Switch downloads to be done asynchronously, use libsoup-2.4 instead of libcurl
[beifahrer] / vapi / libedataserver-1.2.vapi
1 /* libedataserver-1.2.vapi generated by lt-vapigen, do not modify. */
3 [CCode (cprefix = "E", lower_case_cprefix = "e_")]
4 namespace E {
5         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
6         public class Account : GLib.Object {
7                 public bool always_bcc;
8                 public bool always_cc;
9                 public weak string bcc_addrs;
10                 public weak string cc_addrs;
11                 public weak string drafts_folder_uri;
12                 public bool enabled;
13                 public weak E.AccountIdentity id;
14                 public weak string name;
15                 public weak string parent_uid;
16                 public bool pgp_always_sign;
17                 public bool pgp_always_trust;
18                 public bool pgp_encrypt_to_self;
19                 public weak string pgp_key;
20                 public bool pgp_no_imip_sign;
21                 public E.AccountReceiptPolicy receipt_policy;
22                 public weak string sent_folder_uri;
23                 public bool smime_encrypt_default;
24                 public weak string smime_encrypt_key;
25                 public bool smime_encrypt_to_self;
26                 public bool smime_sign_default;
27                 public weak string smime_sign_key;
28                 public weak E.AccountService source;
29                 public weak E.AccountService transport;
30                 public weak string uid;
31                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
32                 public Account ();
33                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
34                 public Account.from_xml (string xml);
35                 public bool get_bool (E.e_account_item_t type);
36                 public int get_int (E.e_account_item_t type);
37                 public unowned string get_string (E.e_account_item_t type);
38                 public void import (E.Account src);
39                 public void set_bool (E.e_account_item_t type, bool p3);
40                 public bool set_from_xml (string xml);
41                 public void set_int (E.e_account_item_t type, int p3);
42                 public void set_string (E.e_account_item_t type, string p3);
43                 public unowned string to_xml ();
44                 public static unowned string uid_from_xml (string xml);
45                 public bool writable (E.e_account_item_t type);
46                 public bool writable_option (string protocol, string option);
47                 public virtual signal void changed (int field);
48         }
49         [Compact]
50         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
51         public class AccountIdentity {
52                 public weak string address;
53                 public weak string name;
54                 public weak string organization;
55                 public weak string reply_to;
56                 public weak string sig_uid;
57         }
58         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
59         public class AccountList : E.List {
60                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
61                 public AccountList (GConf.Client gconf);
62                 public int account_has_proxies (E.Account p2);
63                 public void add (E.Account p2);
64                 public void change (E.Account p2);
65                 public void @construct (GConf.Client gconf);
66                 public unowned E.Account find (E.e_account_find_t type, string key);
67                 public unowned E.Account get_default ();
68                 public void prune_proxies ();
69                 public void remove (E.Account p2);
70                 public void remove_account_proxies (E.Account p2);
71                 public void save ();
72                 public void set_default (E.Account p2);
73                 public virtual signal void account_added (E.Account p0);
74                 public virtual signal void account_changed (E.Account p0);
75                 public virtual signal void account_removed (E.Account p0);
76         }
77         [Compact]
78         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
79         public class AccountService {
80                 public bool auto_check;
81                 public int auto_check_time;
82                 public bool get_password_canceled;
83                 public bool keep_on_server;
84                 public bool save_passwd;
85                 public weak string url;
86         }
87         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
88         public class FileCache : GLib.Object {
89                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
90                 public FileCache (string filename);
91                 public bool add_object (string key, string value);
92                 public bool clean ();
93                 public void freeze_changes ();
94                 public unowned string get_filename ();
95                 public unowned GLib.SList get_keys ();
96                 public unowned string get_object (string key);
97                 public unowned GLib.SList get_objects ();
98                 public bool remove ();
99                 public bool remove_object (string key);
100                 public bool replace_object (string key, string new_value);
101                 public void thaw_changes ();
102                 public string filename { get; construct; }
103         }
104         [Compact]
105         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
106         public class Flag {
107                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
108                 public Flag ();
109                 public void clear ();
110                 public bool is_set ();
111                 public void @set ();
112                 public bool timed_wait (GLib.TimeVal abs_time);
113                 public void wait ();
114         }
115         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
116         public class Iterator : GLib.Object {
117                 public void @delete ();
118                 public virtual void* @get ();
119                 public virtual void insert (void* object, bool before);
120                 public virtual bool is_valid ();
121                 public virtual void last ();
122                 public virtual bool next ();
123                 public virtual bool prev ();
124                 [NoWrapper]
125                 public virtual void remove ();
126                 public virtual void reset ();
127                 public virtual void @set (void* object);
128                 public virtual signal void invalidate ();
129         }
130         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
131         public class List : GLib.Object {
132                 public void* closure;
133                 public weak E.ListCopyFunc copy;
134                 public weak E.ListFreeFunc free;
135                 public weak GLib.List iterators;
136                 public weak GLib.List list;
137                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
138                 public List (E.ListCopyFunc copy, E.ListFreeFunc free, void* closure);
139                 public void append (void* data);
140                 public void @construct (E.ListCopyFunc copy, E.ListFreeFunc free, void* closure);
141                 public unowned E.List duplicate ();
142                 public unowned E.Iterator get_iterator ();
143                 public void invalidate_iterators (E.Iterator skip);
144                 public int length ();
145                 public void remove (void* data);
146                 public void remove_iterator (E.Iterator iterator);
147                 public void remove_link (GLib.List link);
148         }
149         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
150         public class ListIterator : E.Iterator {
151                 public weak GLib.List iterator;
152                 public weak E.List list;
153                 [CCode (type = "EIterator*", has_construct_function = false)]
154                 public ListIterator (E.List list);
155         }
156         [Compact]
157         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
158         public class MD5Context {
159                 [CCode (array_length = false)]
160                 public weak uint32[] bits;
161                 [CCode (array_length = false)]
162                 public weak uint32[] buf;
163                 [CCode (array_length = false)]
164                 public weak uchar[] @in;
165         }
166         [Compact]
167         [CCode (free_function = "e_memchunk_destroy", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
168         public class MemChunk {
169                 [CCode (cname = "e_memchunk_new", has_construct_function = false)]
170                 public MemChunk (int atomcount, int atomsize);
171                 [CCode (cname = "e_memchunk_alloc")]
172                 public void* alloc ();
173                 [CCode (cname = "e_memchunk_alloc0")]
174                 public void* alloc0 ();
175                 [CCode (cname = "e_memchunk_clean")]
176                 public void clean ();
177                 [CCode (cname = "e_memchunk_empty")]
178                 public void empty ();
179                 [CCode (cname = "e_memchunk_free")]
180                 public void free (void* mem);
181         }
182         [Compact]
183         [CCode (free_function = "e_mempool_destroy", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
184         public class MemPool {
185                 [CCode (cname = "e_mempool_new", has_construct_function = false)]
186                 public MemPool (int blocksize, int threshold, E.MemPoolFlags flags);
187                 [CCode (cname = "e_mempool_alloc")]
188                 public void* alloc (int size);
189                 [CCode (cname = "e_mempool_flush")]
190                 public void flush (int freeall);
191                 [CCode (cname = "e_mempool_strdup")]
192                 public unowned string strdup (string str);
193         }
194         [Compact]
195         [CCode (free_function = "e_poolv_destroy", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
196         public class Poolv {
197                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
198                 public Poolv (uint size);
199                 public unowned E.Poolv cpy (E.Poolv src);
200                 public unowned string @get (int index);
201                 public unowned E.Poolv @set (int index, string str, int freeit);
202         }
203         [Compact]
204         [CCode (ref_function = "e_sexp_ref", ref_function_void = true, unref_function = "e_sexp_unref", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
205         public class SExp {
206                 public weak string error;
207                 public int refcount;
208                 public void* result_chunks;
209                 public weak GLib.Scanner scanner;
210                 public void* term_chunks;
211                 public weak E.SExpTerm tree;
212                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
213                 public SExp ();
214                 public void add_function (int scope, string name, E.SExpFunc func, void* data);
215                 public void add_ifunction (int scope, string name, E.SExpIFunc func, void* data);
216                 public void add_variable (int scope, string name, E.SExpTerm value);
217                 public static void encode_bool (GLib.StringBuilder s, bool state);
218                 public static void encode_string (GLib.StringBuilder s, string str);
219                 public unowned E.SExpResult eval ();
220                 public static void fatal_error (void* f, string why);
221                 public void input_file (int fd);
222                 public void input_text (string text, int len);
223                 public int parse ();
224                 public void remove_symbol (int scope, string name);
225                 public static void resultv_free (void* f, int argc, void* argv);
226                 public int set_scope (int scope);
227         }
228         [Compact]
