ARCH = `arch` REP_TAG = ../tags REP_BRANCH = branches DEB_REP_DIR = www #declaration of directory names BINARIES = bin SOURCE = src INCLUDE = include DATA = data PLUGINS = ${SOURCE}/plugins XDXF_PLUGIN = ${PLUGINS}/xdxf STARDICT_PLUGIN = ${PLUGINS}/stardict GUI = ${SOURCE}/gui MANAGER = ${SOURCE}/manager DBUS = ${SOURCE}/dbus_wrapper BOOKMARKS:=bdb BOOKMARKS_DIR = ${SOURCE}/bookmarks/${BOOKMARKS} DESTDIR = ifeq (${BOOKMARKS}, sql) SQLITE:=-DSQLITE=0 endif ifeq (${BOOKMARKS}, sql3) SQLITE:=-DSQLITE=3 endif PACKAGES = packages #probably trash STARDICT = stardict APP_NAME = whitestork #versions MAJOR_VER = 1 MINOR_VER = 0 RELEASE_MAJOR_VER = 1 RELEASE_MINOR_VER = 0 RELEASE_PATCH_VER = 1 PACK_VER = 0 FRM_VER = 0.1 # VERSION_FILE = ./${INCLUDE}/ws_version.h #package structure GUI_PACK_NAME = whitestorkgui MNG_PACK_NAME = whitestork PLUGINS_PACK_NAME = whitestorkplugins BOOKMARKS_PACK_NAME = whitestorkbookmarks META_PACK_NAME = whitestorkdictionary GUI_EXECUTABLE = ${BINARIES}/WhiteStork GUI_SERVICEFILE = org.maemo.WhiteStorkGui.service GUI_DIRS = ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/applications/hildon ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/pixmaps ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/mis ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/dbus-1/services ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/locale #${DESTDIR}/usr/share/doc/whitestorkgui GUI_DBUS = ${DATA}/other/${GUI_SERVICEFILE} GUI_ICONS = ${DATA}/icons/whitestork_icon.png ${DATA}/icons/whitestork.png ${DATA}/icons/ws_top.png ${DATA}/icons/ws_warning_icon.png ${DATA}/icons/qgn_indi_search_whitestork.png ${DATA}/icons/ws_tra.png GUI_LOCALE = ${DATA}/locale/out/ GUI_DOC = ${DATA}/docs/${GUI_PACK_NAME}/ GUI_OTHER = ${DATA}/other/whitestork.desktop GUI_MIS = ${DATA}/mis/whitestork-search.xml MNG_EXECUTABLE = ${BINARIES}/WhiteStorkManager MNG_SERVICEFILE = org.maemo.WhiteStorkManager.service MNG_LIB = ${BINARIES}/ MNG_DIRS = ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/WhiteStork ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/dbus-1/services ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/WhiteStork ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/doc/${MNG_PACK_NAME} MNG_DBUS = ${DATA}/other/${MNG_SERVICEFILE} MNG_OTHER = ${DATA}/dictionaries MNG_DICT1 = ${DATA}/dictionaries/StarDictSampleDict/ ${DATA}/dictionaries/StarDictSampleDict/sample.idx ${DATA}/dictionaries/StarDictSampleDict/sample.ifo ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/WhiteStork/dictionaries/StarDictSampleDict/ MNG_DICT2 = ${DATA}/dictionaries/XDXFSampleDict/dict.xdxf ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/WhiteStork/dictionaries/XDXFSampleDict/ MNG_DICT_DIRS = ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/WhiteStork/dictionaries/StarDictSampleDict/ ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/WhiteStork/dictionaries/XDXFSampleDict/ MNG_BOOKMARKS = ${DATA}/bookmarks/${BOOKMARKS}/* MNG_DOC = ${DATA}/docs/${MNG_PACK_NAME}/ PLUGINS_LIB = ${BINARIES}/engine_*.so PLUGINS_DIRS = ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/WhiteStork ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/pixmaps #${DESTDIR}/usr/share/doc/${PLUGINS_PACK_NAME} PLUGINS_ICONS = ${DATA}/icons/engine_xdxf_icon.png PLUGINS_DOC = ${DATA}/docs/${PLUGINS_PACK_NAME}/ META_DIRS = ${PACKAGES}/${META_PACK_NAME}/usr/share/doc/${META_PACK_NAME} META_DOC = ${DATA}/docs/${META_PACK_NAME}/ MAIL_ADDRESS = LOCALEDIR=/usr/share/locale GETTEXT_PACKAGE=whitestork ALL_LINGUAS="en_GB" #APP_VER = ${MAJOR_VER}.${MINOR_VER}.`svn info | grep "Revision:" | awk '{print $$2}'` ifeq (${MAKECMDGOALS}, release-package) APP_VER = ${RELEASE_MAJOR_VER}.${RELEASE_MINOR_VER}.${RELEASE_PATCH_VER} else APP_VER = ${MAJOR_VER}.${MINOR_VER}.`svn log -r HEAD -q | grep -v -e -- | awk '{print $$1}' | tr -d r` endif FILES = ${DATA}/files_debbuild LOG_DIR = logs LOG_CLEAN = ${LOG_DIR}/clean.log LOG_BUILD = ${LOG_DIR}/build.log LOG_RUN = ${LOG_DIR}/run.log LOG_DEBS = ${LOG_DIR}/debs.log LOG_INST = ${LOG_DIR}/install.log first: build @echo -e -n "" tag-version: clean @install -d ${REP_TAG}/${APP_NAME}-${APP_VER} @tar -czf ${REP_TAG}/${APP_NAME}-${APP_VER}/${APP_NAME}-${APP_VER}.tar.gz ../trunk/* --exclude .svn @svn add ${REP_TAG}/${APP_NAME}-${APP_VER} @svn ci ${REP_TAG}/${APP_NAME}-${APP_VER} -m "Tagged new version: ${APP_NAME}-${APP_VER}" send-last: debs @tar -czf ${APP_NAME}-${APP_VER}.tar.gz *_${APP_VER}-${PACK_VER}_${ARCH}.deb @echo -e -n "#!/bin/bash\n\ mutt -x -a ~/debs.log -a ~/build.log -a ~/${APP_NAME}-${APP_VER}.tar.gz -s \"[WhiteStork]: daily build - version ${APP_NAME}-${APP_VER}\" ${MAIL_ADDRESS} <~/mail.content\n\ rm -f ~/${APP_NAME}-${APP_VER}.tar.gz\n" > mail.script @chmod +x mail.script @echo -e -n "\ This message was generated automatically , please do not reply.\n\ Attachment: ${APP_NAME}-${APP_VER}.tar.gz - tarball with the newest Whitestork's packages.\n\ Attachment: build.log - logs from building binaries.\n\ Attachment: debs.log - logs from making *.deb packages.\n\n\ Automatic Building Framework ver: ${FRM_VER}\nCopyright 2006 ComArch S.A.\n" > mail.content @scp ${APP_NAME}-${APP_VER}.tar.gz krzsas@localhost:~/ @scp ${LOG_BUILD} krzsas@localhost:~/ @scp ${LOG_DEBS} krzsas@localhost:~/ @scp mail.script krzsas@localhost:~/ @scp mail.content krzsas@localhost:~/ @rm -f mail.script @rm -f mail.content @ssh krzsas@localhost ./mail.script localization: @echo -e -n "Generating locale...\n" @echo -e -n "Generating locale...\n" > ${LOG_BUILD} @./generate_locale ${DATA}/locale/ ${GUI_LOCALE} @echo -e -n "Locale generation successfully completed...\n" @echo -e -n "Locale generation successfully completed...\n" > ${LOG_BUILD} build: pre-build ${BINARIES}/ws_dbus.o ${BINARIES}/WhiteStork ${BINARIES}/WhiteStorkManager ${BINARIES}/ plugins @echo -e -n "\nBuilding WhiteStork is finished.\n" pre-build: @echo -e -n "Building WhiteStork... \n" @echo -e -n "" > ${LOG_BUILD} plugins: ${BINARIES}/ ${BINARIES}/ ${BINARIES}/WhiteStorkManager: # update-version @echo -e -n "**--> Compiling Manager...\n" @echo -e -n "**--> Compiling Manager...\n" >> ${LOG_BUILD} @make SQLITE=${SQLITE} -C ${MANAGER} >> ${LOG_BUILD} ${BINARIES}/ws_dbus.o: @echo -e -n "**--> Compiling D-BUS Wrapper... \n" @echo -e -n "**--> Compiling D-BUS Wrapper... \n" >> ${LOG_BUILD} # @cd ${DBUS} && make >> ../../${LOG_BUILD} @make -C ${DBUS} >> ${LOG_BUILD} ${BINARIES}/WhiteStork: #update-version @echo -e -n "**--> Compiling User Interface...\n" @echo -e -n "**--> Compiling User Interface...\n" >> ${LOG_BUILD} # @cd ${GUI} && make APP_VER=${APP_VER} >> ../../${LOG_BUILD} @make APP_VER=${APP_VER} -C ${GUI} >> ${LOG_BUILD} ${BINARIES}/ # update-version @echo -e -n "**--> Compiling XDXF Engine...\n" @echo -e -n "**--> Compiling XDXF Engine...\n" >> ${LOG_BUILD} # @cd ${XDXF_PLUGIN} && make >> ../../../${LOG_BUILD} @make -C ${XDXF_PLUGIN} >> ${LOG_BUILD} ${BINARIES}/ # update-version @echo -e -n "**--> Compiling StarDict Engine...\n" @echo -e -n "**--> Compiling StarDict Engine...\n" >> ${LOG_BUILD} # @cd ${STARDICT_PLUGIN} && make >> ../../../${LOG_BUILD} @make -C ${STARDICT_PLUGIN} >> ${LOG_BUILD} ${BINARIES}/ # update-version @echo -e -n "**--> Compiling Bookmarks...\n" @echo -e -n "**--> Compiling Bookmarks...\n" >> ${LOG_BUILD} @make -C ${BOOKMARKS_DIR} >> ${LOG_BUILD} clean-logs: @echo -e -n "Cleaning all logs\n" @rm -f ${LOG_DIR}/*.log clean: clean-logs @-echo -e -n "Cleaning project directories\n" @echo -e -n "" > ${LOG_CLEAN} @-rm -f ${BINARIES}/* >> ${LOG_CLEAN} 2>> ${LOG_CLEAN} @-rm -f *~ >> ${LOG_CLEAN} 2>> ${LOG_CLEAN} @-rm -f *.deb >> ${LOG_CLEAN} 2>> ${LOG_CLEAN} @-rm -rf ${PACKAGES}/* @-make -C ${GUI} clean >> ${LOG_CLEAN} 2>> ${LOG_CLEAN} @-make -C ${DBUS} clean >> ${LOG_CLEAN} 2>> ${LOG_CLEAN} @-make -C ${XDXF_PLUGIN} clean >> ${LOG_CLEAN} 2>> ${LOG_CLEAN} @-make -C ${STARDICT_PLUGIN} clean >> ${LOG_CLEAN} 2>> ${LOG_CLEAN} @-cd ${MANAGER} && make clean >> ../../${LOG_CLEAN} 2>> ../../${LOG_CLEAN} @-make -C ${MANAGER} clean >> ${LOG_CLEAN} 2>> ${LOG_CLEAN} @find src/bookmarks/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -not -name .svn -exec make -C {} clean >> ${LOG_CLEAN} 2>> ${LOG_CLEAN} \; @-rm -rf ${GUI_LOCALE}* # @-cd ${GUI} && make clean >> ../../${LOG_CLEAN} 2>> ../../${LOG_CLEAN} # @-cd ${DBUS} && make clean >> ../../${LOG_CLEAN} 2>> ../../${LOG_CLEAN} # @-cd ${XDXF_PLUGIN} && make clean >> ../../../${LOG_CLEAN} 2>> ../../../${LOG_CLEAN} # @-cd ${STARDICT_PLUGIN} && make clean >> ../../../${LOG_CLEAN} 2>> ../../../${LOG_CLEAN} # @-cd ${BOOKMARKS_DIR} && make clean >> ../../../${LOG_CLEAN} 2>> ../../../${LOG_CLEAN} run: clean install entries run-dict clean-temp run-dict: WhiteStorkManager clean-temp: @-fakeroot rm -rf /usr/share/WhiteStork @-fakeroot rm -rf /usr/lib/WhiteStork @-fakeroot rm -rf /usr/include/WhiteStork @-fakeroot rm -f /etc/others-menu/extra_applications/0112_whitestorkgui.desktop @-fakeroot rm -f /usr/share/applications/hildon/whitestorkgui.desktop @-fakeroot rm -f /usr/share/pixmaps/whitestork.png @-fakeroot rm -f /usr/share/pixmaps/whitestork_icon.png @-fakeroot rm -f /usr/bin/WhiteStork @-fakeroot rm -f /usr/bin/WhiteStorkManager @-fakeroot rm -f /usr/share/applications/hildon/whitestorkgui.desktop @-fakeroot rm -f /usr/lib/WhiteStork/ @-fakeroot rm -f /usr/lib/WhiteStork/ # gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/maemo/WhiteStork install-manager: localization ${BINARIES}/ws_dbus.o ${BINARIES}/ ${BINARIES}/WhiteStorkManager @install -d ${MNG_DIRS} @cp ${MNG_EXECUTABLE} ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin @cp ${MNG_LIB} ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/WhiteStork @cp ${MNG_DBUS} ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/dbus-1/services @find ${MNG_DOC} -type f -not -path *.svn* -exec cp {} ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/doc/${MNG_PACK_NAME} \; # @install -d ${MNG_DICT_DIRS} # @cp ${MNG_DICT1} # @cp ${MNG_DICT2} @install -d ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/WhiteStork/dictionaries/bookmarks @cp -rf ${MNG_BOOKMARKS} ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/WhiteStork/dictionaries/bookmarks install-gui: ${BINARIES}/ws_dbus.o ${BINARIES}/WhiteStork @install -d ${GUI_DIRS} @cp ${GUI_EXECUTABLE} ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin @cp ${GUI_ICONS} ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/pixmaps @cp ${GUI_DBUS} ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/dbus-1/services @cp ${GUI_OTHER} ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/applications/hildon @cp ${GUI_MIS} ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/mis @cp -a ${GUI_LOCALE}* ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/locale/ # @find ${GUI_DOC} -type f -not -path *.svn* -exec cp {} ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/doc/${GUI_PACK_NAME} \; install-plugins: plugins @install -d ${PLUGINS_DIRS} @cp ${PLUGINS_LIB} ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/WhiteStork @cp ${PLUGINS_ICONS} ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/pixmaps @install -d ${MNG_DICT_DIRS} @cp ${MNG_DICT1} @cp ${MNG_DICT2} # @find ${PLUGINS_DOC} -type f -not -path *.svn* -exec cp {} ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/doc/${PLUGINS_PACK_NAME} \; install: install-manager install-gui install-plugins @echo -e "\n\nIf you are installing whitestork, please run 'make entries', before running the application ( not as root )\n\n" entries: gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/maemo/WhiteStork/Dictionaries/StarDictSampleDict/name "Polish - English Sample Dictionary" gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/maemo/WhiteStork/Dictionaries/StarDictSampleDict/path "/usr/share/WhiteStork/dictionaries/StarDictSampleDict" gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/maemo/WhiteStork/Dictionaries/StarDictSampleDict/active true gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/maemo/WhiteStork/Dictionaries/StarDictSampleDict/optimized false gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/maemo/WhiteStork/Dictionaries/XDXFSampleDict/name "English - Polish Sample Dictionary" gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/maemo/WhiteStork/Dictionaries/XDXFSampleDict/path "/usr/share/WhiteStork/dictionaries/XDXFSampleDict" gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/maemo/WhiteStork/Dictionaries/XDXFSampleDict/active true gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/maemo/WhiteStork/Dictionaries/XDXFSampleDict/optimized false gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/maemo/WhiteStork/Engines/bookmarks/path "/usr/lib/WhiteStork/" gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/maemo/WhiteStork/Dictionaries/bookmarks/name "Bookmarks" gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/maemo/WhiteStork/Dictionaries/bookmarks/path "/usr/share/WhiteStork/dictionaries/bookmarks" gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/maemo/WhiteStork/Dictionaries/bookmarks/active false gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/maemo/WhiteStork/Dictionaries/bookmarks/optimized true chmod -R 0777 /usr/share/WhiteStork/dictionaries gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/maemo/WhiteStork/Engines/xdxf/path "/usr/lib/WhiteStork/" gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/maemo/WhiteStork/Engines/stardict/path "/usr/lib/WhiteStork/" # maemo-select-menu-location whitestork.desktop install_deb: clean-inst-log uninstall eng-deb-i mng-deb-i gui-deb-i @echo -e -n "All packages have been installed/reinstalled.\n" clean-inst-log: @echo -n "" > ${LOG_INST} uninstall: @-fakeroot dpkg --purge whitestork # @-fakeroot dpkg --purge whitestorkdictionary display: access @fakeroot su ${USER} -c ' start' display-s: access @fakeroot su ${USER} -c ' stop' display-r: access @fakeroot su ${USER} -c ' restart' access: @fakeroot chmod 0777 /var/run release-package: clean debs meta-package @echo "Release package generation successfully completed" snapshot: tag-version send-last repo: release-package meta-package @rm -rf ${DEB_REP_DIR} @./generate_repo ${DEB_REP_DIR} package: clean dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot