-Bus activation.
-        */
-       g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (self), "map-event",
-                         G_CALLBACK (_modest_accounts_window_map_event),
-                         G_OBJECT (self));
-       g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (self), "delete-event",
-                         G_CALLBACK (on_delete_event), self);
-       update_progress_hint (MODEST_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW (self));
-       row_count_changed (MODEST_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW (self));
-       modest_window_set_title (MODEST_WINDOW (self), _("mcen_ap_name"));
-       return self;
-ModestAccountView *
-modest_accounts_window_get_account_view (ModestAccountsWindow *self)
-       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv = NULL;
-       g_return_val_if_fail (MODEST_IS_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW(self), FALSE);
-       return MODEST_ACCOUNT_VIEW (priv->account_view);
-static void 
-setup_menu (ModestAccountsWindow *self)
-       g_return_if_fail (MODEST_IS_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW(self));
-       /* Settings menu buttons */
-       modest_window_add_to_menu (MODEST_WINDOW (self), _("mcen_me_new_account"), NULL, 
-                                  MODEST_WINDOW_MENU_CALLBACK (modest_ui_actions_on_new_account), 
-                                  NULL);
-       modest_window_add_to_menu (MODEST_WINDOW (self), _("mcen_me_inbox_sendandreceive"), NULL,
-                                  MODEST_WINDOW_MENU_CALLBACK (modest_ui_actions_on_send_receive),
-                                  MODEST_DIMMING_CALLBACK (modest_ui_dimming_rules_on_send_receive_all));
-       modest_window_add_to_menu (MODEST_WINDOW (self),
-                                  dngettext(GETTEXT_PACKAGE,
-                                            "mcen_me_edit_account",
-                                            "mcen_me_edit_accounts",
-                                            2),
-                                  NULL,
-                                  MODEST_WINDOW_MENU_CALLBACK (modest_ui_actions_on_accounts), 
-                                  MODEST_DIMMING_CALLBACK (modest_ui_dimming_rules_on_edit_accounts));
-       modest_window_add_to_menu (MODEST_WINDOW (self), _("mcen_me_inbox_globalsmtpservers"), NULL,
-                                  MODEST_WINDOW_MENU_CALLBACK (modest_ui_actions_on_smtp_servers),
-                                  MODEST_DIMMING_CALLBACK (modest_ui_dimming_rules_on_tools_smtp_servers));
-       modest_window_add_to_menu (MODEST_WINDOW (self), _("mcen_me_outbox_cancelsend"), NULL,
-                                  MODEST_WINDOW_MENU_CALLBACK (modest_ui_actions_cancel_send),
-                                  MODEST_DIMMING_CALLBACK (modest_ui_dimming_rules_on_cancel_sending_all));
-       modest_window_add_to_menu (MODEST_WINDOW (self), _("mcen_me_inbox_options"), NULL,
-                                  MODEST_WINDOW_MENU_CALLBACK (modest_ui_actions_on_settings), 
-                                  NULL);
-static void
-on_account_activated (GtkTreeView *account_view,
-                     GtkTreePath *path,
-                     GtkTreeViewColumn *column,
-                     ModestAccountsWindow *self)
-       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv;
-       gchar* account_name; 
-       GtkWidget *new_window;
-       gboolean registered;
-       ModestProtocolType store_protocol;
-       gboolean mailboxes_protocol;
-       account_name = modest_account_view_get_path_account (MODEST_ACCOUNT_VIEW (priv->account_view), path);
-       if (!account_name)
-               return;
-       /* If it's a multimailbox container, we have to show the mailboxes window */
-       store_protocol = modest_account_mgr_get_store_protocol (modest_runtime_get_account_mgr (), 
-                                                               account_name);
-       mailboxes_protocol = 
-               modest_protocol_registry_protocol_type_has_tag (modest_runtime_get_protocol_registry (),
-                                                               store_protocol,
-                                                               MODEST_PROTOCOL_REGISTRY_MULTI_MAILBOX_PROVIDER_PROTOCOLS);
-       if (mailboxes_protocol) {
-               new_window = GTK_WIDGET (modest_mailboxes_window_new (account_name));
-       } else {
-               new_window = GTK_WIDGET (modest_folder_window_new (NULL));
-       }
-       registered = modest_window_mgr_register_window (modest_runtime_get_window_mgr (), 
-                                                       MODEST_WINDOW (new_window),
-                                                       MODEST_WINDOW (self));
-       if (!registered) {
-               gtk_widget_destroy (new_window);
-               new_window = NULL;
-       } else {
-               if (!mailboxes_protocol) {
-                       modest_folder_window_set_account (MODEST_FOLDER_WINDOW (new_window), account_name);
-               }
-               gtk_widget_show (new_window);
-       }
-       g_free (account_name);
-static gboolean
-_modest_accounts_window_map_event (GtkWidget *widget,
-                                  GdkEvent *event,
-                                  gpointer userdata)
-       ModestAccountsWindow *self = (ModestAccountsWindow *) userdata;
-       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv = MODEST_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW_GET_PRIVATE (self);
-       if (priv->progress_hint) {
-               hildon_gtk_window_set_progress_indicator (GTK_WINDOW (self), TRUE);
-       }
-       return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-has_active_operations (ModestAccountsWindow *self)
-       GSList *operations = NULL, *node;
-       ModestMailOperationQueue *queue;
-       gboolean has_active = FALSE;
-       queue = modest_runtime_get_mail_operation_queue ();
-       operations = modest_mail_operation_queue_get_by_source (queue, G_OBJECT (self));
-       for (node = operations; node != NULL; node = g_slist_next (node)) {
-               if (!modest_mail_operation_is_finished (MODEST_MAIL_OPERATION (node->data))) {
-                       has_active = TRUE;
-                       break;
-               }
-       }
-       if (operations) {
-               g_slist_foreach (operations, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL);
-               g_slist_free (operations);
-       }
-       return has_active;
-static void
-update_progress_hint (ModestAccountsWindow *self)
-       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv = MODEST_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW_GET_PRIVATE (self);
-       if (has_active_operations (self)) {
-               priv->progress_hint = TRUE;
-       } else {
-               priv->progress_hint = FALSE;
-       }
-       if (!priv->progress_hint) {
-               priv->progress_hint = modest_window_mgr_has_progress_operation (modest_runtime_get_window_mgr ());
-       }
-       if (GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (self)) {
-               hildon_gtk_window_set_progress_indicator (GTK_WINDOW (self), priv->progress_hint?1:0);
-       }
-static void
-on_progress_list_changed (ModestWindowMgr *mgr,
-                         ModestAccountsWindow *self)
-       update_progress_hint (self);
-static void
-on_row_inserted (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
-                GtkTreePath  *path,
-                GtkTreeIter  *iter,
-                gpointer      user_data)
-       ModestAccountsWindow *self;
-       self = (ModestAccountsWindow *) user_data;
-       row_count_changed (self);
-static void
-on_row_deleted (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
-               GtkTreePath  *path,
-               gpointer      user_data)
-       ModestAccountsWindow *self;
-       self = (ModestAccountsWindow *) user_data;
-       row_count_changed (self);
-static void 
-row_count_changed (ModestAccountsWindow *self)
-       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv;
-       GtkTreeModel *model;
-       gint count;
-       model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->account_view));
-       count = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (model, NULL);
-       if (count == 0) {
-               gtk_widget_hide (priv->account_view);
-               gtk_widget_show (priv->no_accounts_container);
-               g_debug ("%s: hiding accounts view", __FUNCTION__);
-       } else {
-               gtk_widget_hide (priv->no_accounts_container);
-               gtk_widget_show (priv->account_view);
-               g_debug ("%s: showing accounts view", __FUNCTION__);
-       }
-       gtk_container_child_set (GTK_CONTAINER(priv->box), priv->scrollable, 
-                                "expand", count > 0,
-                                "fill", count > 0,
-                                NULL);
-static void 
-on_mail_operation_started (ModestMailOperation *mail_op,
-                          gpointer user_data)
-       ModestAccountsWindow *self;
-       ModestMailOperationTypeOperation op_type;
-       GObject *source = NULL;
-       self = MODEST_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW (user_data);
-       op_type = modest_mail_operation_get_type_operation (mail_op);
-       source = modest_mail_operation_get_source(mail_op);
-       if (G_OBJECT (self) == source) {
-               update_progress_hint (self);
-       }
-       g_object_unref (source);
-static void 
-on_mail_operation_finished (ModestMailOperation *mail_op,
-                           gpointer user_data)
-       ModestAccountsWindow *self;
-       self = MODEST_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW (user_data);
-       /* Don't disable the progress hint if there are more pending
-          operations from this window */
-       update_progress_hint (self);
-       modest_ui_actions_check_menu_dimming_rules (MODEST_WINDOW (self));
-static void
-on_queue_changed (ModestMailOperationQueue *queue,
-                 ModestMailOperation *mail_op,
-                 ModestMailOperationQueueNotification type,
-                 ModestAccountsWindow *self)
-       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv;
-       /* If this operations was created by another window, do nothing */
-       if (!modest_mail_operation_is_mine (mail_op, G_OBJECT(self))) 
-               return;
-               priv->sighandlers = modest_signal_mgr_connect (priv->sighandlers,
-                                                              G_OBJECT (mail_op),
-                                                              "operation-started",
-                                                              G_CALLBACK (on_mail_operation_started),
-                                                              self);
-               priv->sighandlers = modest_signal_mgr_connect (priv->sighandlers,
-                                                              G_OBJECT (mail_op),
-                                                              "operation-finished",
-                                                              G_CALLBACK (on_mail_operation_finished),
-                                                              self);
-               priv->sighandlers = modest_signal_mgr_disconnect (priv->sighandlers,
-                                                                 G_OBJECT (mail_op),
-                                                                 "operation-started");
-               priv->sighandlers = modest_signal_mgr_disconnect (priv->sighandlers,
-                                                                 G_OBJECT (mail_op),
-                                                                 "operation-finished");
-       }
-modest_accounts_window_pre_create (void)
-       static gboolean pre_created = FALSE;
-       if (!pre_created) {
-               pre_created = TRUE;
-               pre_created_accounts_window = GTK_WIDGET (modest_accounts_window_new_real ());
-       }
-static gboolean
-on_key_press(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer user_data)
-       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv;
-       ModestScrollable *scrollable;
-       if (event->type == GDK_KEY_RELEASE)
-               return FALSE;
-       priv = MODEST_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW_GET_PRIVATE(user_data);
-       scrollable = MODEST_SCROLLABLE (priv->scrollable);
-       switch (event->keyval) {
-       case GDK_Up:
-               modest_scrollable_scroll (scrollable, 0, -1);
-               break;
-       case GDK_Down:
-               modest_scrollable_scroll (scrollable, 0, 1);
-               break;
-       }
-       return FALSE;
-static gboolean
-on_delete_event (GtkWidget *widget,
-                GdkEvent *event,
-                gpointer userdata)
-       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv;
-       modest_account_view_set_show_last_update (MODEST_ACCOUNT_VIEW (priv->account_view), FALSE);
-       gtk_widget_queue_resize (widget);
-       gdk_window_process_updates (priv->account_view->window, TRUE);
-       hildon_gtk_window_take_screenshot (GTK_WINDOW (widget), TRUE);
-       modest_account_view_set_show_last_update (MODEST_ACCOUNT_VIEW (priv->account_view), TRUE);
-       return FALSE;
diff --git a/src/hildon2/modest-accounts-window.h b/src/hildon2/modest-accounts-window.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f0af61c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met:
- *
- * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * * Neither the name of the Nokia Corporation nor the names of its
- *   contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- *   this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- */
-#include <widgets/modest-window.h>
-#include <modest-hildon2-window.h>
-#include <widgets/modest-account-view.h>
-/* convenience macros */
-#define MODEST_TYPE_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW             (modest_accounts_window_get_type())
-typedef struct _ModestAccountsWindow      ModestAccountsWindow;
-typedef struct _ModestAccountsWindowClass ModestAccountsWindowClass;
-struct _ModestAccountsWindow {
-       ModestHildon2Window parent;
-struct _ModestAccountsWindowClass {
-       ModestHildon2WindowClass parent_class;
- * modest_accounts_window_get_type:
- * 
- * get the GType for the ModestAccountsWindow class
- *
- * Returns: a GType for ModestAccountsWindow
- */
-GType modest_accounts_window_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
- * modest_accounts_window_new:
- * 
- * instantiates a new ModestAccountsWindow widget
- *
- * Returns: a new ModestAccountsWindow, or NULL in case of error
- */
-ModestWindow* modest_accounts_window_new ();
- * modest_accounts_window_get_accounts_view:
- * @self: a #ModestAccountsWindow
- *
- * get the account view inside the accounts window
- */
-ModestAccountView *modest_accounts_window_get_account_view (ModestAccountsWindow *self);
- * modest_accounts_window_pre_create:
- *
- * Creates an instance of #ModestAccountsWindow that will be used in the next call
- * to modest_accounts_window_new (). Should be called in the initialisation process
- *
- */
-void modest_accounts_window_pre_create (void);
index efdb4fe..dfcf9d1 100644 (file)
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@
 #include <tny-camel-pop-folder.h>
 #include <widgets/modest-header-window.h>
 #include <widgets/modest-folder-window.h>
+#include <widgets/modest-accounts-window.h>
-#include <modest-accounts-window.h>
 #include <hildon/hildon-gtk.h>
 #include <modest-maemo-utils.h>
index 4377c6b..c0fe066 100644 (file)
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ libmodest_widgets_la_SOURCES=          \
        modest-account-settings-dialog.c \
        modest-account-view.c          \
        modest-account-view.h          \
+       modest-accounts-window.c \
+       modest-accounts-window.h \
        modest-attachment-view.c       \
        modest-attachment-view.h       \
        modest-attachments-view.c      \
diff --git a/src/widgets/modest-accounts-window.c b/src/widgets/modest-accounts-window.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..29d3f8b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2008, Nokia Corporation
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met:
+ *
+ * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * * Neither the name of the Nokia Corporation nor the names of its
+ *   contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ *   this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+#include <modest-accounts-window.h>
+#include <modest-scrollable.h>
+#include <hildon/hildon-banner.h>
+#include <hildon/hildon-helper.h>
+#include <modest-ui-actions.h>
+#include <modest-window-mgr.h>
+#include <modest-signal-mgr.h>
+#include <modest-runtime.h>
+#include <modest-platform.h>
+#include <hildon/hildon-program.h>
+#include <hildon/hildon-button.h>
+#include <modest-maemo-utils.h>
+#include <modest-icon-names.h>
+#include <modest-defs.h>
+#include <modest-folder-window.h>
+#include <modest-ui-dimming-rules.h>
+#include <modest-ui-dimming-manager.h>
+#include <modest-window-priv.h>
+#include <modest-ui-constants.h>
+#include <modest-account-mgr-helpers.h>
+#include <modest-mailboxes-window.h>
+/* 'private'/'protected' functions */
+static void modest_accounts_window_class_init  (ModestAccountsWindowClass *klass);