229         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
230         public class SExpClass {
231                 public int dummy;
232         }
233         [Compact]
234         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
235         public class SExpFunc {
236         }
237         [Compact]
238         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
239         public class SExpIFunc {
240         }
241         [Compact]
242         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
243         public class SExpResult {
244                 public void* value;
245                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
246                 public SExpResult (void* f, int type);
247         }
248         [Compact]
249         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
250         public class SExpSymbol {
251                 public void* data;
252                 public void* f;
253                 public weak string name;
254                 public int type;
255         }
256         [Compact]
257         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
258         public class SExpTerm {
259                 public void* value;
260                 public static unowned E.SExpResult eval (void* f, void* t);
261         }
262         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
263         public class Source : GLib.Object {
264                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
265                 public Source (string name, string relative_uri);
266                 public unowned string build_absolute_uri ();
267                 public unowned E.Source copy ();
268                 public void dump_to_xml_node (Xml.Node parent_node);
269                 public bool equal (E.Source source_2);
270                 public void foreach_property (GLib.HFunc func, void* data);
271                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
272                 public Source.from_standalone_xml (string xml);
273                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
274                 public Source.from_xml_node (Xml.Node node);
275                 public bool get_color (uint32 color_return);
276                 public unowned string get_duped_property (string property);
277                 public unowned string get_property (string property);
278                 public bool get_readonly ();
279                 public unowned string get_uri ();
280                 public unowned string peek_absolute_uri ();
281                 public unowned string peek_color_spec ();
282                 public unowned E.SourceGroup peek_group ();
283                 public unowned string peek_name ();
284                 public unowned string peek_relative_uri ();
285                 public unowned string peek_uid ();
286                 public void set_absolute_uri (string absolute_uri);
287                 public void set_color (uint32 color);
288                 public void set_color_spec (string color_spec);
289                 public void set_group (E.SourceGroup group);
290                 public void set_name (string name);
291                 public void set_property (string property, string value);
292                 public void set_readonly (bool readonly);
293                 public void set_relative_uri (string relative_uri);
294                 public unowned string to_standalone_xml ();
295                 public static unowned string uid_from_xml_node (Xml.Node node);
296                 public void unset_color ();
297                 public bool update_from_xml_node (Xml.Node node, bool changed_return);
298                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
299                 public Source.with_absolute_uri (string name, string absolute_uri);
300                 public virtual signal void changed ();
301         }
302         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
303         public class SourceGroup : GLib.Object {
304                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
305                 public SourceGroup (string name, string base_uri);
306                 public bool add_source (E.Source source, int position);
307                 public void foreach_property (GLib.HFunc func, void* data);
308                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
309                 public SourceGroup.from_xml (string xml);
310                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
311                 public SourceGroup.from_xmldoc (Xml.Doc doc);
312                 public unowned string get_property (string property);
313                 public bool get_readonly ();
314                 public unowned string peek_base_uri ();
315                 public unowned string peek_name ();
316                 public unowned E.Source peek_source_by_name (string source_name);
317                 public unowned E.Source peek_source_by_uid (string source_uid);
318                 public unowned GLib.SList peek_sources ();
319                 public unowned string peek_uid ();
320                 public bool remove_source (E.Source source);
321                 public bool remove_source_by_uid (string uid);
322                 public void set_base_uri (string base_uri);
323                 public void set_name (string name);
324                 public void set_property (string property, string value);
325                 public void set_readonly (bool readonly);
326                 public unowned string to_xml ();
327                 public static unowned string uid_from_xmldoc (Xml.Doc doc);
328                 public bool update_from_xml (string xml, bool changed_return);
329                 public bool update_from_xmldoc (Xml.Doc doc, bool changed_return);
330                 public virtual signal void changed ();
331                 public virtual signal void source_added (GLib.Object source);
332                 public virtual signal void source_removed (GLib.Object source);
333         }
334         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
335         public class SourceList : GLib.Object {
336                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
