Initial release of Maemo 5 port of gnuplot
[gnuplot] / src / win / wgnuplot.mnu
1 ; Menu file for Windows gnuplot
2 ; Roger Hadgraft, 26-5-92
3 ; Russell Lang, 30 Nov 1992
4 ; Modified for 4.0, John Bollinger, 31 Dec 2002
6 [Menu]
7 &File
8         &Open ...
9                 load '[OPEN]load[EOS]*.plt[EOS]'{ENTER}
10         &Save ...
11                 save '[SAVE]save[EOS]*.plt[EOS]'{ENTER}
12         &Demos ...
13                 load '[OPEN]load[EOS]*.dem[EOS]'{ENTER}
14         --
15         &Change Directory ...
16                 cd '[DIRECTORY]New directory?[EOS]'{ENTER}
17         show Current &Directory
18                 pwd{ENTER}
19         --
20         O&utput ...
21                 set output "[INPUT]Output filename?[EOS]"{ENTER}
22         &Printer Output
23                 set output "PRN"{ENTER}
24         &Window Output
25                  set output{ENTER}set terminal win{ENTER} 
26         Show Output
27                 show output{ENTER}
28         Ou&tput Device ...
29                 set terminal [INPUT]Terminal type?{ENTER}
30         Show Output Devices
31                 set terminal{ENTER}show terminal{ENTER}
32         --
33         [Menu]
34         History
35                 Previous command        ^P
36                         {^P}
37                 Next command    ^N
38                         {^N}
39                 --
40                 Back one character      ^B
41                         {^B}
42                 Forward one character   ^F
43                         {^F}
44                 --
45                 Beginning of the line   ^A
46                         {^A}
47                 End of the line ^E
48                         {^E}
49                 --
50                 Delete previous character       ^H
51                         {^H}
52                 Delete current character        ^D
53                         {^D}
54                 Delete last word        ^W
55                         {^W}
56                 Delete to end of line   ^K
57                         {^K}
58                 Delete entire line      ^U
59                         {^U}
60                 --
61                 Redraw the line ^L
62                         {^L}
63                 [EndMenu]
64                 open DOS window
65                         shell{ENTER}
66                 run DOS command ...
67                         ![INPUT]DOS command?{ENTER}
68                 --
69                 E&xit
70                 quit{ENTER}
71 [EndMenu]
73 [Menu]
74 &Plot
75         Plot
76                 plot 
77         3D Plot
78                 splot 
79         Replot
80                 replot{ENTER}
81         Clear device
82                 clear{ENTER}
83         --
84         Simple Range
85                 [[INPUT]Lower bound?[EOS]:[INPUT]Upper bound?[EOS]] [EOS]
86         Named Range
87                 [[INPUT]Variable name?[EOS]=[INPUT]Lower bound?[EOS]:[INPUT]Upper bound?[EOS]] [EOS]
88         --
89         Data filename ...
90                 '[OPEN]Open[EOS]*.dat[EOS]' [EOS]
91         using x,y columns
92                 using [INPUT]X column?[EOS]:[INPUT]Y column?[EOS] [EOS]
93         using x,y,ydelta columns
94                 using [INPUT]X column?[EOS]:[INPUT]Y column?[EOS]:[INPUT]Ydelta column?[EOS] [EOS]
95         using x,y,ylow,yhigh columns
96                 using [INPUT]X column?[EOS]:[INPUT]Y column?[EOS]:[INPUT]Ylow column?[EOS]:[INPUT]Yhigh column?[EOS] [EOS]
97         --
98         [Menu]
99         with Style (simple)
100                 Lines
101                         with lines
102                 Points
103                         with points
104                 Lines and Points
105                         with linespoints
106                 Impulses
107                         with impulses
108                 Dots
109                         with dots
110                 Steps
111                         with steps
112                 Fsteps
113                         with fsteps
114                 Histeps
115                         with histeps            
116         [EndMenu]
117         [Menu]
118         with Style (compound)
119                 Error Bars
120                         with errorbars
121                 X Error Bars
122                         with xerrorbars
123                 Y Error Bars
124                         with yerrorbars
125                 XY Error Bars
126                         with xyerrorbars
127                 Error Lines
128                         with errorlines
129                 X Error Lines
130                         with xerrorlines
131                 Y Error Lines
132                         with yerrorlines
133                 XY Error Lines
134                         with xyerrorlines
135                 Boxes
136                         with boxes
137                 Filled Curves
138                         with filledcurves
139                 Box Error Bars
140                         with boxerrorbars
141                 Box XY Error Bars
142                         with boxxyerrorbars
143                 Finance Bars
144                         with financebars
145                 Candlesticks
146                         with candlesticks
147         [EndMenu]
148 [EndMenu]
150 [Menu]