+static void modest_accounts_window_instance_init (ModestAccountsWindow *obj);
+static void modest_accounts_window_finalize    (GObject *obj);
+static void connect_signals (ModestAccountsWindow *self);
+static void modest_accounts_window_disconnect_signals (ModestWindow *self);
+static void on_account_activated (GtkTreeView *treeview,
+                                 GtkTreePath *path,
+                                 GtkTreeViewColumn *column,
+                                 ModestAccountsWindow *accounts_window);
+static void on_progress_list_changed (ModestWindowMgr *mgr,
+                                     ModestAccountsWindow *self);
+static void setup_menu (ModestAccountsWindow *self);
+static gboolean _modest_accounts_window_map_event (GtkWidget *widget,
+                                                  GdkEvent *event,
+                                                  gpointer userdata);
+static void update_progress_hint (ModestAccountsWindow *self);
+static void on_queue_changed    (ModestMailOperationQueue *queue,
+                                ModestMailOperation *mail_op,
+                                ModestMailOperationQueueNotification type,
+                                ModestAccountsWindow *self);
+static void on_row_inserted (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
+                            GtkTreePath  *path,
+                            GtkTreeIter  *iter,
+                            gpointer      user_data);
+static void on_row_deleted (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
+                           GtkTreePath  *path,
+                           gpointer      user_data);
+static void row_count_changed (ModestAccountsWindow *self);
+static gboolean on_key_press(GtkWidget *widget,
+                               GdkEventKey *event,
+                               gpointer user_data);
+static gboolean on_delete_event (GtkWidget *widget,
+                                GdkEvent *event,
+                                gpointer userdata);
+typedef struct _ModestAccountsWindowPrivate ModestAccountsWindowPrivate;
+struct _ModestAccountsWindowPrivate {
+       GtkWidget *box;
+       GtkWidget *scrollable;
+       GtkWidget *account_view;
+       GtkWidget *no_accounts_container;
+       GtkWidget *new_message_button;
+       /* signals */
+       GSList *sighandlers;
+       gboolean progress_hint;
+       guint queue_change_handler;
+                                                                           MODEST_TYPE_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW, \
+                                                                           ModestAccountsWindowPrivate))
+/* globals */
+static GtkWindowClass *parent_class = NULL;
+static GtkWidget *pre_created_accounts_window = NULL;
+modest_accounts_window_get_type (void)
+       static GType my_type = 0;
+       if (!my_type) {
+               static const GTypeInfo my_info = {
+                       sizeof(ModestAccountsWindowClass),
+                       NULL,           /* base init */
+                       NULL,           /* base finalize */
+                       (GClassInitFunc) modest_accounts_window_class_init,
+                       NULL,           /* class finalize */
+                       NULL,           /* class data */
+                       sizeof(ModestAccountsWindow),
+                       1,              /* n_preallocs */
+                       (GInstanceInitFunc) modest_accounts_window_instance_init,
+                       NULL
+               };
+               my_type = g_type_register_static (MODEST_TYPE_HILDON2_WINDOW,
+                                                 "ModestAccountsWindow",
+                                                 &my_info, 0);
+       }
+       return my_type;
+static void
+modest_accounts_window_class_init (ModestAccountsWindowClass *klass)
+       GObjectClass *gobject_class;
+       gobject_class = (GObjectClass*) klass;
+       ModestWindowClass *modest_window_class = (ModestWindowClass *) klass;
+       parent_class            = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass);
+       gobject_class->finalize = modest_accounts_window_finalize;
+       g_type_class_add_private (gobject_class, sizeof(ModestAccountsWindowPrivate));
+       modest_window_class->disconnect_signals_func = modest_accounts_window_disconnect_signals;
+static void
+modest_accounts_window_instance_init (ModestAccountsWindow *obj)
+       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv;
+       priv->sighandlers = NULL;
+       priv->account_view = NULL;
+       priv->progress_hint = FALSE;
+       modest_window_mgr_register_help_id (modest_runtime_get_window_mgr(),
+                                           GTK_WINDOW(obj),
+                                           "applications_email_accountsview");
+static void
+modest_accounts_window_finalize (GObject *obj)
+       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv;
+       /* Sanity check: shouldn't be needed, the window mgr should
+          call this function before */
+       modest_accounts_window_disconnect_signals (MODEST_WINDOW (obj));        
+       G_OBJECT_CLASS(parent_class)->finalize (obj);
+static void
+modest_accounts_window_disconnect_signals (ModestWindow *self)
+       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv;      
+       if (g_signal_handler_is_connected (G_OBJECT (modest_runtime_get_mail_operation_queue ()), 
+                                          priv->queue_change_handler))
+               g_signal_handler_disconnect (G_OBJECT (modest_runtime_get_mail_operation_queue ()), 
+                                            priv->queue_change_handler);
+       modest_signal_mgr_disconnect_all_and_destroy (priv->sighandlers);
+       priv->sighandlers = NULL;       
+static void
