2010-04-13 Serge Ziryukinfullscreen button from qt maemo example
2010-04-13 Serge Ziryukinsimple and stupid color buttons
2010-04-03 Serge Ziryukininclude only used headers
2010-04-02 Serge Ziryukinadd -Wall and -Wextra
2010-04-02 Serge Ziryukincolor scheme, randomizing, state saving/restore
2010-04-02 Serge Ziryukinset application name and organization
2010-04-02 Serge Ziryukinadded ignores
2010-03-31 Serge Ziryukinremove empty 'welcome' file
2010-03-31 Serge Ziryukinfirst version: three types of field with randomness
2010-03-31 rootwelcome