/* Demo Recorder for MAEMO 5 * Copyright (C) 2010 Dru Moore * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, * or (at your option) any later version, as published by the Free * Software Foundation * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ namespace IdWorks { public class EncodePipeline : Gst.Pipeline { Gst.Element src; Gst.Element queue; Gst.Element resampler; Gst.Element encoder; Gst.Element converter; Gst.Element filesink; //string name; string location; //string encoder_element; Gst.Caps caps; Gst.Query duration_query; Gst.Query position_query; int64 position; int64 old_position; int64 duration; int same_position_counter; public signal void position_duration(int64 position, int64 duration); public signal void end_of_stream(); public signal void stream_error(string msg); public EncodePipeline(string name, string location, Gst.Element src, Gst.Element encoder, Gst.Caps caps) { this.name = name; this.location = location; this.caps = caps; this.src = src; this.encoder = encoder; //set the tag handling delegate //this.handle_tags_delegate = this.handle_tags; //set some default values this.position=0; this.duration=0; this.construct_pipeline(); //define the queries duration_query = new Gst.Query.duration(Gst.Format.TIME); position_query = new Gst.Query.position(Gst.Format.TIME); } public bool set_src(Gst.Element src) { this.set_state(Gst.State.NULL); if (null != this.src) { clear_src(); } this.src = src; this.add(this.src); this.src.link(this.queue); return true; } public void clear_src() { if (null != this.src) { this.set_state(Gst.State.NULL); this.src.unlink(this.queue); this.remove(this.src); this.src = null; } } public bool set_encoder(Gst.Element encoder) { this.set_state(Gst.State.NULL); if (null != this.encoder) { clear_encoder(); } this.encoder = encoder; this.add(this.encoder); this.converter.link(this.encoder); this.encoder.link(this.filesink); return true; } public void clear_encoder() { if (null != this.encoder) { this.set_state(Gst.State.NULL); this.converter.unlink(this.encoder); this.encoder.unlink(this.filesink); this.remove(this.encoder); this.encoder = null; } } public bool set_location(string location) { this.set_state(Gst.State.NULL); this.location = location; this.filesink.set_property("location", location); return true; } public string get_location() { return this.location; } public void get_duration_info() { bool duration_result,position_result; Gst.Format format = Gst.Format.TIME; duration_result = this.query(this.duration_query); position_result = this.query(this.position_query); if ( duration_result && position_result ) { this.duration_query.parse_duration(out format, out this.duration); this.position_query.parse_position(out format, out this.position); if (old_position == this.position) { ++same_position_counter; } old_position = this.position; this.position_duration(this.position,this.duration); if ( (this.position >= this.duration) || ((5 < same_position_counter) && ((this.position + 100 * Time.Nanoseconds.MILLISECOND) >= this.duration)) ) { this.end_of_stream(); } } } public void encode() { this.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING); } public void stop() { this.end_of_stream(); this.set_state(Gst.State.READY); } private void construct_pipeline() { ///this.name= name; if (null != this.src) { this.add(this.src); } this.queue = Gst.ElementFactory.make("queue", "buffer"); this.add(this.queue); this.converter = Gst.ElementFactory.make("audioconvert", "converter"); this.add(this.converter); //this.resampler = Gst.ElementFactory.make("audioresample", "resampler"); //this.resampler.set_property("quality", 10); //this.add(resampler); //this.encoder = Gst.ElementFactory.make(encoder_element, "encoder"); this.add(this.encoder); if (null != this.encoder) { // stdout.printf("Encoder added!\n"); // stdout.flush(); } this.filesink = Gst.ElementFactory.make("filesink", "fileoutput"); if (null != this.filesink) { this.filesink.set_property("location", location); // stdout.printf("Location set!\n"); // stdout.flush(); this.add(this.filesink); // stdout.printf("Filesink added!\n"); // stdout.flush(); } if (null != this.src && this.src.link(this.queue)) { // stdout.printf("Source linked!\n"); // stdout.flush(); } if (this.queue.link(this.converter)) { // stdout.printf("Queue linked!\n"); // stdout.flush(); } /* if (this.converter.link(this.resampler)) { stdout.printf("Converter linked!\n"); stdout.flush(); } if (this.resampler.link_filtered(this.encoder, caps)) { stdout.printf("Resampler linked!\n"); stdout.flush(); } */ if (this.converter.link(this.encoder)) { // stdout.printf("Converter linked!\n"); // stdout.flush(); } if (this.encoder.link(this.filesink)) { // stdout.printf("Encoder linked!\n"); // stdout.flush(); } } } }