+connect_signals (ModestAccountsWindow *self)
+       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv;
+       GtkTreeModel *model;
+       /* accounts view */
+       priv->sighandlers = 
+               modest_signal_mgr_connect (priv->sighandlers,
+                                          G_OBJECT (priv->account_view), "row-activated", 
+                                          G_CALLBACK (on_account_activated), self);
+       priv->sighandlers = 
+               modest_signal_mgr_connect (priv->sighandlers,
+                                          G_OBJECT (modest_runtime_get_window_mgr ()),
+                                          "progress-list-changed",
+                                          G_CALLBACK (on_progress_list_changed), self);
+       model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->account_view));
+       priv->sighandlers =
+               modest_signal_mgr_connect (priv->sighandlers,
+                                          G_OBJECT (model),
+                                          "row-inserted",
+                                          G_CALLBACK (on_row_inserted), self);
+       priv->sighandlers =
+               modest_signal_mgr_connect (priv->sighandlers,
+                                          G_OBJECT (model),
+                                          "row-deleted",
+                                          G_CALLBACK (on_row_deleted), self);
+       priv->sighandlers = 
+               modest_signal_mgr_connect (priv->sighandlers,
+                                          G_OBJECT (priv->new_message_button),
+                                          "clicked",
+                                          G_CALLBACK (modest_ui_actions_on_new_msg), self);
+       /* we don't register this in sighandlers, as it should be run
+        * after disconnecting all signals, in destroy stage */
+       g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(self), "key-press-event",
+                       G_CALLBACK(on_key_press), self);
+static ModestWindow *
+modest_accounts_window_new_real (void)
+       ModestAccountsWindow *self = NULL;
+       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv = NULL;
+       GdkPixbuf *window_icon;
+       GdkPixbuf *new_message_pixbuf;
+       guint accel_key;
+       GdkModifierType accel_mods;
+       GtkAccelGroup *accel_group;
+       GtkWidget *no_accounts_label;
+       GtkWidget *empty_view_new_message_button;
+       GtkWidget *box_alignment;
+       new_message_pixbuf = modest_platform_get_icon ("general_add", MODEST_ICON_SIZE_BIG);
+       box_alignment = gtk_alignment_new (0, 0, 1.0, 1.0);
+       gtk_alignment_set_padding (GTK_ALIGNMENT (box_alignment), 
+                                  HILDON_MARGIN_HALF, 0,
+                                  HILDON_MARGIN_DOUBLE, HILDON_MARGIN_DOUBLE);
+       priv->box = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
+       no_accounts_label = gtk_label_new (_("mcen_ia_noaccounts"));
+       gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (no_accounts_label), 0.5, 0.5);
+       hildon_helper_set_logical_font (no_accounts_label, "LargeSystemFont");
+       empty_view_new_message_button = hildon_button_new (MODEST_EDITABLE_SIZE, HILDON_BUTTON_ARRANGEMENT_HORIZONTAL);
+       hildon_button_set_title (HILDON_BUTTON (empty_view_new_message_button), _("mcen_ti_new_message"));
+       hildon_button_set_image (HILDON_BUTTON (empty_view_new_message_button), gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf (new_message_pixbuf));
+       priv->no_accounts_container = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0);
+       gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->no_accounts_container), empty_view_new_message_button, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
+       gtk_widget_show_all (empty_view_new_message_button);
+       gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (priv->no_accounts_container), no_accounts_label, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+       gtk_widget_show (no_accounts_label);
+       gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->box), priv->no_accounts_container, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+       g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (empty_view_new_message_button),
+                         "clicked",
+                         G_CALLBACK (modest_ui_actions_on_new_msg), self);
+       priv->scrollable = modest_toolkit_factory_create_scrollable (modest_runtime_get_toolkit_factory ());
+       priv->queue_change_handler =
+               g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (modest_runtime_get_mail_operation_queue ()),
+                                 "queue-changed",
+                                 G_CALLBACK (on_queue_changed),
+                                 self);
+       priv->new_message_button = hildon_button_new (MODEST_EDITABLE_SIZE,
+                                                     HILDON_BUTTON_ARRANGEMENT_HORIZONTAL);
+       hildon_button_set_title (HILDON_BUTTON (priv->new_message_button), _("mcen_ti_new_message"));
+       hildon_button_set_image (HILDON_BUTTON (priv->new_message_button), gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf (new_message_pixbuf));
+       gtk_widget_show_all (priv->new_message_button);
+       g_object_unref (new_message_pixbuf);
+       setup_menu (self);
+       gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->box), priv->scrollable, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+       gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (box_alignment), priv->box);
+       gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (self), box_alignment);
+       gtk_widget_show (priv->scrollable);
+       gtk_widget_show (priv->box);
+       gtk_widget_show (box_alignment);
+       /* Get device name */
