SearchBarWidget Class Reference

Displays search bar. More...

#include <SearchBarWidget.h>

List of all members.

Public Slots

void setEnabled (bool)
 Enable or disable search word line edit and history buttons.
void setBusy ()
 Sets search bar in busy state.
void setIdle ()
 Sets search bar in idle state.
void search (QString word)
 Search for given word.
void searchDelay (QString word)
 Start to search for given word after 500 ms.
void updateHistoryButtons (bool prev, bool next, bool list)
 Updates state of history buttons.


void searchForTranslations (QString)
void stopSearching ()
 Request to stop all active searchings.
void historyPrev ()
 Request to show previous translation in history.
void historyNext ()
 Request to show next translation in history.
void historyShow ()
 Request to show history list.
void refreshHistoryButtons ()
 Request to refresh state of history buttons.

Public Member Functions

 SearchBarWidget (QWidget *parent=0)

Detailed Description

Displays search bar.

Contains line edit field to input word which user would like to find and buttons to start/stop search and browse search history. Line edit and history buttons are disabled when search is ongoing, only start/stop button stays active. When searching it also displays progress bar

Member Function Documentation

void SearchBarWidget::search ( QString  word  )  [slot]

Search for given word.

Sets word as text in search word line edit

void SearchBarWidget::searchDelay ( QString  word  )  [slot]

Start to search for given word after 500 ms.

Sets word as text in search word line edit, and wait 500 ms to start search. If in meanwhile this slot is called again it will stop previous timers.

void SearchBarWidget::searchForTranslations ( QString  _t1  )  [signal]

Requests to search for list of matching words to word passed as parameter

void SearchBarWidget::setBusy (  )  [slot]

Sets search bar in busy state.

Displays "busy" bar and disables search word text edit and history buttons

void SearchBarWidget::setEnabled ( bool  enabled  )  [slot]

Enable or disable search word line edit and history buttons.

While searching it disables only history button and line edit. Search/Stop button is always enabled

void SearchBarWidget::setIdle (  )  [slot]

Sets search bar in idle state.

Hides "busy" bar and enables all widgets, refresh state of history buttons by emmiting refreshHistoryButtons signal

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