151 &Expressions
152         Evaluate
153                 print 
154         Complex number ...
155                 {[INPUT]Real part?[EOS],[INPUT]Imaginary part?[EOS]}
156         [Menu]
157         Unary
158                 Minus   -a
159                         -[INPUT]Arg
160                 Plus    +a
161                         +[INPUT]Arg
162                 One's compliment        ~a
163                         ~[INPUT]Arg
164                 Logcial negation        !a
165                         ![INPUT]Arg
166                 Factorial       a!
167                         [INPUT]Arg[EOS]!
168         [EndMenu]
169         [Menu]
170         Binary
171                 Exponentiation  **
172                         **
173                 Multiply        *
174                         *
175                 Divide  /
176                         /
177                 Add     +
178                         +
179                 Subtract        -
180                         -
181                 --
182                 Modulo  %
183                         %
184         [EndMenu]
185         [Menu]
186         Logical
187                 Equality        ==
188                         ==
189                 Inequality      !=
190                         !=
191                 --
192                 less than       <
193                         <
194                 less than or equal      <=
195                         <=
196                 greater than    >
197                         >
198                 greater than or equal   >=
199                         >=
200                 --
201                 Bitwise AND     &
202                         &
203                 Bitwise exclusive OR    ^
204                         ^
205                 Bitwise inclusive OR    |
206                         |
207                 --
208                 Logical AND     &&
209                         &&
210                 Logical OR      ||
211                         ||
212                 --
213                 Ternary operator        a?b:c
214                         [INPUT]First arg[EOS]?[INPUT]Second arg[EOS]:[INPUT]Third arg[EOS]
215         [EndMenu]
216 [EndMenu]
217 [Menu]
218 Fu&nctions
219         [Menu]
220         Elementary
221                 random number
222                         rand([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
223                 absolute value
224                         abs([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
225                 sign
226                         sgn([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
227                 --
228                 ceiling
229                         ceil([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
230                 floor
231                         floor([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
232                 integer
233                         int([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
234                 --
235                 square root
236                         sqrt([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
237                 exponent
238                         exp([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
239                 logarithm (e)
240                         log([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
241                 logarithm (10)
242                         log10([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
243                 --
244                 cosine
245                         cos([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
246                 sine
247                         sin([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
248                 tangent
249                         tan([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
250                 --
251                 arc cosine
252                         acos([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
253                 arc sine
254                         asin([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
255                 arc tangent
256                         atan([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
257                 arc tangent 2
258                         atan2([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
259                 --
260                 hyperbolic cosine
261                         cosh([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
262                 hyperbolic sine
263                         sinh([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
264                 hyperbolic tangent
265                         tanh([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
266                 --
267                 imaginary
268                         imag([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
269                 real
270                         real([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
271                 arg
272                         arg([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
273         [EndMenu]
274         [Menu]
275         Special
276                 error 
277                         erf([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
278                 error c
279                         erfc([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
280                 inv error
281                         inverf([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
282                 --
283                 gamma
284                         gamma([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
285                 igamma
286                         igamma([INPUT]First argument[EOS],[INPUT]Second argument[EOS])
287                 lgamma
288                         lgamma([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
289                 --
290                 ibeta
291                         ibeta([INPUT]First argument[EOS],[INPUT]Second argument[EOS],[INPUT]Third argument[EOS])
292                 --
293                 bessel j0
294                         besj0([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
295                 bessel j1
296                         besj1([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
297                 bessel y0
298                         besy0([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
299                 bessel y1
300                         besy1([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
301                 --
302                 lambertw
303                         lambertw([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
305         [EndMenu]
306         [Menu]
307         Statistical
308                 normal
309                         norm([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
310                 inverse normal
311                         invnorm([INPUT]Argument[EOS])
312         [EndMenu]
313         --
314         Define User Function ...
315                 [INPUT]Name for function?[EOS][INPUT]Variable/s, eg. (a,b) ?[EOS]=
316         Show User Functions
317                 show functions{ENTER}
318         --
319         Define User Variable ...
320                 [INPUT]Name for variable?[EOS]=[INPUT]Value, eg. 9.81 ?{ENTER}
321         Show User Variables
322                 show variables{ENTER}
323         --
324         x Dummy variable
325                 set dummy [INPUT]Variable name?{ENTER}
326         x,y Dummy variables
327                 set dummy [INPUT]Variable names (eg. u,v)?{ENTER}
328         Show Dummy variables
329                 show dummy{ENTER}
330 [EndMenu]
332 [Menu]
333 &General
334         Border on
335                 set border{ENTER}
336         Border off
337                 unset border{ENTER}
338         Show Border
339                 show border{ENTER}
340         --
341         Box width
342                 set boxwidth [INPUT]Box Width?{ENTER}
343         Auto Box Width
344                 set boxwidth{ENTER}
345         Show Box width
346                 show boxwidth{ENTER}
347         --
348         Show Line Types
349                 test{ENTER}
350         --
351         [Menu]
352         Parametric
353                 Set Parametric
354                         set parametric{ENTER}
355                 Not Parametric
356                         unset parametric{ENTER}
357                 Show Parametric
358                         show parametric{ENTER}
359                 --
360                 t Range
361                         set trange [[INPUT]Lower bound?[EOS]:[INPUT]Upper bound?[EOS]]{ENTER}
362                 u Range
363                         set urange [[INPUT]Lower bound?[EOS]:[INPUT]Upper bound?[EOS]]{ENTER}
364                 v Range
365                         set vrange [[INPUT]Lower bound?[EOS]:[INPUT]Upper bound?[EOS]]{ENTER}
366         [EndMenu]
367         --
368         [Menu]
369         Clipping
370         Clip near points
371                 set clip points{ENTER}
372         Clip one point
373                 set clip one{ENTER}
374         Clip two points
375                 set clip two{ENTER}
376         No Clipping
377                 unset clip{ENTER}
378         Show Clip type
379                 show clip{ENTER}
380         [EndMenu]
381         --
382         [Menu]
383         Polar
384         Polar
385                 set polar{ENTER}
386         Not Polar
387                 unset polar{ENTER}
388         Show Polar
389                 show polar{ENTER}
390         Radial Range
391                 set rrange [[INPUT]Lower bound?[EOS]:[INPUT]Upper bound?[EOS]]{ENTER}
392         Angles in Degrees
393                 set angles degrees{ENTER}
394         Angles in Radians
395                 set angles radians{ENTER}
396         Show Angle units
397                 show angles{ENTER}
398         [EndMenu]
399         --
400         Set Plot Size
401                 set size [INPUT]Xscale?[EOS],[INPUT]Yscale?{ENTER}
402         Show Plot Size
403                 show size{ENTER}
404         --
405         Sampling Rate
406                 set sample [INPUT]Sampling rate (default=100)?{ENTER}
407         Show Sampling Rate
408                 show sample{ENTER}
409 [EndMenu]
411 [Menu]
412 &Axes
413         Autoscale xy
414                 set autoscale [INPUT]Which axes (eg. xy)?{ENTER}
415         No Autoscale xy
416                 unset autoscale [INPUT]Which axes (eg. xy)?{ENTER}
417         Show Autoscale
418                 show autoscale{ENTER}
419         --
420         Logscale xyz
421                 set logscale [INPUT]Which axes (eg. xy)?{ENTER}
422         No Logscale xyz
423                 unset logscale [INPUT]Which axes (eg. xy)?{ENTER}
424         Show Logscale
425                 show logscale{ENTER}
426         --
427         [Menu]
428         Tics
429                 Tic format string
430                         set format [INPUT]Axes?[EOS] "[INPUT]Format string?[EOS]"{ENTER}
431                 Tic marks format
432                         show format{ENTER}
433                 --
434                 Inward facing tics (default)
435                         set tics in{ENTER}
436                 Outward facing tics
437                         set tics out{ENTER}
438                 Show tics
439                         show tics{ENTER}
440                 --
441                 Tics level
442                         set ticslevel [INPUT]Level (default=0.5)?{ENTER}
443                 --
444                 Tic interval
445                         set [INPUT]Axis: x, y or z ?[EOS]tics [INPUT]Start, Increment, End (eg. 0,0.5,10) ?{ENTER}
446                 --
447                 Tic labels start
448                         set [INPUT]Axis: x, y or z ?[EOS]tics ("[INPUT]Label text?[EOS]" [INPUT]Position?[EOS]
449                 another Tic label
450                         ,"[INPUT]Label text?[EOS]" [INPUT]Position?[EOS]
451                 Tic labels finish
452                         ){ENTER}
453         [EndMenu]
454         --
455         X Range
456                 set xrange [[INPUT]Lower bound?[EOS]:[INPUT]Upper bound?[EOS]]{ENTER}
457         Y Range
458                 set yrange [[INPUT]Lower bound?[EOS]:[INPUT]Upper bound?[EOS]]{ENTER}
459         Z Range
460                 set zrange [[INPUT]Lower bound?[EOS]:[INPUT]Upper bound?[EOS]]{ENTER}
461         --
462         X Label
463                 set xlabel "[INPUT]Label text?[EOS]" [INPUT]X offset, Y offset (eg. 2,3) ?{ENTER}
464         Y Label
465                 set ylabel "[INPUT]Label text?[EOS]" [INPUT]X offset, Y offset (eg. 2,3) ?{ENTER}
466         Z Label
467                 set zlabel "[INPUT]Label text?[EOS]" [INPUT]X offset, Y offset (eg. 2,3) ?{ENTER}
468         Show axis Labels
469                 show xlabel{ENTER}show ylabel{ENTER}show zlabel{ENTER}
470         --
471         No X zero axis
472                 unset xzeroaxis{ENTER}
473         No Y zero axis
474                 unset yzeroaxis{ENTER}
475         X,Y zero axes on
476                 set zeroaxis{ENTER}
477         Show zero axis status
478                 show zeroaxis{ENTER}
479 [EndMenu]
481 [Menu]
482 &Chart
483         Grid on
484                 set grid{ENTER}
485         Grid off
486                 unset grid{ENTER}
487         Show Grid
488                 show grid{ENTER}
489         --
490         Add Arrow
491                 set arrow [INPUT]Tag (1-99)?[EOS] from [INPUT]From coordinate?[EOS] to [INPUT]To coordinate?{ENTER}
492         Remove arrow
493                 unset arrow [INPUT]Tag (1-99)?{ENTER}
494         Show Arrows
495                 show arrow{ENTER}
496         --
497         Add Label
498                 set label [INPUT]Tag?[EOS] "[INPUT]Label?[EOS]" at [INPUT]Coordinate?[EOS] [INPUT]Justification (l,c,r)?{ENTER}
499         Remove Label
500                 unset label [INPUT]Tag?{ENTER}
501         Show Labels
502                 show label{ENTER}
503         --
504         Set Title
505                 set title "[INPUT]Title text?[EOS]" [INPUT]X position, Y position (eg. 2,4)?{ENTER}
506         Show Title
507                 show title{ENTER}
508         --
509         Key (legend) position
510                 set key [INPUT]Key position?{ENTER}
511         Default Key position
512                 set key{ENTER}
513         No Key
514                 unset key{ENTER}
515         Show Key position
516                 show key{ENTER}
517         --
518         Offsets
519                 set offsets [INPUT]Offsets left,right,top,bottom ?{ENTER}
520         Show Offsets
