Hacking on Connection Manager ***************************** Working with the source code repository ======================================= The repository contains two extra scripts that accomplish the bootstrap process. One is called "bootstrap" which is the basic scripts that uses the autotools scripts to create the needed files for building and installing. It makes sure to call the right programs depending on the usage of shared or static libraries or translations etc. The second program is called "bootstrap-configure". This program will make sure to properly clean the repository, call the "bootstrap" script and then call configure with proper settings for development. It will use the best options and pass them over to configure. These options normally include the enabling the maintainer mode and the debugging features. So while in a normal source project the call "./configure ..." is used to configure the project with its settings like prefix and extra options. In case of bare repositories call "./bootstrap-configure" and it will bootstrap the repository and calls configure with all the correct options to make development easier. In case of preparing for a release with "make distcheck", don't use bootstrap-configure since it could export development specific settings. So the normal steps to checkout, build and install such a repository is like this: Checkout repository # git-clone git://git.moblin.org/projects/connman.git # cd connman Configure and build # ./bootstrap-configure # make Check installation # make install DESTDIR=$PWD/x # find x # rm -rf x Check distribution # make distcheck Final installation # sudo make install Remove autogenerated files # make maintainer-clean Generating source code documentation ==================================== The source code is annotated using the gtk-doc style documentation. This allows an easy way of generating API documentation. The "bootstrap-configure" script will use the "--enable-gtk-doc" configure to enable the generation of the documentation. To make the gtk-doc process work, the gtk-doc tools need to be installed. Every distribution should provide a package for this, but the naming of the package might be different: Ubuntu/Debian # apt-get install gtk-doc-utils Fedora # yum install gtk-doc In case "bootstrap-configure" is not used, the manual steps for generating the documentation files are like this: Configuring the repository # ./configure --enable-gtk-doc Generate the documentation # cd doc && make View documentation # firefox doc/html/index.html