Arch Linux ---------- [Arch Linux]( is our distro of choice, and the distro we use for testing. You can find a [PKGBUILD]( on the AUR, which installs the latest from the master branch. You can edit the PKGBUILD to change to any other branch you want. From source ----------- $ git clone git:// [ $ git checkout master/experimental ] # master == fairly stable. experimental is more bleeding edge $ cd uzbl $ make $ sudo make install If you want to remove uzbl again, you can issue: $ make uninstall Dependencies ------------ * git (for downloading) * pkgconfig (for Make/gcc) * libwebkit 1.1.4 or higher * libsoup 2.24 or higher (dep for webkit/gtk+) * gtk 2 something something Optional/Recommended -------------------- The following tools are quite useful, and some of them are used in the sample scripts: * dmenu * zenity * bash File locations -------------- After installing - using either method - you will find: * /usr/bin : uzbl [and uzblctrl] * /usr/share/uzbl/docs/ : documentation files included with uzbl. (readme, checklist, .. ) * /usr/share/uzbl/examples: sample scripts, config files and a sample data (boomarks, .. ) You will probably want to change the scripts to behave more like you want, so copy the scripts to your home dir. If you save your config as $XDG\_CONFIG\_HOME/uzbl/config (this expands to ~/.config/uzbl/config on most systems) it will be recognized automatically. You can also pass the path to the config file with the --config parameter. You're free to store your personal stuff where you want, but we think the [XDG basedir spec]( is very useful for keeping a clean home directory, so we recommend: * $XDG\_CONFIG\_HOME/uzbl/config* (~/.config/uzbl/config on most systems): config file * $XDG\_DATA\_HOME/uzbl (~/.local/share/uzbl on most systems): bookmarks file, history file. and "scripts" directory with scripts