521                 show offsets{ENTER}
522         --
523         Time location
524                 set time [INPUT]Location (eg. 1,1)?{ENTER}
525         No Time
526                 unset time{ENTER}
527         Show Time Location
528                 show time{ENTER}
529 [EndMenu]
531 [Menu]
532 &Styles
533         [Menu]
534         Data Style
535         Lines
536                 set style data lines{ENTER}
537         Points
538                 set style data points{ENTER}
539         Lines + Points
540                 set style data linespoints{ENTER}
541         Dots
542                 set style data dots{ENTER}
543         Impulses
544                 set style data impulses{ENTER}
545         --
546         Error Bars
547                 set style data errorbars{ENTER}
548         Boxes
549                 set style data boxes{ENTER}
550         Box Error Bars
551                 set style data boxerrorbars{ENTER}
552         --
553         Candlesticks
554                 set style data candlesticks{ENTER}
555         Finance Bars
556                 set style data financebars{ENTER}
557         [EndMenu]
558         Show Data Style
559                 show style data{ENTER}
560         Clear Data Style
561                 unset style data{ENTER}
562         --
563         [Menu]
564         Function Style
565         Lines
566                 set style function lines{ENTER}
567         Points
568                 set style function points{ENTER}
569         Lines + Points
570                 set style function linespoints{ENTER}
571         Dots
572                 set style function dots{ENTER}
573         Impulses
574                 set style function impulses{ENTER}
575         --
576         Error Bars
577                 set style function errorbars{ENTER}
578         Boxes
579                 set style function boxes{ENTER}
580         Box Error Bars
581                 set style function boxerrorbars{ENTER}
582         --
583         Candlesticks
584                 set style function candlesticks{ENTER}
585         Finance Bars
586                 set style function financebars{ENTER}
587         [EndMenu]
588         Show Function Style
589                 show style function{ENTER}
590         Clear Function Style
591                 unset style function{ENTER}
592         --
593         [Menu]
594         Arrow Style
595         Head
596                 set style arrow [INPUT]Arrow number?[EOS] head{ENTER}
597         Heads
598                 set style arrow [INPUT]Arrow number?[EOS] heads{ENTER}
599         No Heads
600                 set style arrow [INPUT]Arrow number?[EOS] nohead{ENTER}
601         [EndMenu]
602         Show Arrow Style
603                 show style arrow [INPUT]Arrow number? {ENTER}
604         Clear Arrow Style
605                 unset style arrow [INPUT]Arrow number? {ENTER}
606         --
607         [Menu]
608         Fill Style
609         Empty
610                 set style fill empty{ENTER}
611         Solid
612                 set style fill solid [INPUT]Density?{ENTER}
613         Pattern
614                 set style fill pattern [INPUT]Pattern number?{ENTER}
615         Border
616                 set style fill border [INPUT]Line Type?{ENTER}
617         No Border
618                 set style fill noborder{ENTER}
619         [EndMenu]
620         Show Fill Style
621                 show style fill{ENTER}
622         Clear Fill Style
623                 unset style fill{ENTER}
624         --
625         [Menu]
626         Line Style
627         Line Type
628                 set style linetype [INPUT]Line Type?{ENTER}
629         Line Width
630                 set style linewidth [INPUT]Line Width?{ENTER}
631         Point Type
632                 set style pointtype [INPUT]Point Type?{ENTER}
633         Point Size
634                 set style pointsize [INPUT]Point Size?{ENTER}
