--[[ BARGRAPH WIDGET v2.0 by wlourf (12.07.2010) this widget draws a bargraph with different effects http://u-scripts.blogspot.com/2010/07/bargraph-widget.html Parameters are : 3 parameters are mandatory name - the name of the conky variable to display, for example for {$cpu cpu0}, just write name="cpu" arg - the argument of the above variable, for example for {$cpu cpu0}, just write arg="cpu0" arg can be a numerical value if name="" max - the maximum value the above variable can reach, for example, for {$cpu cpu0}, just write max=100 Optional parameters: x,y - coordinates of the starting point of the bar, default = middle of the conky window cap - end of cap line, ossibles values are r,b,s (for round, butt, square), default="b" http://www.cairographics.org/samples/set_line_cap/ angle - angle of rotation of the bar in degress, default = 0 (i.e. a vertical bar) set to 90 for an horizontal bar skew_x - skew bar around x axis, default = 0 skew_y - skew bar around y axis, default = 0 blocks - number of blocks to display for a bar (values >0) , default= 10 height - height of a block, default=10 pixels width - width of a block, default=20 pixels space - space between 2 blocks, default=2 pixels angle_bar - this angle is used to draw a bar on a circular way (ok, this is no more a bar !) default=0 radius - for cicular bars, internal radius, default=0 with radius, parameter width has no more effect. Colours below are defined into braces {colour in hexadecimal, alpha} fg_colour - colour of a block ON, default= {0x00FF00,1} bg_colour - colour of a block OFF, default = {0x00FF00,0.5} alarm - threshold, values after this threshold will use alarm_colour colour , default=max alarm_colour - colour of a block greater than alarm, default=fg_colour smooth - (true or false), create a gradient from fg_colour to bg_colour, default=false mid_colour - colours to add to gradient, with this syntax {position into the gradient (0 to1), colour hexa, alpha} for example, this table {{0.25,0xff0000,1},{0.5,0x00ff00,1},{0.75,0x0000ff,1}} will add 3 colurs to gradient created by fg_colour and alarm_colour, default=no mid_colour led_effect - add LED effects to each block, default=no led_effect if smooth=true, led_effect is not used possibles values : "r","a","e" for radial, parallelel, perdendicular to the bar (just try!) led_effect has to be used with theses colours : fg_led - middle colour of a block ON, default = fg_colour bg_led - middle colour of a block OFF, default = bg_colour alarm_led - middle colour of a block > ALARM, default = alarm_colour reflection parameters, not avaimable for circular bars reflection_alpha - add a reflection effect (values from 0 to 1) default = 0 = no reflection other values = starting opacity reflection_scale - scale of the reflection (default = 1 = height of text) reflection_length - length of reflection, define where the opacity will be set to zero calues from 0 to 1, default =1 reflection - position of reflection, relative to a vertical bar, default="b" possibles values are : "b","t","l","r" for bottom, top, left, right v1.0 (10 Feb. 2010) original release v1.1 (13 Feb. 2010) numeric values can be passed instead conky stats with parameters name="", arg = numeric_value v1.2 (28 Feb. 2010) just renamed the widget to bargraph v1.3 (03 March 2010) added parameters radius & angle_bar to draw the bar in a circular way v2.0 (12 Jul. 2010) rewrite script + add reflection effects and parameters are now set into tables ]] require 'cairo' ----------------START OF PARAMETERS ---------- function conky_main_bars() local bars_settings={ { name="fs_used", arg="/", max=conky_parse("${to_bytes ${fs_size /}}"), --alarm=1,--no