******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* This file documents shortly some parts of the gnuplot internals. TABLE OF CONTENTS: * OVERVIEW OVER CODE STRUCTURE CHANGES AFTER MERGING THE 'AXES' BRANCH * TECHNICAL DETAILS FOR MOUSE COMMUNICATION * TECHNICAL DETAILS FOR FAST MOUSE ROTATION OF 3D SURFACES * TECHNICAL DETAILS ABOUT PM3D Document version: "$Id: README,v 2006/12/10 21:44:12 sfeam Exp $" ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* OVERVIEW OVER CODE STRUCTURE CHANGES AFTER MERGING THE 'AXES' BRANCH ==================================================================== CODE structure changes --- an overview: - this is important info if you want to work on gnuplot or merge in patches, - made against gnuplot versions before 3.8e. As of November 1st, 2000, a large set of reorganizational changes to the gnuplot source code, formerly known as 'the axis branch', were folded into the main source tree. This was tagged as beta version 3.8e of the program. Due to the massive amount of changes, this will likely break most patches built against any previous version of gnuplot. To help others in resolving the conflicts that arise, I've set up this description. The change that is most likely to break your patches is that many variables formerly in setshow.h were renamed and grouped into an array of structures. All status that is set/saved for each individual axis got moved. A little overview: autoscale_* --> axis_array[].autoscale *format --> [].formatstring format_is_numeric[*] --> [].format_is_numeric is_log_* --> [].log base_log_* --> [].base log_base_log_* --> [].log_base *label --> [].label *min --> [].set_min *max --> [].set_max min_array[] --> [].min max_array[] --> [].max writeback_min[] --> [].writeback_min writeback_max[] --> [].writeback_max *zeroaxis --> [].zeroaxis *tics --> [].ticmode rotate_*tics --> [].tic_rotate m*tics --> [].minitics m*tfreq --> [].mtic_freq *ticdef --> [].ticdef timefmt --> [].timefmt --- one per axis, now! datatype[] --> [].is_timedata Other, general changes: 1) All status variables for features that have an axis name in 'set' are now contained in axis.c, and declared in axis.h. Some internal status variables also were moved there. 2) plot.h is no longer the 'master include file'. The big collection of type definitions is now in a new file 'gp_types.h'. Only relatively few sources will now want to #include "plot.h", but most will need "gp_types.h". It's often indirectly pulled in through other headers. 3) setshow.h now only declares variables that *do* belong to set.c and show.c. All the global status variables are now kept in their respective implementation modules. 4) Global variables are now all declared in the .h file of their 'home' module (i.e. if the definition is in foo.c, the decl is in foo.h). 5) Frequently repeated code blocks, like log()/pow() conversion of values for log axes, are now macros in axis.h or functions in the axis module. 6) reset_command() moved from set.c to unset.c 7) Many status variables and implementations for graphical plot elements that are not axis-specific (the timestamp, the key, the border, and some others) are now in the new source module 'gadgets.h'. 8) there's a header file 'version.h' now for the stuff exported by 'version.c'. 9) Variables and functions only used by one particular source file have been moved into that and made 'static', to improve mutual isolation of the individual source modules. 10) Series of #defines that represent different cases have been turned into enums. This makes for easier debugging, and better compiler warnings if you forget to handle some case. 11) Default/initial values of variables to be influenced by 'reset' usually have a #define in the .h that is used for both, to avoid 'reset' and the initialization getting out of synch. 12) Types not needed outside a certain module are defined in the source, where no other modules sees them, rather than in the header. 13) If an int was used as a yes/no flag, only, I made it a TBOOLEAN. Details, by file: ================= now in axis.c/h:(new) type axis enum AXIS_INDEX AXIS_ARRAY_SIZE t_ticseries_type types ticmark, ticdef, en_minitics_status, tic_callback, AXIS_DEFAULTS DEFAULT_AXIS_STRUCT axis_array[] --- what it all started about axis_defaults[] INIT_AXIS_ARRAY() --- set a field a given initial value, for all axes axisname_tbl[] --- for parsing ticscale, miniticscale, tic_in --- tic-related variables default_axis_ticdef, default_axis_label --- for unset/reset default_axis_zeroaxis, default_grid_lp --- dito DEF_FORMAT, TIMEFMT --- dito grid_selection, grid_lp, mgrid_lp, polar_grid_angle --- 'set grid' tic_start, tic_direction, tic_text, rotate_tics, tic_hjust, ... tic_vjust, tic_mirror --- globals for tic callbacks x_axis, y_axis, z_axis --- 'current' x, y and z axis index X_AXIS, Y_AXIS, Z_AXIS --- quick-access macros axis_array[x_axis] etc. AXIS_MAP, AXIS_MAPBACK --- user <-> term coord mapping map_x, map_y --- their old names AXIS_WRITEBACK() AXIS_DO_LOG(), AXIS_UNDO_LOG() --- log() a value for an axis' logbas AXIS_LOG_VALUE(), AXIS_DE_LOG_VALUE() --- same, but test if necessary AXIS_INIT3D, AXIS_INIT2D --- prepare axis for use ... and lots of others --- go read axis.h yourself :-) removed from command.c: c_dummy_var[][] now in command.c: replot_disabled, MAX_TOKENS removed from contour.c: num_approx_points bspline_order now in contour.c: contour_format contour_kind contour_levels_kind contour_levels contour_order contour_pts (dyn_)contour_levels_list removed from datafile.c: df_timecol now in datafile.c: missing_val plotted_data_from_stdin df_axis renamed: pipe_open -> df_pipe_open now in eval.c/h: udft_entry udvt_entry argument FUNC_PTR ft_entry now in gadgets.c/h: types position_type, position, text_label, arrow_def, linestyle_def types en_key_horizontal_position, en_key_sample_positioning, key_type type label_struct EMPTY_LABELSTRUCT --- for initializing/unset/reset key, key_user_pos, key_vpos, key_hpos, key_just, key_swidth key_vert_factor, key_width_fix, key_reverse, key_title default_keybox_lp, key_box --- status variables of 'set key' xleft, xright, ybot, ytop: the graph boundary xsize, ysize, ysize, aspect_ratio --- 'set size' xoffset, xoffset --- 'set offset' lmargin, bmargin,rmargin,tmargin --- set dito first_arrow first_label first_linestyle title timelabel, timelabel_rotate, timelabel_bottom --- 'set timedate' polar, parametric zero --- 'set zero' draw_border, border_lp clip_lines1, clip_lines2, clip_points samples_1, samples_2, SAMPLES ang2rad --- 'set angle' data_style, func_style --- 'set style data/func' suppressMove draw_clip_line, clip_line, clip_point --- moved from util3d.h clip_put_text, clip_put_text_just --- dito (used for 2D, too) clip_move, clip_vector --- from graph3d.h (also 2D usage) now in time.c/gp_time.h: ZERO_YEAR JAN_FIRST_WDAY SEC_OFFS_SYS YEAR_SEC MON_SEC WEEK_SEC DAY_SEC removed from graph3d.c/h: suppress_move hidden_active hidden_no_update map3d_xy() --- moved to util3d map3d_z(), dbl_raise() --- unused, anyway draw_bottom_grid() --- renamed, now draw3d_graphbox() setlinestyle() map_x3d & friend macros move_pos_x, move_pos_y clip_move(), clip_vector() now in graph3d.c/h: types t_contour_placement, gnuplot_contours, iso_curve, surface_points xscale3d, yscale3d, zscale3d draw_contour label_contours draw_surface hidden3d surface_rot_z surface_rot_x surface_scale surface_zscale ticslevel ISOSAMPLES iso_samples_1 iso_samples_2 cntr3d_linespoints() --- new cntr3d_dots() --- new setup_3d_box_corners --- new find_maxl_cntr() --- static, moved from misc.c find_maxl_keys3d() --- static, moved from misc.c right_x, right_y, front_x, front_y --- static, new removed from graphics.c/h: statics tic_start, tic_direction, tic_text, rotate_tics, ... tic_hjust, tic_vjust, tic_mirror, ... ticfmt, timelevel, ticstep --- now function-local min_array, max_array, log_array, base_array, scale[] ... log_base_array --- now in 'axis' structure. x_axis, y_axis --- now in axis.c mant_exp() --- now static in axis.c time_tic_just(), timetic_format(), fixup_range() --- dito set_tic(), setup_tics(), gen_tics() --- dito gprintf() --- now in axis.c (but may not stay there) CheckLog() --- renamed, now in axis.c write_multiline() --- now in term.c xleft, xright, xtop, xbot --- now in gadgets.c dbl_raise() --- unused now in graphics.c/h: type curve_points loff, roff, toff, boff bar_size find_maxl_keys() --- static, moved from misc.c default_font removed from hidden3d.h: type vertex --- now in util3d.h now in internal.h: undefined removed from misc.c/h: static find_maxl_cntr(), find_maxl_keys3d() --- now in graph3d static find_maxl_keys() --- now in graphics cp_alloc(), cp_extend(), cp_free() --- now in plot2d sp_alloc(), sp_extend(), sp_free() --- now in plot3d gp_strcspn --- now in stdfn now in misc.c/h: get_style() --- from set.c lp_use_properties() --- from set.c lp_parse --- from set.c now in parse.c/h: c_dummy_var[] set_dummy_var[] is_jump() removed from plot.c/h: PROGRAM --- now in show PROMPT --- now in command SAMPLES --- now in gadgets ISO_SAMPLES ZERO TERM TBOOLEAN DTRUE DEG2RAD() MIN_CRV_POINTS MIN_SRF_POINTS INT_STR_LEN() PATH_CONCAT() CONCAT CONCAT3 MAX_LINE_LEN MAX_TOKENS MAX_ID_LEN MAX_AT_LEN NO_CARET --- now in util.h MAX_NUM_VAR FIRST_AXES --- now in axis FIRST_Z_AXIS etc. --- now in axis GPHUGE --- now in syscfg HUGE_VAL, VERYLARGE --- dito coordval --- dito GPMAX(), GPMIN(), inrange() --- now in stdfn is_comment(), is_system() --- now in syscfg is_jump() --- now in parse ... lots of types --- now in gp_types.h, or gadgets.h type termentry/TERMENTRY --- now in term_api.h ... all declarations of variables from other sources --- now there removed from plot2d.c/h: INIT_ARRAYS(), CHECK_REVERSE(), LOAD_RANGE() --- now in axis STORE_WITH_LOG_AND_FIXUP_RANGE() --- dito FIXUP_RANGE_FOR_LOG() --- dito WRITEBACK(), SAVE_WRITEBACK() --- renamed, now in axis now in plot2d.c/h: boxwidth cp_alloc() cp_extend() cp_free() removed from plot3d.c/h: INIT_ARRAYS(), CHECK_REVERSE(), LOAD_RANGE() --- now in axis STORE_WITH_LOG_AND_FIXUP_RANGE() --- dito FIXUP_RANGE_FOR_LOG() --- dito WRITEBACK SAVE_WRITEBACK() --- renamed, now in axis (yes, these were duplicates in plot2d and plot3d...) now in plot3d.c/h: mapping3d dgrid3d_row_fineness dgrid3d_col_fineness dgrid3d_norm_value dgrid3d calculate_set_of_isolines() --- new, isolated from eval_plots() sp_alloc(), sp_extend(), sp_free() --- from misc sp_replace() --- new removed from save.c: SAVE_NUM_OR_TIME() --- now in setshow.h removed from set.c/setshow.h: GET_NUM_OR_TIME() --- now in axis reset_command --- now in unset get_writeback_min() and friends --- renamed, now in axis and many globals that are now structure elements in the axis_array[]: autoscale_* --> axis_array[].autoscale *format --> [].formatstring format_is_numeric[*] --> [].format_is_numeric is_log_* --> [].log base_log_* --> [].base log_base_log_* --> [].log_base *label --> [].label *min --> [].set_min *max --> [].set_max min_array[] --> [].min max_array[] --> [].max writeback_min[] --> [].writeback_min writeback_max[] --> [].writeback_max *zeroaxis --> [].zeroaxis *tics --> [].ticmode rotate_*tics --> [].tic_rotate m*tics --> [].minitics m*tfreq --> [].mtic_freq *ticdef --> [].ticdef timefmt --> [].timefmt --- one per axis, now! datatype[] --> [].is_timedata all other globals from set.c went to graph2d if they were 2D-releated, graph3d if 3D, gadgets if used by both 2D and 3D. now in stdfn.c/h: gp_strcspn() INT_STR_LEN PATH_CONCAT inrange GPMAX GPMIN now in syscfg.h: GPHUGE, GPFAR coordval MAX_NUM_VAR RETSIGTYPE type sortfunc GP_INLINE TRUE, FALSE, TBOOLEAN removed from tables.h: set_encoding_tbl, set_encoding_id --- now in term_api.h now in term.c/term_api.h: *term, term_options *outstr multiplot ignore_enhanced_text encoding, encoding_names set_encoding_tbl, set_encoding_id write_multiline types JUSTIFY, VERT_JUSTIFY, lp_style_type, TERMENTRY/termentry in unset.c: unset_mtics(), unset_tics(), unset_timedata() and others --- replace lots of functions by one, taking an axis_index argument now in util.c: graph_error() --- from graphics removed from util3d.c: clip_point(), draw_clip_line(), clip_put_text(), ... clip_put_text_just(), clip_line() --- caused problems with hidden3d now in util3d.c: type vertex --- from hidden3d FLAG_VERTEX_AS_UNDEFINED(), VERTEX_IS_UNDEFINED, V_EQUAL --- dito TERMCOORD() --- dito map3d_xyz map3d_xy --- from graph3d draw3d_line() --- new draw3d_line_unconditional() --- new draw3d_point() --- new --- these replace the old, removed ones If you've read all through this, you're one determined person --- congratulations. Hans-Bernhard Broeker (broeker@physik.rwth-aachen.de) Even if all the snow were burnt, ashes would remain. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2001/07/24: I made a lot of changes in the expression parser / evaluator subsystem. The interface from the expression evaluator to the rest of gnuplot is now through only *one* header file, eval.h. The headers interpol.h, specfun.h and standard.h are now used only for communication to eval.c and its helpers. Other modules should #include only eval.h, or parse.h if they need to handle user input (parse.h includes eval.h). I've also renamed all those incomprehendible functions 'aterms()' through 'hterms()' in parser.c, according to the type of expression they actually parse. The expression type names follow those in the C standard grammar. In order of increasing operator precedence: express --> parse_expression xterms --> parse_conditional_expression aterms --> parse_logical_OR_expression bterms --> parse_logical_AND_expression cterms --> parse_inclusive_OR_expression dterms --> parse_exclusive_OR_expression eterms --> parse_AND_expression fterms --> parse_equality_expression gterms --> parse_relational_expression hterms --> parse_additive_expression iterms --> parse_multiplicative_expression unary --> parse_unary_expression factor --> parse_primary_expression Those are the functions that actually parse expressions of a given type based upon lexical symbols found in the input. A second set of functions represent the grammar states: xterm --> accept_logical_OR_expression aterm --> accept_logical_AND_expression bterm --> accept_inclusive_OR_expression cterm --> accept_exclusive_OR_expression dterm --> accept_AND_expression eterm --> accept_equality_expression fterm --> accept_relational_expression gterm --> accept_additive_expression hterm --> accept_multiplicative_expression ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* TECHNICAL DETAILS FOR HOTKEYS/MOUSE COMMUNICATION ================================================= The communication between a mouseable terminal and the main gnuplot core goes via structures defined in mousecmn.h. Further, the following terminal entries are used (see USE_MOUSE #defined code in .trm files): void XX_set_ruler (int, int); void XX_set_cursor (int, int, int); void XX_put_tmptext (int, const char str[]); void XX_set_clipboard (const char[]); On OS/2, the communication of these structures between the stand-alone terminals gnupmdrv.exe or gnuplot_x11.exe and the main gnuplot.exe executable is implemented by shared memory and an event semaphore. On Unix, a bidirectional pipe is implemented for the ipc (inter-process) communication between gnuplot_x11 and gnuplot. The readline interfaces were modified to listen to both stdin and the ipc file descriptor. (Well, that's just the usual way). Note that if compiling with gnu readline, you must have a gnu readline version > 2.2 (3.0). This will not be a major drawback, as 2.2 is out for years now and the current gnu readline version is 4.0. On VGAGL, the communication is done by...? On Windows, the windows terminal is a part of the gnuplot executable wgnuplot.exe. Thus it is possible to call the executing routine do_event(&ge); directly, without any communication at all. History of mouseable terminals: (*) March 1998: Implementation of mousing in OS/2 Presentation Manager terminal (Petr Mikulik). (*) April 1999: Proper implementation of the gnupmdrv-gnuplot communication by shared memory and event semaphores (Franz Bakan, Petr Mikulik). (*) October 1999: Mouseable X11 terminal on Unix and OS/2 (Johannes Zellner, Petr Mikulik). The stand-alone terminals gnupmdrv.exe and gnuplot_x11(.exe) had full control over mousing over its displayed graph (all relevant gnuplot structures were passed into the terminal). (*) January 2000: Mousing re-implemented by means of new terminal (.trm) entries, i.e. with a call-back of events passed from the stand-alone terminal to the main gnuplot (Pieter-Tjerk de Boer, Johannes Zellner, Petr Mikulik). (*) January 2000: Implemented mousing in vgagl terminal, the fast linux console terminal (Johannes Zellner). (*) February 2002: Implemented mousing in windows terminal (Petr Mikulik, Hans-Bernhard Broeker). ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* TECHNICAL DETAILS FOR FAST MOUSE ROTATION OF 3D SURFACES ======================================================== For splots (3d) the data of all surfaces of the current graph are cached and can therefore be redrawn very quickly, without rereading and reparsing the input files. This enables smooth rotating and zooming of splots. Note that gnuplot frees the allocated data of the current graph when it starts to plot a new graph. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* TECHNICAL DETAILS ABOUT PM3D ============================ The pm3d splot mode for gray and colour maps and surface (and much later for much more: splots with color lines, plots with filled curves) has been implemented by Petr Mikulik in December 1998 and January 1999. It was released for public on 14. 3. 1999 as a patch for gnuplot 3.7. Below you can find the original notes about the implementation, slightly modified in February 2002. The pm3d algorithm: History and description ------------------------------------------- The gnuplot pm3d splot mode is a successor to my pm3d algorithm coded previously in my Turbo Vision Pascal plotting program "pmgraf" for DOS (April 1994) and the C++ command line "pm3d" program which is converting the input data into postscript maps (March 1995). Both programs are available on my homepage. The pm3d algorithm (in pmgraf, pm3d and now in gnuplot) draws a gray or colour map (or surface, in gnuplot only) of a 3D data, which are supposed to be a sequence of scans. Scan is the same what is called 'iso_curve' in gnuplot. For the given surface, the algorithm takes one scan after the other scan until the last but one. For a scan number K it looks at the subsequent scan K+1. For each (but the last one) point on scan K, it makes a quadrangle with 4 corners: two subsequent points at scan K and two points at scan K+1. (The quadrangle is a rectangle if the data are matrix-like.) The quadrangle is filled by the colour corresponding to the averaged Z coordinate of its 4 corners. Therefore it can plot matricial as well as non-rectangular non-gridded data without any preprocessing, and on single pass through the data. It does not require that the scans have the same number of points (see the details on flushing below or 'set pm3d flush'). pm3d implementation in gnuplot ------------------------------ Below, you find the basic description of gnuplot implementation of pm3d, colour palette and filled colour polygons. The pm3d implementation in gnuplot is is based on the following terminal entries (see