AddStep Qt::ApplicationModal 0 0 800 424 AddStep 30 170 741 71 Value: Qt::ImhDigitsOnly 31 250 281 71 Delay: Qt::ImhDigitsOnly Seconds 30 330 741 71 0 0 Add Step 0 0 Cancel Operation 30 9 741 151 The Value field is a phone number or DTMF tones. Include characters like *, + or # in the Value as and when they are required. The Delay in seconds shows the time allowed to lapse before dialing the corresponding value. The first step typically has 0 delay with the conference number as a value. true btnCancel clicked() AddStep close() 240 169 239 100 btnaddStep clicked() AddStep AddOperationStep() 143 133 74 199 AddOperationStep()