635 ;       Palette
636 ;               set style line{ENTER}
637         [EndMenu]
638         Show Line Style
639                 show style line{ENTER}
640         Clear Line Style
641                 unset style line{ENTER}
642 [EndMenu]
644 [Menu]
645 &3D
646         [Menu]
647         Contours
648                 Linear Contours
649                         set cntrparam linear{ENTER}
650                 Cubic Spline Contours
651                         set cntrparam cubicspline{ENTER}
652                 B-spline Contours
653                         set cntrparam bspline{ENTER}
654                 Number of Contours
655                         set cntrparam levels [INPUT]How many contours?{ENTER}
656                 Points for Contours
657                         set cntrparam points [INPUT]How many points for the contours?{ENTER}
658                 Order of B-splines
659                         set cntrparam order [INPUT]Order of B-splines (2-10)?{ENTER}
660                 --
661                 Contours on Base
662                         set contour base{ENTER}
663                 Contours on Surfaces
664                         set contour surface{ENTER}
665                 Contours on Both
666                         set contour both{ENTER}
667                 No Contours
668                         unset contour{ENTER}
669                 Show Contour
670                         show contour{ENTER}
671                 --
672                 Number of Isosamples
673                         set isosamples [INPUT]Number of isosamples?{ENTER}
674                 Show Isosamples
675                         show isosamples{ENTER}
676         [EndMenu]
677         --
678         Cartesian Mapping
679                 set mapping cartesian{ENTER}
680         Spherical Mapping
681                 set mapping spherical{ENTER}
682         Cylindrical Mapping
683                 set mapping cylindrical{ENTER}
684         Show Mapping
685                 show mapping{ENTER}
686         --
687         Hidden line removal
688                 set hidden3d{ENTER}
689         No Hidden line removal
690                 unset hidden3d{ENTER}
691         Show Hidden line removal
692                 show hidden3d{ENTER}
693         --
694         Display Surface mesh
695                 set surface{ENTER}
696         No Surface mesh
697                 unset surface{ENTER}
698         Show Surface status
699                 show surface{ENTER}
700         --
701         Set View
702                 set view [INPUT]X rotation (degrees)?[EOS],[INPUT]Z rotation?[EOS],[INPUT]Scale?[EOS],[INPUT]Z scale?{ENTER}
703         Show View
704                 show view{ENTER}
705 [EndMenu]
707 [Menu]
708 &Help
709         &Index
710                 help{ENTER}
711         Introduction
712                 help introduction{ENTER}
713         &Topic
714                 help [INPUT]Help Topic?{ENTER}
715         &Windows
716                 help windows{ENTER}
717 [EndMenu]
719 ; now some buttons
720 ; DON'T put a shortcut key (&) on any of these because
721 ; it doesn't work with Windows 3.1 and it HANGS Windows 3.0.
722 [Button]
723         Replot
724                 replot{ENTER}
725 [Button]
726         Open
727                 load '[OPEN]load[EOS]*.plt[EOS]'{ENTER}
728 [Button]
729         Save
730                 save '[SAVE]save[EOS]*.plt[EOS]'{ENTER}
731 [Button]
732         ChDir
733                 cd '[DIRECTORY]New directory?[EOS]'{ENTER}
734 [Button]
735         Print
736                 set terminal [INPUT]Terminal type?{ENTER}set output "PRN"{ENTER}replot{ENTER}set terminal win{ENTER}set output{ENTER}
737 [Button]
738         PrtSc
739                 screendump{ENTER}
740 [Button]
741         Prev
742                 {^P}
743 [Button]
744         Next
745                 {^N}