# # $Id: candlesticks.dem,v 1.4 2005/03/30 06:02:45 sfeam Exp $ # reset # set xrange [0:11] set yrange [0:10] # set title "candlesticks with open boxes (default)" plot 'candlesticks.dat' using 1:3:2:6:5 with candlesticks # pause -1 "Hit return to continue" # set title "candlesticks with specified boxwidth" set boxwidth 0.2 replot # pause -1 "Hit return to continue" # set title "candlesticks with style fill solid" set style fill solid set boxwidth 0.2 replot # pause -1 "Hit return to continue" # set title "box-and-whisker plot adding median value as bar" set style fill empty plot 'candlesticks.dat' using 1:3:2:6:5 with candlesticks lt 3 lw 2 title 'Quartiles', \ '' using 1:4:4:4:4 with candlesticks lt -1 lw 2 notitle # pause -1 "Hit return to continue" # set title "box-and-whisker with median bar and whiskerbars" plot 'candlesticks.dat' using 1:3:2:6:5 with candlesticks lt 3 lw 2 title 'Quartiles' whiskerbars, \ '' using 1:4:4:4:4 with candlesticks lt -1 lw 2 notitle pause -1 "Hit return to continue" # reset