HildonWeekdayPicker A widget for selecting weekday(s) Weekday picker supports non-mutually exclusive selection of days of the week. Selected days of the week are shown with a pushed-in effect. Weekday picker is used where users are required to pick days on which a certain event should take place, for example, which days a Calendar event should be repeated on. It is used in Calendar in the Repeat dialog, in Tasks in the Repeat dialog and in the Email set-up wizard. Example function calls: gint i; HildonWeekdayPicker *picker = hildon_weekday_picker_new(); hildon_weekday_picker_set_day( picker, i ); hildon_weekday_picker_unset_day( picker, i ); hildon_weekday_picker_toggle_day( picker, i ); hildon_weekday_picker_set_all( picker ); hildon_weekday_picker_unset_all( picker ); @Returns: @picker: @day: @picker: @day: @picker: @day: @picker: @picker: @picker: @day: @Returns: @hildonweekdaypicker: the object which received the signal. @arg1: