descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.
last changeMon, 21 Jun 2010 20:41:09 +0000 (23:41 +0300)
2010-06-21 jasuChanglod update, homescreen loader dependency updated master
2010-05-25 jasuPR1.2 support and changelog entry
2010-05-24 jasuIndicate press event v0.1.0
2010-05-23 jasuModify changelog
2010-05-23 jasuIndicate loading, refresh info on tap
2010-05-23 jasuAdd training state
2010-05-23 jasuIndicate loading state, fix cache time parsing
2010-05-23 jasuRemove qtmobility macro
2010-05-23 jasuFix include
2010-05-23 jasuUpdate changelog
2010-05-23 Jaakko KyröRemove qt mobility
2010-05-23 jasuRemove QT mobility use
2010-05-23 jasuupdate changelog v0.0.4
2010-05-23 jasucheck that last update is later than now
2010-05-23 jasuAdd timer to update text color
2010-05-23 jasuYellow text color if training queue has room for more...
13 years ago v0.1.0
13 years ago v0.0.4
13 years ago 0.0.2
13 years ago 0.0.1
13 years ago master