import QtQuick 1.0 // to target S60 5th Edition or Maemo 5 import "components" import "UIConstants.js" as Const import "u1.js" as U1 import "bytesconv.js" as Conv Page { id: root title: qsTr("Account") property variant secrets property alias taskMenu: taskMenu Component.onCompleted: init() function init() { secrets = { token: Utils.token(), secret: Utils.tokenSecret(), consumer_key : Utils.customerKey(), consumer_secret: Utils.customerSecret() }; mask.state = "busy"; U1.getAccount(secrets,root); } function onResp(secrets,account) { //console.log("onResp"); mask.state = "idle"; //uid.text =; username.text = account.username; //nick.text = account.nickname; email.text =; storage.text = Conv.bytesToSize(account.total_storage); U1.getRootNode(secrets,root); } function onRespRootNode(resp) { //console.log("onResp"); mask.state = "idle"; var ubytes = Conv.bytesToSize(resp.used_bytes); var uprec = Math.round((resp.used_bytes/resp.max_bytes)*100); used.text = ubytes+" ("+uprec+"%)"; } function onErr(status) { //console.log("onErr"); mask.state = "idle"; if(status==401) {"Ubuntu One authorization has failed. Try once again or check login settings.")); } else if(status==0) {"Unable to connect. Check internet connection.")); } else {"Unknown error: ")+status); } pageStack.pop(); } Flickable { width: root.width height: root.height contentHeight: content.height+Const.TOP_BAR_HEIGHT+Const.SYSTEM_BAR_HEIGHT+Const.TEXT_MARGIN y: Const.TOP_BAR_HEIGHT Column { id: content spacing: Const.DEFAULT_MARGIN x: Const.TEXT_MARGIN /*Text { font.pixelSize: 30 color: "white" text: "Id:" } Text { id: uid font.pixelSize: 30 color: "black" wrapMode: Text.Wrap width: root.width - 6*Const.DEFAULT_MARGIN }*/ Text { font.pixelSize: 30 color: "white" text: qsTr("User name:") } Text { id: username font.pixelSize: 30 color: "black" wrapMode: Text.Wrap width: root.width - 6*Const.DEFAULT_MARGIN } Line { width: root.width-2*Const.TEXT_MARGIN } /*Text { font.pixelSize: 30 color: "white" text: qsTr("Nickname:") } Text { id: nick font.pixelSize: 30 color: "black" wrapMode: Text.Wrap width: root.width - 6*Const.DEFAULT_MARGIN }*/ Text { font.pixelSize: 30 color: "white" text: qsTr("Email:") } Text { id: email font.pixelSize: 30 color: "black" wrapMode: Text.Wrap width: root.width - 6*Const.DEFAULT_MARGIN } Line { width: root.width-2*Const.TEXT_MARGIN } Text { font.pixelSize: 30 color: "white" text: qsTr("Total storage:") } Text { id: storage font.pixelSize: 30 color: "black" wrapMode: Text.Wrap width: root.width - 6*Const.DEFAULT_MARGIN } Line { width: root.width-2*Const.TEXT_MARGIN } Text { font.pixelSize: 30 color: "white" text: qsTr("Used:") } Text { id: used font.pixelSize: 30 color: "black" wrapMode: Text.Wrap width: root.width - 6*Const.DEFAULT_MARGIN } Spacer{} } } TaskMenu { z: 200 id: taskMenu menuHeight: menuFixed.height+4*Const.DEFAULT_MARGIN menuDynamic: _menuDyn Flow { y: root.height-taskMenu.menuHeight-Const.SYSTEM_BAR_HEIGHT+1*Const.DEFAULT_MARGIN id: _menuDyn } } }