alarm with 1 smooth block, don't do extra work here bg_colour={0x00ff00,0.25}, fg_colour={0x00ff00,1}, alarm_colour={0xff0000,1}, x=5,y=122, angle=90, blocks=1, height=210,width=18, smooth=true, mid_colour={{0.5,0xffff00,1}}, }, { name="fs_used", arg="/home", max=conky_parse("${to_bytes ${fs_size /home}}"), --alarm=1,--no alarm with 1 smooth block, don't do extra work here bg_colour={0x00ff00,0.25}, fg_colour={0x00ff00,1}, alarm_colour={0xff0000,1}, x=5,y=142, angle=90, blocks=1, height=210,width=18, smooth=true, mid_colour={{0.5,0xffff00,1}}, }, { name="fs_used", arg="/home/user/MyDocs", max=conky_parse("${to_bytes ${fs_size /home/user/MyDocs}}"), --alarm=1,--no alarm with 1 smooth block, don't do extra work here bg_colour={0x00ff00,0.25}, fg_colour={0x00ff00,1}, alarm_colour={0xff0000,1}, x=5,y=162, angle=90, blocks=1, height=210,width=18, smooth=true, mid_colour={{0.5,0xffff00,1}}, DrawMe=conky_parse("${if_mounted /home/user/MyDocs}1$endif") }, --[[{ name="fs_used", arg="/media/mmc1", max=conky_parse("${to_bytes ${fs_size /media/mmc1}}"), --alarm=1,--no alarm with 1 smooth block, don't do extra work here bg_colour={0x00ff00,0.25}, fg_colour={0x00ff00,1}, alarm_colour={0xff0000,1}, x=5,y=182, angle=90, blocks=1, height=210,width=18, smooth=true, mid_colour={{0.5,0xffff00,1}}, DrawMe=conky_parse("${if_mounted /media/mmc1}1$endif") },]] { name="mem", arg="", max=conky_parse("${to_bytes ${memmax}}"), alarm=100, bg_colour={0x00ff00,0.25}, fg_colour={0x00ff00,1}, alarm_colour={0xff0000,1}, x=9,y=105, angle=90, blocks=18, height=10,width=18, smooth=true, --mid_colour={{0.5,0xffff00,1}}, }, { name="battery_percent", arg="", max=100, angle=90, alarm=25, alarm_colour={0x00ffff,0.5}, bg_colour={0x00ffff,0.5}, fg_colour={0xff0000,0.5}, led_effect="e", bg_led ={0x0000ff,1}, fg_led ={0xffff00,1}, x=575,y=40, skew_y=15, }, { name="wireless_link_qual_perc", arg="wlan0", max=100, angle=270, bg_colour={0x00ff33,0}, fg_colour={0x00ff33,1}, blocks=10, x=417,y=225, height=3, cap="b", angle_bar=20, radius=9, mid_colour={{0,0xFF0000,1},{0.5,0xff0000,1},{0.7,0xffff00,1},{0.85,0x00ff33,1}}, smooth = true, DrawMe=conky_parse("${if_empty ${wireless_essid wlan0}}${else}1$endif"), }, { name="wireless_link_qual_perc", arg="wlan0", max=100, angle=90, bg_colour={0x00ff33,0}, fg_colour={0x00ff33,1}, blocks=10, x=432,y=225, height=3, cap="b", angle_bar=20, radius=9, mid_colour={{0,0xFF0000,1},{0.5,0xff0000,1},{0.7,0xffff00,1},{0.85,0x00ff33,1}}, smooth = true, DrawMe=conky_parse("${if_empty ${wireless_essid wlan0}}${else}1$endif"), }, { name="cell_radio_percent", arg="", max=100, bg_colour={0x00ff33,0}, fg_colour={0x00ff33,1}, blocks=10, x=445, y=49, height=3, cap="b", angle_bar=20, angle=90, radius=9, mid_colour={{0,0xFF0000,1},{0.5,0xff0000,1},{0.7,0xffff00,1},{0.85,0x00ff33,1}}, smooth = true, --DrawMe=conky_parse("${if_up gprs0}1$endif") }, } if conky_window == nil then return end local cs = cairo_xlib_surface_create(conky_window.display, conky_window.drawable, conky_window.visual, conky_window.width, conky_window.height) cr = cairo_create(cs) --prevent segmentation error when reading cpu state if tonumber(conky_parse('${updates}'))>3 then for i in pairs(bars_settings) do draw_multi_bar_graph(bars_settings[i]) end end cairo_destroy(cr) cairo_surface_destroy(cs) cr=nil end function draw_multi_bar_graph(t) cairo_save(cr) --check values if t.DrawMe~=nil and t.DrawMe ~= "1" then return end if t.name==nil and t.arg==nil then print ("No input values ... use parameters 'name' with 'arg' or only parameter 'arg' ") return end if t.max==nil then print ("No maximum value defined, use 'max'") return end if t.name==nil then t.name="" end if t.arg==nil then t.arg="" end --set default values if t.x == nil then t.x = conky_window.width/2 end if t.y == nil then t.y = conky_window.height/2 end if t.blocks == nil then t.blocks=10 end if t.height == nil then t.height=10 end if t.angle == nil then t.angle=0 end t.angle = t.angle*math.pi/180 --line cap style if t.cap==nil then t.cap = "b" end local cap="b" for i,v in ipairs({"s","r","b"}) do if v==t.cap then cap=v end end local delta=0 if t.cap=="r" or t.cap=="s" then delta = t.height end if cap=="s" then cap = CAIRO_LINE_CAP_SQUARE elseif cap=="r" then cap = CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND elseif cap=="b" then cap = CAIRO_LINE_CAP_BUTT end --end line cap style --if t.led_effect == nil then t.led_effect="r" end if t.width == nil then t.width=20 end if t.space == nil then t.space=2 end if t.radius == nil then t.radius=0 end if t.angle_bar == nil then t.angle_bar=0 end t.angle_bar = t.angle_bar*math.pi/360 --halt angle --colours if t.bg_colour == nil then t.bg_colour = {0x00FF00,0.5} end if #t.bg_colour~=2 then t.bg_colour = {0x00FF00,0.5} end if t.fg_colour == nil then t.fg_colour = {0x00FF00,1} end if #t.fg_colour~=2 then t.fg_colour = {0x00FF00,1} end if t.alarm_colour == nil then t.alarm_colour = t.fg_colour end if #t.alarm_colour~=2 then t.alarm_colour = t.fg_colour end if t.mid_colour ~= nil then for i=1, #t.mid_colour do if #t.mid_colour[i]~=3 then print ("error in mid_color table") t.mid_colour[i]={1,0xFFFFFF,1} end end end if t.bg_led ~= nil and #t.bg_led~=2 then t.bg_led = t.bg_colour end if t.fg_led ~= nil and #t.fg_led~=2 then t.fg_led = t.fg_colour end if t.alarm_led~= nil and #t.alarm_led~=2 then t.alarm_led = t.fg_led end if t.led_effect~=nil then if t.bg_led == nil then t.bg_led = t.bg_colour end if t.fg_led == nil then t.fg_led = t.fg_colour end if t.alarm_led == nil then t.alarm_led = t.fg_led end end if t.alarm==nil then t.alarm = t.max end --0.8*t.max end if t.smooth == nil then t.smooth = false end if t.skew_x == nil then t.skew_x=0 else t.skew_x = math.pi*t.skew_x/180 end if t.skew_y == nil then t.skew_y=0 else t.skew_y = math.pi*t.skew_y/180 end if t.reflection_alpha==nil then t.reflection_alpha=0 end if t.reflection_length==nil then t.reflection_length=1 end if t.reflection_scale==nil then t.reflection_scale=1 end --end of default values local function rgb_to_r_g_b(col_a) return ((col_a[1] / 0x10000) % 0x100) / 255., ((col_a[1] / 0x100) % 0x100) / 255., (col_a[1] % 0x100) / 255., col_a[2] end --functions used to create patterns local function create_smooth_linear_gradient(x0,y0,x1,y1) local pat = cairo_pattern_create_linear (x0,y0,x1,y1) cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat, 0, rgb_to_r_g_b(t.fg_colour)) cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat, 1, rgb_to_r_g_b(t.alarm_colour)) if t.mid_colour ~=nil then for i=1, #t.mid_colour do cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat, t.mid_colour[i][1], rgb_to_r_g_b({t.mid_colour[i][2],t.mid_colour[i][3]})) end end return pat end local function create_smooth_radial_gradient(x0,y0,r0,x1,y1,r1) local pat = cairo_pattern_create_radial (x0,y0,r0,x1,y1,r1) cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat, 0, rgb_to_r_g_b(t.fg_colour)) cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat, 1, rgb_to_r_g_b(t.alarm_colour)) if t.mid_colour ~=nil then for i=1, #t.mid_colour do cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat, t.mid_colour[i][1], rgb_to_r_g_b({t.mid_colour[i][2],t.mid_colour[i][3]})) end end return pat end local function create_led_linear_gradient(x0,y0,x1,y1,col_alp,col_led) local pat = cairo_pattern_create_linear (x0,y0,x1,y1) ---delta, 0,delta+ t.width,0) cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat, 0.0, rgb_to_r_g_b(col_alp)) cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat, 0.5, rgb_to_r_g_b(col_led)) cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat, 1.0, rgb_to_r_g_b(col_alp)) return pat end local function create_led_radial_gradient(x0,y0,r0,x1,y1,r1,col_alp,col_led,mode) local pat = cairo_pattern_create_radial (x0,y0,r0,x1,y1,r1) if mode==3 then cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat, 0, rgb_to_r_g_b(col_alp)) cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat, 0.5, rgb_to_r_g_b(col_led)) cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat, 1, rgb_to_r_g_b(col_alp)) else cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat, 0, rgb_to_r_g_b(col_led)) cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat, 1, rgb_to_r_g_b(col_alp)) end return pat end local function draw_single_bar() --this fucntion is used for bars with a single block (blocks=1) but --the drawing is cut in 3 blocks : value/alarm/background --not zvzimzblr for circular bar local function create_pattern(col_alp,col_led,bg) local pat if not t.smooth then if t.led_effect=="e" then pat = create_led_linear_gradient (-delta, 0,delta+ t.width,0,col_alp,col_led) elseif t.led_effect=="a" then pat = create_led_linear_gradient (t.width/2, 0,t.width/2,-t.height,col_alp,col_led) elseif t.led_effect=="r" then pat = create_led_radial_gradient (t.width/2, -t.height/2, 0, t.width/2,-t.height/2,t.height/1.5,col_alp,col_led,2) else pat = cairo_pattern_create_rgba (rgb_to_r_g_b(col_alp)) end else if bg then pat = cairo_pattern_create_rgba (rgb_to_r_g_b(t.bg_colour)) else pat = create_smooth_linear_gradient(t.width/2, 0, t.width/2,-t.height) end end return pat end local y1=-t.height*pct/100 local y2,y3=nil if pct>(100*t.alarm/t.max) then y1 = -t.height*t.alarm/100 y2 = -t.height*pct/100 if t.smooth then y1=y2 end end if t.angle_bar==0 then --block for fg value local pat = create_pattern(t.fg_colour,t.fg_led,false) cairo_set_source(cr,pat) cairo_rectangle(cr,0,0,t.width,y1) cairo_fill(cr) cairo_pattern_destroy(pat) -- block for alarm value if not t.smooth and y2 ~=nil then pat = create_pattern(t.alarm_colour,t.alarm_led,false) cairo_set_source(cr,pat) cairo_rectangle(cr,0,y1,t.width,y2-y1) cairo_fill(cr) y3=y2 cairo_pattern_destroy(pat) else y2,y3=y1,y1 end -- block for bg value cairo_rectangle(cr,0,y2,t.width,-t.height-y3) pat = create_pattern(t.bg_colour,t.bg_led,true) cairo_set_source(cr,pat) cairo_pattern_destroy(pat) cairo_fill(cr) end end --end single bar local function draw_multi_bar() --function used for bars with 2 or more blocks for pt = 1,t.blocks do --set block y local y1 = -(pt-1)*(t.height+t.space) local light_on=false --set colors local col_alp = t.bg_colour local col_led = t.bg_led if pct>=(100/t.blocks) or pct>0 then --ligth on or not the block if pct>=(pcb*(pt-1)) then light_on = true col_alp = t.fg_colour col_led = t.fg_led if pct>=(100*t.alarm/t.max) and (pcb*pt)>(100*t.alarm/t.max) then col_alp = t.alarm_colour col_led = t.alarm_led end end end --set colors --have to try to create gradients outside the loop ? local pat if not t.smooth then if t.angle_bar==0 then if t.led_effect=="e" then pat = create_led_linear_gradient (-delta, 0,delta+ t.width,0,col_alp,col_led) elseif t.led_effect=="a" then pat = create_led_linear_gradient (t.width/2, -t.height/2+y1,t.width/2,0+t.height/2+y1,col_alp,col_led) elseif t.led_effect=="r" then pat = create_led_radial_gradient (t.width/2, y1, 0, t.width/2,y1,t.width/1.5,col_alp,col_led,2) else pat = cairo_pattern_create_rgba (rgb_to_r_g_b(col_alp)) end else if t.led_effect=="a" then pat = create_led_radial_gradient (0, 0, t.radius+(t.height+t.space)*(pt-1), 0, 0, t.radius+(t.height+t.space)*(pt), col_alp,col_led,3) else pat = cairo_pattern_create_rgba (rgb_to_r_g_b(col_alp)) end end else if light_on then if t.angle_bar==0 then pat = create_smooth_linear_gradient(t.width/2, t.height/2, t.width/2,-(t.blocks-0.5)*(t.height+t.space)) else pat = create_smooth_radial_gradient(0, 0, (t.height+t.space), 0,0,(t.blocks+1)*(t.height+t.space),2) end else pat = cairo_pattern_create_rgba (rgb_to_r_g_b(t.bg_colour)) end end cairo_set_source (cr, pat) cairo_pattern_destroy(pat) --draw a block if t.angle_bar==0 then cairo_move_to(cr,0,y1) cairo_line_to(cr,t.width,y1) else cairo_arc( cr,0,0, t.radius+(t.height+t.space)*(pt)-t.height/2, -t.angle_bar -math.pi/2 , t.angle_bar -math.pi/2) end cairo_stroke(cr) end end local function setup_bar_graph() --function used to retrieve the value to display and to set the cairo structure if t.blocks ~=1 then t.y=t.y-t.height/2 end local value = 0 if t.name ~="" then value = (conky_parse(string.format('${%s %s}', t.name, t.arg))) if string.match(value,"%w") then value = conky_parse(string.format('${to_bytes %s}',value)) end value=tonumber(value) else value = tonumber(t.arg) end if value==nil then value =0 end pct = 100*value/t.max pcb = 100/t.blocks cairo_set_line_width (cr, t.height) cairo_set_line_cap (cr, cap) cairo_translate(cr,t.x,t.y) cairo_rotate(cr,t.angle) local matrix0 = cairo_matrix_t:create() tolua.takeownership(matrix0) cairo_matrix_init (matrix0, 1,t.skew_y,t.skew_x,1,0,0) cairo_transform(cr,matrix0) --call the drawing function for blocks if t.blocks==1 and t.angle_bar==0 then draw_single_bar() if t.reflection=="t" or t.reflection=="b" then cairo_translate(cr,0,-t.height) end else draw_multi_bar() end --call the drawing function for reflection and prepare the mask used if t.reflection_alpha>0 and t.angle_bar==0 then local pat2 local matrix1 = cairo_matrix_t:create() tolua.takeownership(matrix1) if t.angle_bar==0 then pts={-delta/2,(t.height+t.space)/2,t.width+delta,-(t.height+t.space)*(t.blocks)} if t.reflection=="t" then cairo_matrix_init (matrix1,1,0,0,-t.reflection_scale,0,-(t.height+t.space)*(t.blocks-0.5)*2*(t.reflection_scale+1)/2) pat2 = cairo_pattern_create_linear (t.width/2,-(t.height+t.space)*(t.blocks),t.width/2,(t.height+t.space)/2) elseif t.reflection=="r" then cairo_matrix_init (matrix1,-t.reflection_scale,0,0,1,delta+2*t.width,0) pat2 = cairo_pattern_create_linear (delta/2+t.width,0,-delta/2,0) elseif t.reflection=="l" then cairo_matrix_init (matrix1,-t.reflection_scale,0,0,1,-delta,0) pat2 = cairo_pattern_create_linear (-delta/2,0,delta/2+t.width,-0) else --bottom cairo_matrix_init (matrix1,1,0,0,-1*t.reflection_scale,0,(t.height+t.space)*(t.reflection_scale+1)/2) pat2 = cairo_pattern_create_linear (t.width/2,(t.height+t.space)/2,t.width/2,-(t.height+t.space)*(t.blocks)) end end cairo_transform(cr,matrix1) if t.blocks==1 and t.angle_bar==0 then draw_single_bar() cairo_translate(cr,0,-t.height/2) else draw_multi_bar() end cairo_set_line_width(cr,0.01) cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat2, 0,0,0,0,1-t.reflection_alpha) cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (pat2, t.reflection_length,0,0,0,1) if t.angle_bar==0 then cairo_rectangle(cr,pts[1],pts[2],pts[3],pts[4]) end cairo_clip_preserve(cr) cairo_set_operator(cr,CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR) cairo_stroke(cr) cairo_mask(cr,pat2) cairo_pattern_destroy(pat2) cairo_set_operator(cr,CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER) end --reflection pct,pcb=nil end --setup_bar_graph() --start here ! setup_bar_graph() cairo_restore(cr) end