+       modest_maemo_utils_get_device_name ();
+       /* Set window icon */
+       window_icon = modest_platform_get_icon (MODEST_APP_ICON, MODEST_ICON_SIZE_BIG);
+       if (window_icon) {
+               gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (self), window_icon);
+               g_object_unref (window_icon);
+       }
+       accel_group = gtk_accel_group_new ();
+       gtk_accelerator_parse ("<Control>n", &accel_key, &accel_mods);
+       gtk_widget_add_accelerator (priv->new_message_button, "clicked", accel_group,
+                                   accel_key, accel_mods, 0);
+       gtk_window_add_accel_group (GTK_WINDOW (self), accel_group);
+       return MODEST_WINDOW(self);
+ModestWindow *
+modest_accounts_window_new (void)
+       GtkWidget *action_area_box;
+       ModestWindow *self;
+       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv = NULL;
+       HildonProgram *app;
+       if (pre_created_accounts_window) {
+               self = MODEST_WINDOW (pre_created_accounts_window);
+               pre_created_accounts_window = NULL;
+       } else {
+               self = modest_accounts_window_new_real ();
+       }
+       priv->account_view  = GTK_WIDGET (modest_account_view_new (modest_runtime_get_account_mgr ()));
+       action_area_box = hildon_tree_view_get_action_area_box (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->account_view));
+       gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (action_area_box), priv->new_message_button, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+       hildon_tree_view_set_action_area_visible (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->account_view), TRUE);
+       gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->scrollable), priv->account_view);
+       connect_signals (MODEST_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW (self));
+       app = hildon_program_get_instance ();
+       hildon_program_add_window (app, HILDON_WINDOW (self));
+       /* Dont't restore settings here, 
+        * because it requires a gtk_widget_show(), 
+        * and we don't want to do that until later,
+        * so that the UI is not visible for non-menu D-Bus activation.
+        */
+       g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (self), "map-event",
+                         G_CALLBACK (_modest_accounts_window_map_event),
+                         G_OBJECT (self));
+       g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (self), "delete-event",
+                         G_CALLBACK (on_delete_event), self);
+       update_progress_hint (MODEST_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW (self));
+       row_count_changed (MODEST_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW (self));
+       modest_window_set_title (MODEST_WINDOW (self), _("mcen_ap_name"));
+       return self;
+ModestAccountView *
+modest_accounts_window_get_account_view (ModestAccountsWindow *self)
+       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv = NULL;
+       g_return_val_if_fail (MODEST_IS_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW(self), FALSE);
+       return MODEST_ACCOUNT_VIEW (priv->account_view);
+static void 
+setup_menu (ModestAccountsWindow *self)
+       g_return_if_fail (MODEST_IS_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW(self));
+       /* Settings menu buttons */
+       modest_window_add_to_menu (MODEST_WINDOW (self), _("mcen_me_new_account"), NULL, 
+                                  MODEST_WINDOW_MENU_CALLBACK (modest_ui_actions_on_new_account), 
+                                  NULL);
+       modest_window_add_to_menu (MODEST_WINDOW (self), _("mcen_me_inbox_sendandreceive"), NULL,
+                                  MODEST_WINDOW_MENU_CALLBACK (modest_ui_actions_on_send_receive),
+                                  MODEST_DIMMING_CALLBACK (modest_ui_dimming_rules_on_send_receive_all));
+       modest_window_add_to_menu (MODEST_WINDOW (self),
+                                  dngettext(GETTEXT_PACKAGE,
+                                            "mcen_me_edit_account",
+                                            "mcen_me_edit_accounts",
+                                            2),
+                                  NULL,
+                                  MODEST_WINDOW_MENU_CALLBACK (modest_ui_actions_on_accounts), 
+                                  MODEST_DIMMING_CALLBACK (modest_ui_dimming_rules_on_edit_accounts));
+       modest_window_add_to_menu (MODEST_WINDOW (self), _("mcen_me_inbox_globalsmtpservers"), NULL,
+                                  MODEST_WINDOW_MENU_CALLBACK (modest_ui_actions_on_smtp_servers),
+                                  MODEST_DIMMING_CALLBACK (modest_ui_dimming_rules_on_tools_smtp_servers));
+       modest_window_add_to_menu (MODEST_WINDOW (self), _("mcen_me_outbox_cancelsend"), NULL,
+                                  MODEST_WINDOW_MENU_CALLBACK (modest_ui_actions_cancel_send),
+                                  MODEST_DIMMING_CALLBACK (modest_ui_dimming_rules_on_cancel_sending_all));
+       modest_window_add_to_menu (MODEST_WINDOW (self), _("mcen_me_inbox_options"), NULL,
+                                  MODEST_WINDOW_MENU_CALLBACK (modest_ui_actions_on_settings), 
+                                  NULL);
+static void
+on_account_activated (GtkTreeView *account_view,
+                     GtkTreePath *path,
+                     GtkTreeViewColumn *column,
+                     ModestAccountsWindow *self)
+       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv;
+       gchar* account_name; 
+       GtkWidget *new_window;
+       gboolean registered;
+       ModestProtocolType store_protocol;
+       gboolean mailboxes_protocol;
+       account_name = modest_account_view_get_path_account (MODEST_ACCOUNT_VIEW (priv->account_view), path);
+       if (!account_name)
+               return;
+       /* If it's a multimailbox container, we have to show the mailboxes window */
+       store_protocol = modest_account_mgr_get_store_protocol (modest_runtime_get_account_mgr (), 
+                                                               account_name);
+       mailboxes_protocol = 
+               modest_protocol_registry_protocol_type_has_tag (modest_runtime_get_protocol_registry (),
+                                                               store_protocol,
+                                                               MODEST_PROTOCOL_REGISTRY_MULTI_MAILBOX_PROVIDER_PROTOCOLS);
+       if (mailboxes_protocol) {
+               new_window = GTK_WIDGET (modest_mailboxes_window_new (account_name));
+       } else {
+               new_window = GTK_WIDGET (modest_folder_window_new (NULL));
+       }
+       registered = modest_window_mgr_register_window (modest_runtime_get_window_mgr (), 
+                                                       MODEST_WINDOW (new_window),
+                                                       MODEST_WINDOW (self));
+       if (!registered) {
+               gtk_widget_destroy (new_window);
+               new_window = NULL;
+       } else {
+               if (!mailboxes_protocol) {
+                       modest_folder_window_set_account (MODEST_FOLDER_WINDOW (new_window), account_name);
+               }
+               gtk_widget_show (new_window);
+       }
+       g_free (account_name);
+static gboolean
+_modest_accounts_window_map_event (GtkWidget *widget,
+                                  GdkEvent *event,
+                                  gpointer userdata)
+       ModestAccountsWindow *self = (ModestAccountsWindow *) userdata;
+       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv = MODEST_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW_GET_PRIVATE (self);
+       if (priv->progress_hint) {
+               hildon_gtk_window_set_progress_indicator (GTK_WINDOW (self), TRUE);
+       }
+       return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+has_active_operations (ModestAccountsWindow *self)
+       GSList *operations = NULL, *node;
+       ModestMailOperationQueue *queue;
+       gboolean has_active = FALSE;
+       queue = modest_runtime_get_mail_operation_queue ();
+       operations = modest_mail_operation_queue_get_by_source (queue, G_OBJECT (self));
+       for (node = operations; node != NULL; node = g_slist_next (node)) {
+               if (!modest_mail_operation_is_finished (MODEST_MAIL_OPERATION (node->data))) {
+                       has_active = TRUE;
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       if (operations) {
+               g_slist_foreach (operations, (GFunc) g_object_unref, NULL);
+               g_slist_free (operations);
+       }
+       return has_active;
+static void
+update_progress_hint (ModestAccountsWindow *self)
+       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv = MODEST_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW_GET_PRIVATE (self);
+       if (has_active_operations (self)) {
+               priv->progress_hint = TRUE;
+       } else {
+               priv->progress_hint = FALSE;
+       }
+       if (!priv->progress_hint) {
+               priv->progress_hint = modest_window_mgr_has_progress_operation (modest_runtime_get_window_mgr ());
+       }
+       if (GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (self)) {
+               hildon_gtk_window_set_progress_indicator (GTK_WINDOW (self), priv->progress_hint?1:0);
+       }
+static void
+on_progress_list_changed (ModestWindowMgr *mgr,
+                         ModestAccountsWindow *self)
+       update_progress_hint (self);
+static void
+on_row_inserted (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
+                GtkTreePath  *path,
+                GtkTreeIter  *iter,
+                gpointer      user_data)
+       ModestAccountsWindow *self;
+       self = (ModestAccountsWindow *) user_data;
+       row_count_changed (self);
+static void
+on_row_deleted (GtkTreeModel *tree_model,
+               GtkTreePath  *path,
+               gpointer      user_data)
+       ModestAccountsWindow *self;
+       self = (ModestAccountsWindow *) user_data;
+       row_count_changed (self);
+static void 
+row_count_changed (ModestAccountsWindow *self)
+       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv;
+       GtkTreeModel *model;
+       gint count;
+       model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->account_view));
+       count = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (model, NULL);
+       if (count == 0) {
+               gtk_widget_hide (priv->account_view);
+               gtk_widget_show (priv->no_accounts_container);
+               g_debug ("%s: hiding accounts view", __FUNCTION__);
+       } else {
+               gtk_widget_hide (priv->no_accounts_container);
+               gtk_widget_show (priv->account_view);
+               g_debug ("%s: showing accounts view", __FUNCTION__);
+       }
+       gtk_container_child_set (GTK_CONTAINER(priv->box), priv->scrollable, 
+                                "expand", count > 0,
+                                "fill", count > 0,
+                                NULL);
+static void 
+on_mail_operation_started (ModestMailOperation *mail_op,
+                          gpointer user_data)
+       ModestAccountsWindow *self;
+       ModestMailOperationTypeOperation op_type;
+       GObject *source = NULL;
+       self = MODEST_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW (user_data);
+       op_type = modest_mail_operation_get_type_operation (mail_op);
+       source = modest_mail_operation_get_source(mail_op);
+       if (G_OBJECT (self) == source) {
+               update_progress_hint (self);
+       }
+       g_object_unref (source);
+static void 
+on_mail_operation_finished (ModestMailOperation *mail_op,
+                           gpointer user_data)
+       ModestAccountsWindow *self;
+       self = MODEST_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW (user_data);
+       /* Don't disable the progress hint if there are more pending
+          operations from this window */
+       update_progress_hint (self);
+       modest_ui_actions_check_menu_dimming_rules (MODEST_WINDOW (self));
+static void
+on_queue_changed (ModestMailOperationQueue *queue,
+                 ModestMailOperation *mail_op,
+                 ModestMailOperationQueueNotification type,
+                 ModestAccountsWindow *self)
+       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv;
+       /* If this operations was created by another window, do nothing */
+       if (!modest_mail_operation_is_mine (mail_op, G_OBJECT(self))) 
+               return;
+               priv->sighandlers = modest_signal_mgr_connect (priv->sighandlers,
+                                                              G_OBJECT (mail_op),
+                                                              "operation-started",
+                                                              G_CALLBACK (on_mail_operation_started),
+                                                              self);
+               priv->sighandlers = modest_signal_mgr_connect (priv->sighandlers,
+                                                              G_OBJECT (mail_op),
+                                                              "operation-finished",
+                                                              G_CALLBACK (on_mail_operation_finished),
+                                                              self);
+               priv->sighandlers = modest_signal_mgr_disconnect (priv->sighandlers,
+                                                                 G_OBJECT (mail_op),
+                                                                 "operation-started");
+               priv->sighandlers = modest_signal_mgr_disconnect (priv->sighandlers,
+                                                                 G_OBJECT (mail_op),
+                                                                 "operation-finished");
+       }
+modest_accounts_window_pre_create (void)
+       static gboolean pre_created = FALSE;
+       if (!pre_created) {
+               pre_created = TRUE;
+               pre_created_accounts_window = GTK_WIDGET (modest_accounts_window_new_real ());
+       }
+static gboolean
+on_key_press(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer user_data)
+       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv;
+       ModestScrollable *scrollable;
+       if (event->type == GDK_KEY_RELEASE)
+               return FALSE;
+       priv = MODEST_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW_GET_PRIVATE(user_data);
+       scrollable = MODEST_SCROLLABLE (priv->scrollable);
+       switch (event->keyval) {
+       case GDK_Up:
+               modest_scrollable_scroll (scrollable, 0, -1);
+               break;
+       case GDK_Down:
+               modest_scrollable_scroll (scrollable, 0, 1);
+               break;
+       }
+       return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+on_delete_event (GtkWidget *widget,
+                GdkEvent *event,
+                gpointer userdata)
+       ModestAccountsWindowPrivate *priv;
+       modest_account_view_set_show_last_update (MODEST_ACCOUNT_VIEW (priv->account_view), FALSE);
+       gtk_widget_queue_resize (widget);
+       gdk_window_process_updates (priv->account_view->window, TRUE);
+       hildon_gtk_window_take_screenshot (GTK_WINDOW (widget), TRUE);
+       modest_account_view_set_show_last_update (MODEST_ACCOUNT_VIEW (priv->account_view), TRUE);
+       return FALSE;
diff --git a/src/widgets/modest-accounts-window.h b/src/widgets/modest-accounts-window.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d027f53
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met:
+ *
+ * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * * Neither the name of the Nokia Corporation nor the names of its
+ *   contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ *   this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+#include <modest-hildon2-window.h>
+#include <widgets/modest-window.h>
+#include <widgets/modest-account-view.h>
+/* convenience macros */
+#define MODEST_TYPE_ACCOUNTS_WINDOW             (modest_accounts_window_get_type())
+typedef struct _ModestAccountsWindow      ModestAccountsWindow;
+typedef struct _ModestAccountsWindowClass ModestAccountsWindowClass;
+struct _ModestAccountsWindow {
+       ModestHildon2Window parent;
+       ModestWindow parent;
+struct _ModestAccountsWindowClass {
+       ModestHildon2WindowClass parent_class;
+       ModestWindowClass parent_class;
+ * modest_accounts_window_get_type:
+ * 
+ * get the GType for the ModestAccountsWindow class
+ *
+ * Returns: a GType for ModestAccountsWindow
+ */
+GType modest_accounts_window_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+ * modest_accounts_window_new:
+ * 
+ * instantiates a new ModestAccountsWindow widget
+ *
+ * Returns: a new ModestAccountsWindow, or NULL in case of error
+ */
+ModestWindow* modest_accounts_window_new ();
+ * modest_accounts_window_get_accounts_view:
+ * @self: a #ModestAccountsWindow
+ *
+ * get the account view inside the accounts window
+ */
+ModestAccountView *modest_accounts_window_get_account_view (ModestAccountsWindow *self);
+ * modest_accounts_window_pre_create:
+ *
+ * Creates an instance of #ModestAccountsWindow that will be used in the next call
+ * to modest_accounts_window_new (). Should be called in the initialisation process
+ *
+ */
+void modest_accounts_window_pre_create (void);