/* * Copyright 2012 Ruediger Gad * * This file is part of QZeeControl. * * QZeeControl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * QZeeControl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with QZeeControl. If not, see . */ import QtQuick 1.1 import com.nokia.meego 1.0 import QtMobility.connectivity 1.2 import QtMobility.systeminfo 1.2 import "settingsstorage.js" as SettingsStorage import qzeecontrol 1.0 Page { id: zeeConnectPage tools: commonTools anchors.fill: parent orientationLock: PageOrientation.LockPortrait property bool connected: false property alias currentAddress: addressField.text property bool initializing: true property string name: "none" property string usedAddresses: "none" Component.onCompleted: { SettingsStorage.initialize(); var address = SettingsStorage.getSetting(name + "address"); var port = SettingsStorage.getSetting(name + "port"); if(address !== "Unknown" && port !== "Unknown"){ console.log("Loaded address " + address + " and port " + port + " from DB for " + name + ".") addressField.text = address portField.text = port } if(SettingsStorage.getSetting(name + "A") === "Unknown"){ console.log("Initializing key bindings for " + name + ".") setKeyBindingsToDefault() } loadKeyBindings() updateConnectAndScanButton() initializing = false } function setKeyBindingsToDefault(){ console.log("Setting key bindings to default for " + name + ".") SettingsStorage.setSetting(name + "A", "a") SettingsStorage.setSetting(name + "B", "b") SettingsStorage.setSetting(name + "C", "c") SettingsStorage.setSetting(name + "D", "d") SettingsStorage.setSetting(name + "Up", "Up") SettingsStorage.setSetting(name + "Down", "Down") SettingsStorage.setSetting(name + "Left", "Left") SettingsStorage.setSetting(name + "Right", "Right") SettingsStorage.setSetting(name + "Threshold", "50") /* * The following settings are not used right now but * we initialize these anyhow for possibly later use. */ SettingsStorage.setSetting(name + "MousePointerMode", "false") SettingsStorage.setSetting(name + "AlternateActionTrigger", "none") } function loadKeyBindings(){ console.log("Loading key bindings for " + name + ".") zeeRemoteControl.keyBindingA = SettingsStorage.getSetting(name + "A") zeeRemoteControl.keyBindingB = SettingsStorage.getSetting(name + "B") zeeRemoteControl.keyBindingC = SettingsStorage.getSetting(name + "C") zeeRemoteControl.keyBindingD = SettingsStorage.getSetting(name + "D") zeeRemoteControl.keyBindingUp = SettingsStorage.getSetting(name + "Up") zeeRemoteControl.keyBindingDown = SettingsStorage.getSetting(name + "Down") zeeRemoteControl.keyBindingLeft = SettingsStorage.getSetting(name + "Left") zeeRemoteControl.keyBindingRight = SettingsStorage.getSetting(name + "Right") zeeRemoteControl.threshold = SettingsStorage.getSetting(name + "Threshold") } function updateConnectAndScanButton(){ if(!deviceInfo.currentBluetoothPowerState){ scanButton.enabled = false connectButton.enabled = false addressField.enabled = false portField.enabled = false infoText.text = "To get started please turn Bluetooth on." return } scanButton.enabled = true addressField.enabled = true portField.enabled = true connectButton.enabled = (addressField.text !== "No Zeemote found yet.") infoText.text = (addressField.text !== "No Zeemote found yet.") ? "To enable remote control please press \"Connect\" when ready." : "Please scan for a Zeemote first." } states: [ State { name: "active" PropertyChanges { target: cursorRectangle x: moveArea.x + (moveArea.width * 0.5) + zeeRemoteControl.x - (cursorRectangle.width * 0.5) y: moveArea.y + (moveArea.height * 0.5) + zeeRemoteControl.y - (cursorRectangle.height * 0.5) } PropertyChanges { target: labelA color: zeeRemoteControl.a ? "red" : "blue" } PropertyChanges { target: labelB color: zeeRemoteControl.b ? "red" : "blue" } PropertyChanges { target: labelC color: zeeRemoteControl.c ? "red" : "blue" } PropertyChanges { target: labelD color: zeeRemoteControl.d ? "red" : "blue" } }, State { name: "inactive" PropertyChanges { target: cursorRectangle x: moveArea.x + (moveArea.width * 0.5) - (cursorRectangle.width * 0.5) y: moveArea.y + (moveArea.height * 0.5) - (cursorRectangle.height * 0.5) } PropertyChanges { target: labelA color: "blue" } PropertyChanges { target: labelB color: "blue" } PropertyChanges { target: labelC color: "blue" } PropertyChanges { target: labelD color: "blue" } } ] Connections { target: platformWindow onActiveChanged: { if(platformWindow.active){ state = "active" }else{ state = "inactive" } } } Item { id: headerItem anchors{top: parent.top; left: parent.left; right: parent.right} height: header.height z: 1 Image { id: header height: 72 source: "image://theme/color8-meegotouch-view-header-fixed" anchors.fill: parent Text { text: "QZeeControl" color: "white" font.family: "Nokia Pure Text Light" font.pixelSize: 32 anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 20 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } } } Flickable { anchors{top: headerItem.bottom; bottom: parent.bottom; left: parent.left; right: parent.right} contentHeight: contentColumn.height Column{ id: contentColumn spacing: 10 anchors{top: parent.top; left: parent.left; right: parent.right; topMargin: 10} Button{ id: scanButton enabled: false anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter text: "Scan" onClicked: { btDiscovery.discovery = true } } Row{ id: addressRow anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter spacing: 5 TextField{ id: addressField text: "No Zeemote found yet." width: 280 onTextChanged: { if(zeeConnectPage.initializing) return if(text === "No Zeemote found yet.") return if(text === usedAddresses){ console.log("Not using address " + text + " as it is already used somewhere else.") return } updateConnectAndScanButton(); console.log("Storing address in DB for " + name + ": " + text) SettingsStorage.setSetting(name + "address", text) } } TextField{ id: portField text: "na" width: 60 validator: IntValidator{} onTextChanged: { if(zeeConnectPage.initializing) return if(text === "na") return console.log("Storing port in DB for " + name + ": " + text) SettingsStorage.setSetting(name + "port", text) } } } Label { id: infoText width: parent.width horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter wrapMode: Text.WordWrap } Button{ id: connectButton anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter enabled: false text: "Connect" onClicked: { scanButton.enabled = false addressField.enabled = false portField.enabled = false connectButton.enabled = false disconnectButton.enabled = false infoText.text = "Connecting..." zeeRemoteControl.connect(addressField.text, parseInt(portField.text)) } } Button{ id: disconnectButton anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter text: "Disconnect" enabled: false onClicked: { zeeRemoteControl.disconnect() } } Row{ id: buttonRow anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter spacing: 20 Label{ id: labelA text: "A" color: zeeRemoteControl.a ? "red" : "blue" } Label{ id: labelB text: "B" color: zeeRemoteControl.b ? "red" : "blue" } Label{ id: labelC text: "C" color: zeeRemoteControl.c ? "red" : "blue" } Label{ id: labelD text: "D" color: zeeRemoteControl.d ? "red" : "blue" } } Item{ id: testArea anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter height: moveArea.height width: moveArea.width Rectangle{ id: moveArea color: "gray" width: 256 height: 256 } Rectangle{ id: cursorRectangle width: 10 height: 10 color: "red" x: moveArea.x + (moveArea.width * 0.5) + zeeRemoteControl.x - (cursorRectangle.width * 0.5) y: moveArea.y + (moveArea.height * 0.5) + zeeRemoteControl.y - (cursorRectangle.height * 0.5) } } } } DeviceInfo{ id: deviceInfo monitorBluetoothStateChanges: true onBluetoothStateChanged: { updateConnectAndScanButton() } } BluetoothDiscoveryModel{ id: btDiscovery discovery: false minimalDiscovery: true onDiscoveryChanged: { if(initializing) return if(discovery){ infoText.text = "Scanning for a Zeemote..." scanButton.enabled = false connectButton.enabled = false disconnectButton.enabled = false addressField.enabled = false portField.enabled = false }else{ scanButton.enabled = true disconnectButton.enabled = false addressField.enabled = true portField.enabled = true if(addressField.text !== "No Zeemote found yet." && portField.text !== "na"){ infoText.text = "Zeemote found. To enable remote control please press \"Connect\" when ready." connectButton.enabled = true } } } onNewServiceDiscovered: { console.log("Service " + service.serviceName + " found on " + service.deviceName + " at address " + service.deviceAddress + " on port " + service.servicePort + ".") if(service.serviceName !== "Zeemote") return if(service.deviceAddress === usedAddresses){ console.log("Zeemote at address " + service.deviceAddress + " already in use somewhere else. " + "Not going to use this one.") return } addressField.text = service.deviceAddress portField.text = service.servicePort discovery = false console.log("Found Zeemote. Stopped further discovery.") } } ZeeRemoteControl{ id: zeeRemoteControl onConnected: { zeeConnectPage.connected = true disconnectButton.enabled = true infoText.text = "Connected. Have fun." } onDisconnected: { zeeConnectPage.connected = false scanButton.enabled = true addressField.enabled = true portField.enabled = true connectButton.enabled = true disconnectButton.enabled = false infoText.text = "To enable remote control please press \"Connect\" when ready." } } XtstAdapter{ id: xtstAdapter } }