HildonTimePicker #HildonTimePicker is a dialog popup widget which lets the user set a time. #HildonTimePicker is a dialog popup widget which lets the user set a time. using up/down arrows on hours and minutes. There are two arrows for minutes, so that minutes can be added also in 10min steps. The following code shows how the widget is used. ... parent = gtk_widget_get_ancestor (GTK_WIDGET (editor), GTK_TYPE_WINDOW); picker = hildon_time_picker_new (GTK_WINDOW (parent)); hildon_time_editor_get_time (editor, &h, &m, &s); hildon_time_picker_set_time( HILDON_TIME_PICKER( picker ), h, m ); result = gtk_dialog_run( GTK_DIALOG ( picker ) ); switch (result) { case GTK_RESPONSE_OK: case GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT: hildon_time_picker_get_time(HILDON_TIME_PICKER( picker ), &h, &m ); foo_set_time(h,m); break; default: break; } gtk_widget_destroy( picker ); ... #HildonTimeEditor @parent: @Returns: @picker: @hours: @minutes: @picker: @hours: @minutes: