#!/usr/bin/env python import gtk import gobject , gconf import urllib2 import math import os class WifihoodConfig : def __init__ ( self ) : self.lat , self.lon = 40.40491 , -3.6774 self.zoom = 11 self.mapsdir = "/home/user/MyDocs/.maps" self.client = gconf.client_get_default() def read ( self , parentdir="/apps/wifihood" ) : lat = self.client.get_float( "%s/lattitude" % parentdir ) if lat : self.lat = lat lon = self.client.get_float( "%s/longitude" % parentdir ) if lon : self.lon = lon zoom = self.client.get_int( "%s/zoom" % parentdir ) if zoom : self.zoom = zoom mapsdir = self.client.get_string( "%s/mapsdir" % parentdir ) if mapsdir : self.mapsdir = mapsdir def save ( self , parentdir="/apps/wifihood" ) : self.client.set_float( "%s/lattitude" % parentdir , self.lat ) self.client.set_float( "%s/longitude" % parentdir , self.lon ) self.client.set_int( "%s/zoom" % parentdir , self.zoom ) self.client.set_string( "%s/mapsdir" % parentdir , self.mapsdir ) class mapWidget ( gtk.Image , WifihoodConfig ) : def __init__(self): WifihoodConfig.__init__( self ) gtk.Image.__init__(self) # Maximum width should be 800, but actually gets reduced self.win_x , self.win_y = 800 , 480 self.tile_size = 256 p = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8, self.win_x, self.win_y) self.set_from_pixbuf(p) self.read() self.reftile_x , self.refpix_x = self.lon2tilex( self.lon , self.zoom ) self.reftile_y , self.refpix_y = self.lat2tiley( self.lat , self.zoom ) self.composeMap() def lon2tilex ( self , lon , zoom ) : number = math.modf( ( lon + 180 ) / 360 * 2 ** zoom ) return int( number[1] ) , int( self.tile_size * number[0] ) def lat2tiley ( self , lat , zoom ) : lat = lat * math.pi / 180 number = math.modf( ( 1 - math.log( math.tan( lat ) + 1 / math.cos( lat ) ) / math.pi ) / 2 * 2 ** zoom ) return int( number[1] ) , int( self.tile_size * number[0] ) def tilex2lon ( self , ( tilex , pixx ) , zoom ) : tilex = float(tilex) pixx = float(pixx) return ( tilex + pixx/self.tile_size ) / 2.0 ** zoom * 360.0 - 180.0 def tiley2lat ( self , ( tiley , pixy ) , zoom ) : tiley = float(tiley) pixy = float(pixy) tiley = math.pi * ( 1 - 2 * ( tiley + pixy/self.tile_size ) / 2.0 ** zoom ) return math.degrees( math.atan( math.sinh( tiley ) ) ) def composeMap( self ) : center_x , center_y = self.win_x / 2 , self.win_y / 2 # To get the central pixel in the window center, we must shift to the tile origin center_x -= self.refpix_x center_y -= self.refpix_y # Ranges should be long enough as to fill the screen # Maybe they should be decided based on self.win_x, self.win_y for i in range(-3,4) : for j in range(-3,4) : file = self.tilename( i , j , self.zoom ) if file is None : pixbuf = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, self.tile_size, self.tile_size ) pixbuf.fill( 0x00000000 ) else : try : pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( file ) except gobject.GError , ex : print "Corrupted file %s" % ( file ) os.unlink( file ) #file = self.tilename( self.reftile_x + i , self.reftile_y + j , self.zoom ) file = self.tilename( i , j , self.zoom ) try : pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( file ) except : print "Total failure for tile for %s,%s" % ( self.reftile_x + i , self.reftile_y + j ) pixbuf = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, self.tile_size, self.tile_size ) dest_x = self.tile_size * i + center_x dest_y = self.tile_size * j + center_y init_x = 0 size_x = self.tile_size if dest_x < 0 : init_x = abs(dest_x) size_x = self.tile_size + dest_x dest_x = 0 if dest_x + self.tile_size > self.win_x : size_x = self.win_x - dest_x init_y = 0 size_y = self.tile_size if dest_y < 0 : init_y = abs(dest_y) size_y = self.tile_size + dest_y dest_y = 0 if dest_y + self.tile_size > self.win_y : size_y = self.win_y - dest_y if ( size_x > 0 and size_y > 0 ) and ( init_x < self.tile_size and init_y < self.tile_size ) : pixbuf.copy_area( init_x, init_y, size_x, size_y, self.get_pixbuf(), dest_x , dest_y ) del(pixbuf) def tilename ( self , x , y , zoom ) : file = self.tile2file( self.reftile_x + x , self.reftile_y + y , zoom ) try : os.stat(file) except : # if mapDownload : if False : try : # useful members : response.code, response.headers response = urllib2.urlopen( "http://tile.openstreetmap.org/%s/%s/%s.png" % ( zoom , x , y ) ) if response.geturl() == "http://tile.openstreetmap.org/11/0/0.png" : return None fd = open( file , 'w' ) fd.write( response.read() ) fd.close() except : return None else : return None return file def tile2file( self , tilex , tiley , zoom ) : rootdir = "%s/OpenStreetMap I/%s" % ( self.mapsdir , zoom ) if not os.path.isdir( rootdir ) : os.mkdir(rootdir) rootsubdir = "%s/%s" % ( rootdir , tilex ) if not os.path.isdir( rootsubdir ) : os.mkdir(rootsubdir) return "%s/%s.png" % ( rootsubdir , tiley ) def Shift( self , dx , dy ) : self.hide() tile_x , tile_y = ( self.refpix_x - dx ) / self.tile_size , ( self.refpix_y - dy ) / self.tile_size self.reftile_x += tile_x self.reftile_y += tile_y self.refpix_x -= dx + self.tile_size * tile_x self.refpix_y -= dy + self.tile_size * tile_y self.composeMap() self.show() def SetZoom( self , zoom ) : self.hide() lat = self.tiley2lat( ( self.reftile_y , self.refpix_y ) , self.zoom ) lon = self.tilex2lon( ( self.reftile_x , self.refpix_x ) , self.zoom ) self.reftile_x , self.refpix_x = self.lon2tilex( lon , zoom ) self.reftile_y , self.refpix_y = self.lat2tiley( lat , zoom ) self.zoom = zoom self.composeMap() self.show() def Up( self ) : self.hide() self.reftile_y -= 1 self.composeMap() self.show() def Down( self ) : self.hide() self.reftile_y += 1 self.composeMap() self.show() def Right( self ) : self.hide() self.reftile_x += 1 self.composeMap() self.show() def Left( self ) : self.hide() self.reftile_x -= 1 self.composeMap() self.show() class ZoomDialog ( gtk.Dialog ) : def __init__ ( self , widget ) : gtk.Dialog.__init__( self , "Select zoom level", None, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, ( gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT, gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT ) ) zooms = gtk.ListStore(int) combo = gtk.ComboBox( zooms ) for zoom in range(8,19) : iter = zooms.append() zooms.set( iter , 0 , zoom ) if zoom == widget.zoom : combo.set_active_iter( iter ) cell = gtk.CellRendererText() combo.pack_start(cell, True) combo.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0) self.vbox.pack_start(combo , True, True, 0) self.connect_object( "response", self.response , combo , widget ) def response ( self , combo , response , widget ) : if response == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT : item = combo.get_active_iter() model = combo.get_model() widget.SetZoom( model.get(item,0)[0] ) self.destroy() class MapWindow: def destroy(self, widget, data=None): gtk.main_quit() def press_event ( self, widget, event, *args ) : # FIXME : Set only if far enough from borders border_x = 40 border_y = 30 print "press ",event.get_coords(),event.get_root_coords() if event.x > border_x and event.y > border_y and event.x < ( self.size_x - border_x ) and event.y < ( self.size_y - border_y ) : self.click_x = event.x self.click_y = event.y def release_event ( self, widget, event, *args ) : min_shift = 50 print "unpress",event.get_coords(),event.get_root_coords() if self.click_x is not None and self.click_y is not None : delta_x = int( event.x - self.click_x ) delta_y = int( event.y - self.click_y ) shift = math.sqrt( delta_x * delta_x + delta_y * delta_y ) if shift > min_shift : self.map.Shift(delta_x, delta_y) # if delta_x > 100 : # self.map.Left() # elif delta_x < -100 : # self.map.Right() # elif delta_y > 100 : # self.map.Up() # elif delta_y < -100 : # self.map.Down() self.click_x , self.click_y = None , None def screen_event ( self, widget, event, *args ) : print "REDIOS",event print " ",widget print " ",args def on_button_press ( self, widget, event, *args ) : print "HOLA",event def on_key_press ( self, widget, event, *args ) : if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Up : self.map.Up() elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Down : self.map.Down() elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Right : self.map.Right() elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Left : self.map.Left() else : print "UNKNOWN",event.keyval def __init__(self): self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) self.window.connect("destroy", self.destroy) self.window.set_border_width(10) self.window.connect("key-press-event", self.on_key_press) vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0) self.window.add( vbox ) # To get explicit GDK_BUTTON_PRESS instead of paired GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY & GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY # self.window.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_MOTION_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK) self.window.set_events( gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK ) # # self.window.connect('motion_notify_event', self.screen_event) self.window.connect('button_press_event', self.press_event) self.window.connect('button_release_event', self.release_event) # self.map = mapWidget() vbox.pack_end( self.map , True , True , 5) self.create_menu( vbox ) # and the window self.window.show_all() self.size_x , self.size_y = 800 , 480 self.click_x , self.click_y = None , None def zoomdialog ( self , widget ) : dialog = ZoomDialog( widget ) dialog.show_all() def create_menu ( self , vbox ) : menubar = gtk.MenuBar() zoomlevel = gtk.MenuItem( label="Zoom level" ) zoomlevel.connect_object( "activate", self.zoomdialog, self.map ) menubar.append( zoomlevel ) vbox.pack_start(menubar,True,True,5) def main(self): gtk.main() if __name__ == "__main__": map = MapWindow() map.main()