Marble 1.0 is going to be released on January 26, 2011. To be able to provide a stable release, we're looking for testers of our development packages. Thanks for your time and any feedback you provide: Via mail to, via bug reports at or via IRC in #marble at Freenode.


These are development packages which have not been thoroughly tested and may harm your system. Marble is distributed under the LGPL. Please read the terms and conditions.


You can install Marble conveniently from your Nokia N900 using a one-click installer: Open this website with the browser on your N900 and install the packages by clicking on this link. If you need further instructions, please follow this tutorial.

Marble is also available in the extras-testing repository.


Changes between 1.0 Beta 1 and 1.0 Beta 2

Type Description
Bugfix The routing dialog had to be opened at least once before it was possible to calculate a route.
Bugfix A route restored from the last session was only fully shown when the routing dialog was opened at least once.
Bugfix Mercator projection is now default with a different mapping for OSM (faster, no crash at high zoom values).
User Interface The vertical space in the routing dialog was too small when several via points were used or several search results turned up.
User Interface The progress indicator suggested a route was ready too early (when Marble was still busy)
User Interface When upgrading from Marble 0.10 (KDE 4.5), a black frame was shown on the left
User Interface When upgrading from Marble 0.10 (KDE 4.5), two info boxes were overlapping on the bottom right of the map
User Interface Too many icons with arrows on the bottom of the screen were confusing for first time users. Removed one, changed another.
Packaging Removed a couple of plugins that were not used, are not too useful or complicated to setup on the N900: The compass, the Gosmore and Routino offline routers (Monav is still there), a couple of online plugins.

Changes between 1.0 Beta 2 and 1.0 RC 1

Type Description
User Interface Include translations. Marble might appear in your native language now. If it does not, please ignore this for now. If it appears in your language, but some english phrases are still around here and there, please ignore this as well for now. If however a non-english phrase results in widgets becoming too large/small, please report a bug.
Performance Various optimizations that double the rendering speed (compared to Beta 1).
Bugfix/Performance Fixed a possibly crash / slowness when using guidance mode in combination with very large routes containing very large motorway parts.
Bugfix When GPS is enabled and the user turns on the screensaver, do not force the screen back on periodically.
Bugfix Use imperial units (miles/feet) when the system is configured like that.

Changes between 1.0 RC 1 and 1.0 RC 2

Type Description
Feature Add the Hike & Bike Map and the Osmarender map themes to the marble-maps package.
Packaging Fix an upgrade problem in the marble-maps package (package manager reported a conflict).
User Interface Improve the look of the Map View Dialog and make it more responsive.
User Interface Disable the Guidance Mode button (left most of the four large buttons on the bottom) when no route has been calculated.
User Interface Don't show the position indicator anymore when GPS gets disabled.
User Interface Improve the look of the Map View Dialog and make it more responsive.
User Interface Update translations. Marble might appear in your native language now. If it does not, please ignore this for now. If it appears in your language, but some english phrases are still around here and there, please ignore this as well for now. If however a non-english phrase results in widgets becoming too large/small, please report a bug.
Performance More optimizations that double the rendering speed again (compared to Release Candidate 1).
Bugfix Fix a crash when using the Plain Map theme.

Changes between 1.0 RC 2 and 1.0

Type Description
Bugfix Ensure that altitude information is stored in saved GPS tracks.
Bugfix Work around Qt Bug 1313: When using different language and regional settings, the language settings must define the GUI language, not the regional settings.
Performance Enable caching for the routing info box. Increases render speed by about 50%.

Known Issues in 1.0

Type Description Status
Crash In Globe projection (Map View dialog, not default), Marble crashes at high zoom values. Open
Crash Marble crashes when using a dummy APN (libicd-network-null) Qt Bug 16270
Bug Occasionally a deviation from the planned route is detected by mistake. Open

Maintained by the Marble developers.