337                 public SourceList ();
338                 public bool add_group (E.SourceGroup group, int position);
339                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
340                 public SourceList.for_gconf (GConf.Client client, string path);
341                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
342                 public SourceList.for_gconf_default (string path);
343                 public bool is_gconf_updated ();
344                 public unowned E.SourceGroup peek_group_by_name (string name);
345                 public unowned E.SourceGroup peek_group_by_uid (string uid);
346                 public unowned GLib.SList peek_groups ();
347                 public unowned E.Source peek_source_any ();
348                 public unowned E.Source peek_source_by_uid (string uid);
349                 public bool remove_group (E.SourceGroup group);
350                 public bool remove_group_by_uid (string uid);
351                 public bool remove_source_by_uid (string uidj);
352                 public bool sync () throws GLib.Error;
353                 public virtual signal void changed ();
354                 public virtual signal void group_added (void* group);
355                 public virtual signal void group_removed (void* group);
356         }
357         [Compact]
358         [CCode (free_function = "e_strv_destroy", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
359         public class Strv {
360                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
361                 public Strv (int size);
362                 public unowned string @get (int index);
363                 public unowned E.Strv pack ();
364                 public unowned E.Strv @set (int index, string str);
365                 public unowned E.Strv set_ref (int index, string str);
366                 public unowned E.Strv set_ref_free (int index, string str);
367         }
368         [Compact]
369         [CCode (copy_function = "e_uri_copy", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
370         public class Uri {
371                 public weak string authmech;
372                 public weak string fragment;
373                 public weak string host;
374                 public weak string passwd;
375                 public weak string path;
376                 public int port;
377                 public weak string protocol;
378                 public weak string query;
379                 public weak string user;
380                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
381                 public Uri (string uri_string);
382                 public unowned E.Uri copy ();
383                 public unowned string get_param (string name);
384                 public unowned string to_string (bool show_password);
385         }
386         [Compact]
387         [CCode (free_function = "e_xmlhash_destroy", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
388         public class XmlHash {
389                 [CCode (cname = "e_xmlhash_new", has_construct_function = false)]
390                 public XmlHash (string filename);
391                 [CCode (cname = "e_xmlhash_add")]
392                 public void add (string key, string data);
393                 [CCode (cname = "e_xmlhash_compare")]
394                 public E.XmlHashStatus compare (string key, string compare_data);
395                 [CCode (cname = "e_xmlhash_foreach_key")]
396                 public void foreach_key (E.XmlHashFunc func);
397                 [CCode (cname = "e_xmlhash_foreach_key_remove")]
398                 public void foreach_key_remove (E.XmlHashRemoveFunc func);
399                 [CCode (cname = "e_xmlhash_remove")]
400                 public void remove (string key);
401                 [CCode (cname = "e_xmlhash_write")]
402                 public void write ();
403         }
404         [CCode (cprefix = "E_ACCOUNT_RECEIPT_", has_type_id = "0", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
405         public enum AccountReceiptPolicy {
406                 NEVER,
407                 ASK,
408                 ALWAYS
409         }
410         [CCode (cprefix = "E_MEMPOOL_ALIGN_", has_type_id = "0", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
411         public enum MemPoolFlags {
412                 STRUCT,
413                 WORD,
414                 BYTE,
415                 MASK
416         }
417         [CCode (cprefix = "E_TIME_PARSE_", has_type_id = "0", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
418         public enum TimeParseStatus {
419                 OK,
420                 NONE,
421                 INVALID
422         }
423         [CCode (cprefix = "E_XMLHASH_STATUS_", has_type_id = "0", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
424         public enum XmlHashStatus {
425                 SAME,
426                 DIFFERENT,
427                 NOT_FOUND
428         }
429         [CCode (cprefix = "E_XML_HASH_TYPE_", has_type_id = "0", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
430         public enum XmlHashType {
431                 OBJECT_UID,
432                 PROPERTY
433         }
434         [CCode (cprefix = "E_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_", has_type_id = "0", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
435         public enum e_account_access_t {
436                 WRITE
437         }
438         [CCode (cprefix = "E_ACCOUNT_FIND_", has_type_id = "0", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
439         public enum e_account_find_t {
440                 NAME,
441                 UID,
442                 ID_NAME,
443                 ID_ADDRESS,
444                 PARENT_UID
445         }
446         [CCode (cprefix = "E_ACCOUNT_", has_type_id = "0", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
447         public enum e_account_item_t {
448                 NAME,
449                 ID_NAME,
450                 ID_ADDRESS,
451                 ID_REPLY_TO,
452                 ID_ORGANIZATION,
453                 ID_SIGNATURE,
454                 SOURCE_URL,
455                 SOURCE_KEEP_ON_SERVER,
