PROJECT_NAME=DialCentral SOURCE_PATH=src SOURCE=$(SOURCE_PATH)/dialcentral/ $(SOURCE_PATH)/dialcentral/ $(SOURCE_PATH)/dialcentral/ $(SOURCE_PATH)/dialcentral/ OBJ=$( TAG_FILE=~/.ctags/$(PROJECT_NAME).tags DEBUGGER=winpdb UNIT_TEST=nosetests -w $(TEST_PATH) STYLE_TEST=../../Python/tools/ --ignore=W191 LINT_RC=./support/pylint.rc LINT=pylint --rcfile=$(LINT_RC) COVERAGE_TEST=figleaf PROFILER=pyprofiler CTAGS=ctags-exuberant .PHONY: all run debug test lint tags package clean all: test package run: $(SOURCE) cd $(SOURCE_PATH)/dialcentral ; ./ debug: $(SOURCE) cd $(SOURCE_PATH)/dialcentral ; $(DEBUGGER) ./ test: $(SOURCE) cd $(SOURCE_PATH)/dialcentral ; ./ -t package: ./ lint: $(foreach file, $(SOURCE), $(LINT) $(file) ; ) tags: $(TAG_FILE) clean: rm -Rf $(OBJ) $(TAG_FILE): $(SOURCE) mkdir -p $(dir $(TAG_FILE)) $(CTAGS) -o $(TAG_FILE) $(SOURCE) #Makefile Debugging #Target to print any variable, can be added to the dependencies of any other target #Userfule flags for make, -d, -p, -n print-%: ; @$(error $* is $($*) ($(value $*)) (from $(origin $*)))