456                 SOURCE_AUTO_CHECK,
457                 SOURCE_AUTO_CHECK_TIME,
458                 SOURCE_SAVE_PASSWD,
459                 TRANSPORT_URL,
460                 TRANSPORT_SAVE_PASSWD,
461                 DRAFTS_FOLDER_URI,
462                 SENT_FOLDER_URI,
463                 CC_ALWAYS,
464                 CC_ADDRS,
465                 BCC_ALWAYS,
466                 BCC_ADDRS,
467                 RECEIPT_POLICY,
468                 PGP_KEY,
469                 PGP_ENCRYPT_TO_SELF,
470                 PGP_ALWAYS_SIGN,
471                 PGP_NO_IMIP_SIGN,
472                 PGP_ALWAYS_TRUST,
473                 SMIME_SIGN_KEY,
474                 SMIME_ENCRYPT_KEY,
475                 SMIME_SIGN_DEFAULT,
476                 SMIME_ENCRYPT_TO_SELF,
477                 SMIME_ENCRYPT_DEFAULT,
478                 PROXY_PARENT_UID,
479                 ITEM_LAST
480         }
481         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h", has_target = false)]
482         public delegate void* ListCopyFunc (void* data, void* closure);
483         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h", has_target = false)]
484         public delegate void ListFreeFunc (void* data, void* closure);
485         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
486         public delegate void XmlHashFunc (string key, string value);
487         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
488         public delegate bool XmlHashRemoveFunc (string key, string value);
489         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
490         public const int LOG_INVALID_DOMAIN;
491         [CCode (cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
492         public const int TYPE_SEXP;
493         [CCode (cname = "e_categories_add", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
494         public static void e_categories_add (string category, string unused, string icon_file, bool searchable);
495         [CCode (cname = "e_categories_exist", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
496         public static bool e_categories_exist (string category);
497         [CCode (cname = "e_categories_get_color_for", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
498         public static unowned string e_categories_get_color_for (string category);
499         [CCode (cname = "e_categories_get_icon_file_for", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
500         public static unowned string e_categories_get_icon_file_for (string category);
501         [CCode (cname = "e_categories_get_list", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
502         public static unowned GLib.List e_categories_get_list ();
503         [CCode (cname = "e_categories_is_searchable", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
504         public static bool e_categories_is_searchable (string category);
505         [CCode (cname = "e_categories_remove", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
506         public static void e_categories_remove (string category);
507         [CCode (cname = "e_categories_set_color_for", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
508         public static void e_categories_set_color_for (string category, string color);
509         [CCode (cname = "e_categories_set_icon_file_for", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
510         public static void e_categories_set_icon_file_for (string category, string icon_file);
511         [CCode (cname = "e_filename_make_safe", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
512         public static void e_filename_make_safe (string str);
513         [CCode (cname = "e_localtime_with_offset", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
514         public static void e_localtime_with_offset (ulong tt, void* tm, int offset);
515         [CCode (cname = "e_log_get_id", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
516         public static int e_log_get_id (string domain);
517         [CCode (cname = "e_log_real", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
518         public static void e_log_real (int domain_id, GLib.LogLevelFlags log_level, string format);
519         [CCode (cname = "e_log_set_domains", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
520         public static void e_log_set_domains (string domains);
521         [CCode (cname = "e_log_set_level", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
522         public static void e_log_set_level (GLib.LogLevelFlags log_level);
523         [CCode (cname = "e_log_set_level_from_string", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
524         public static void e_log_set_level_from_string (string str);
525         [CCode (cname = "e_log_will_print", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
526         public static bool e_log_will_print (int domain_id, GLib.LogLevelFlags log_level);
527         [CCode (cname = "e_mktime_utc", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
528         public static ulong e_mktime_utc (void* tm);
529         [CCode (cname = "e_strftime", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
530         public static size_t e_strftime (string s, size_t max, string fmt, void* tm);
531         [CCode (cname = "e_time_format_date_and_time", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
532         public static void e_time_format_date_and_time (void* date_tm, bool use_24_hour_format, bool show_midnight, bool show_zero_seconds, string buffer, int buffer_size);
533         [CCode (cname = "e_time_format_time", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
534         public static void e_time_format_time (void* date_tm, bool use_24_hour_format, bool show_zero_seconds, string buffer, int buffer_size);
535         [CCode (cname = "e_time_get_d_fmt_with_4digit_year", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
536         public static unowned string e_time_get_d_fmt_with_4digit_year ();
537         [CCode (cname = "e_time_parse_date", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
538         public static E.TimeParseStatus e_time_parse_date (string value, void* _result);
539         [CCode (cname = "e_time_parse_date_and_time", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
540         public static E.TimeParseStatus e_time_parse_date_and_time (string value, void* _result);
541         [CCode (cname = "e_time_parse_date_and_time_ex", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
542         public static E.TimeParseStatus e_time_parse_date_and_time_ex (string value, void* _result, bool two_digit_year);
543         [CCode (cname = "e_time_parse_date_ex", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
544         public static E.TimeParseStatus e_time_parse_date_ex (string value, void* _result, bool two_digit_year);
545         [CCode (cname = "e_time_parse_time", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
546         public static E.TimeParseStatus e_time_parse_time (string value, void* _result);
547         [CCode (cname = "e_uid_new", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
548         public static unowned string e_uid_new ();
549         [CCode (cname = "e_url_equal", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
550         public static bool e_url_equal (string url1, string url2);
551         [CCode (cname = "e_url_shroud", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
552         public static unowned string e_url_shroud (string url);
553         [CCode (cname = "e_utf8_strftime", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
554         public static size_t e_utf8_strftime (string s, size_t max, string fmt, void* tm);
555         [CCode (cname = "e_util_mkdir_hier", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
556         public static int e_util_mkdir_hier (string path, uint mode);
557         [CCode (cname = "e_util_strstrcase", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
558         public static unowned string e_util_strstrcase (string haystack, string needle);
559         [CCode (cname = "e_util_unicode_get_utf8", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
560         public static unowned string e_util_unicode_get_utf8 (string text, unichar @out);
561         [CCode (cname = "e_util_utf8_strcasecmp", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
562         public static int e_util_utf8_strcasecmp (string s1, string s2);
563         [CCode (cname = "e_util_utf8_strstrcase", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
564         public static unowned string e_util_utf8_strstrcase (string haystack, string needle);
565         [CCode (cname = "e_util_utf8_strstrcasedecomp", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
566         public static unowned string e_util_utf8_strstrcasedecomp (string haystack, string needle);
567         [CCode (cname = "e_xml_destroy_hash", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
568         public static void e_xml_destroy_hash (GLib.HashTable hash);
569         [CCode (cname = "e_xml_from_hash", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
570         public static unowned Xml.Doc e_xml_from_hash (GLib.HashTable hash, E.XmlHashType type, string root_node);
571         [CCode (cname = "e_xml_get_child_by_name", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
572         public static unowned Xml.Node e_xml_get_child_by_name (Xml.Node parent, string child_name);
573         [CCode (cname = "e_xml_parse_file", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
574         public static unowned Xml.Doc e_xml_parse_file (string filename);
575         [CCode (cname = "e_xml_save_file", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
576         public static int e_xml_save_file (string filename, Xml.Doc doc);
577         [CCode (cname = "e_xml_to_hash", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
578         public static unowned GLib.HashTable e_xml_to_hash (Xml.Doc doc, E.XmlHashType type);
579         [CCode (cname = "eds_module_initialize", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
580         public static void eds_module_initialize (GLib.TypeModule module);
581         [CCode (cname = "eds_module_list_types", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
582         public static void eds_module_list_types (GLib.Type[] types, int num_types);
583         [CCode (cname = "eds_module_shutdown", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
584         public static void eds_module_shutdown ();
585         [CCode (cname = "e_data_server_extension_list_free", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
586         public static void extension_list_free (GLib.List list);
587         [CCode (cname = "e_data_server_get_extensions_for_type", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
588         public static unowned GLib.List get_extensions_for_type (GLib.Type type);
589         [CCode (cname = "md5_final", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
590         public static void md5_final (E.MD5Context ctx, uchar[] digest);
591         [CCode (cname = "md5_get_digest", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
592         public static void md5_get_digest (string buffer, int buffer_size, uchar[] digest);
593         [CCode (cname = "md5_get_digest_from_file", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
594         public static void md5_get_digest_from_file (string filename, uchar[] digest);
595         [CCode (cname = "md5_init", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
596         public static void md5_init (E.MD5Context ctx);
597         [CCode (cname = "md5_update", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
598         public static void md5_update (E.MD5Context ctx, uchar[] buf, uint32 len);
599         [CCode (cname = "e_data_server_module_add_type", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
600         public static void module_add_type (GLib.Type type);
601         [CCode (cname = "e_data_server_module_init", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
602         public static void module_init ();
603         [CCode (cname = "e_data_server_module_remove_unused", cheader_filename = "libedataserver-1.2.h")]
604         public static void module_remove_unused ();
605 }