below for more details): term->make_palette term->previous_palette term->set_color term->filled_polygon The topmost implementation of colour filled areas in plot3d.c: (*) pm3d mode is set on if (pm3d.where[0]). Its setting, or using 'with ... palette', requests the palette of continuous (smooth) colours for the given terminal according to 'set palette' setup. The palette is created by a call to make_palette(). The routine make_palette() is coded in pm3d.c. It will be commented below. (*) pm3d plot for a given surface is called from graph3d.c, just before the stuff for hidden line removal, i.e. before plotting surfaces and contours. For each surface, it calls pm3d_plot( this_plot, pm3d.where[i] ); (*) The colour box showing the sequence of continuous colours is drawn in routine draw_color_smooth_box(). Postscript output uses the box implementation directly in the postscript language, see below. (*) Routine term->previous_palette() is called after the plot. Currently, it is needed only for printing the string "grestore" into a postscript file. ----- Implementation of pm3d_plot( this_plot, at_which_z ) in pm3d.c ----- (*) This plots the map (for at_which_z=PM3D_AT_BASE or PM3D_AT_TOP) or surface (for at_which_z=PM3D_AT_SURFACE) for the given surface (variable this_plot). (*) The implementation of the pm3d algorithm is schematically: for scan J=1 to scans-1 { /* for each scan in the surface */ for pt=1 to min( points(J), points(J+1) ) { /* go over min nb of points */ pt' = ...; pt'' = ... /* see below */ ptJa = point(J,pt') ptJb = point(J,pt'+1) ptJ+1a = point(J+1,pt'') ptJ+1b = point(J+1,pt'') averagedZ = ( z(ptJa) + z(ptJb) + z(ptJ+1a) + z(ptJ+1b) ) / 4 set_color( averagedZ normalized to [0;1] ) fill_polygon( 4 corners, those 4 points transformed into coordinates of the map or surface on the terminal ) } } If the two subsequent scans have the same number of points, then pt''=pt'=pt. Otherwise, pt''=pt'=pt if 'scans flushed begin', pt'=points(J)-pt and pt''=points(J+1)-pt if 'scans flushed end', and similarly for 'scans center'. And nothing is drawn if there is only one point in the scan. ----- Implementation of make_palette() in pm3d.c ----- (*) Look into color.h, structure t_sm_palette: declaration of smooth palette, i.e. palette for smooth colours. It documents how gray [0,1] is mapped into (R,G,B) = ([0,1], [0,1], [0,1]). (*) Ask for the number of colours that are (still) available on the current terminal: i = term->make_palette(NULL); Postscript terminal returns 0 since it supports all RGB values (no limit on discrete number of colours). It has its own mapping: transformation of gray [0,1] is coded as postscript functions, and also in order to make the output size of the postscript file as small as possible, i.e. the same as the output from the pm3d program. Further, not 3 values of the RGB triplet but only 1 gray value is written into the postscript file. This is achieved by the analytical functions: pm3dGetColorValue() are coded as postscript functions, see post.trm: PostScriptColorFormulae[] used in PS_make_palette entry. PS->make_palette() looks itself into sm_palette and writes a header with the appropriate postscript codes for formulaR, formulaG, formulaB transformations. See also post.trm: PostScriptColorFormulae[] used in PS_make_palette. Return from make_palette(). All other terminals have discrete number of colours. Currently an RGB palette is allocated for the number of available colours returned by make_palette(); if pm3d is used in gnuplot's multiplot mode, then the result would be incorrect if the previous palette is not reused or if the number of colours is not limited by 'set palette maxcolors'. Creating the RGB palette: make the array of (RGB) triplets according to items in sm_palette (not for postscript) sm_palette.color = malloc( sm_palette.colors * sizeof(rgb_color) ); And then for (i = 0; i < sm_palette.colors; i++) { gray = (double)i / (sm_palette.colors - 1); /* rescale to [0;1] */ if (sm_palette.ColorMode == colorModeGRAY) /* gray scale only */ sm_palette.color[i].r = sm_palette.color[i].g = sm_palette.color[i].b = gray; else { /* i.e. sm_palette.ColorMode == colorModeRGB */ sm_palette.color[i].r = pm3dGetColorValue(sm_palette.formulaR, gray); sm_palette.color[i].g = pm3dGetColorValue(sm_palette.formulaG, gray); sm_palette.color[i].b = pm3dGetColorValue(sm_palette.formulaB, gray); } } Finally, tell the terminal to allocate the palette for the (RGB) triplets (again, not for postscript) term->make_palette(&sm_palette); ----- Transformation of the z-coordinate to gray and RGB in pm3c.c ----- How a colour is transformed from the gray? AveragedZ is mapped into the interval [min_z:max_z] which is transformed into [0:1], see routine double z2gray ( double z ) which rescales z into the interval [0,1]. This works fine also for the logarithmic z axis. Later, this is used by gray = z2gray ( avgZ ); This value can be used directly as a gray for gray maps. For colour maps it further needs to transform gray -> (R,G,B): [0:1] -> ([0:1], [0:1], [0:1]) thus some nice three functions have to be choosen --- see pm3d.c, function pm3dGetColorValue(), for the available mapping functions. Note that after the complete separation of the z and cb axes (cb-axis is the axis of colors) in February 2002, there is a new function z2cb(), and z2gray() was replaced by cb2gray(). ----- Implementation of pm3d terminal entries in *.trm ----- In this section you will find a brief discussion on the following pm3d-related terminal entries: term->make_palette term->previous_palette term->set_color term->filled_polygon which are required to make pm3d to work. Files considered by these functions are color.h, color.c, plot.h, and all .trm which are pm3d-capable. If you are coding pm3d support for a new terminal, then you can have a look at the code in these files: gif.trm (bitmap GIF terminal implementation), post.trm (PostScript terminal implementation), pm.trm + gclient.c (OS/2 PM terminal implementation), x11.trm + gplt_x11.c (X11 terminal implementation). The pm3d-specific code is surrounded by #ifdef PM3D ... #endif, so it is possible to compile gnuplot with or without pm3d support just bey (un)defining the PM3D constant. In plot.h, the following new terminal entries are added into struct TERMENTRY: int (*make_palette) __PROTO((t_sm_palette *palette)); 1. If palette==NULL, then return nice/suitable maximal number of colours supported by this terminal. Returns 0 if it can make colours without palette (like postscript). 2. If palette!=NULL, then allocate its own palette return value is undefined. 3. Available: some negative values of max_colors for whatever it can be useful. Some particular notes: (*) Terminals with palette (GIF, PM): there are already some basic colours allocated (see gnuplot command 'test'), thus an offset for the `part with smooth colours' is needed. (*) GIF: can allocate up to 256 colours, i.e. discrete number of colours. (*) PM: discrete number of colours. Passes the rgbTable through the pipe into standalone gnupmdrv driver. X11 should be implemented in the same way. (*) PostScript: continuous colours, as "setrgbcolor" PS command takes the triplet of intervals [0,1]. void (*previous_palette) __PROTO((void)); Release the palette that the above routine allocated and get back the palette that was active before. Some terminals, like displays, may draw parts of the figure using their own palette. The terminals possessing only one palette for the whole plot don't need this routine. Actually, this routine is currently used only for postscript terminal, where it writes "grestore" as make_palette() starts its postscript definitions by "gsave"... that's because there are the analytical mapping functions gray->RGB defined in the local header. void (*set_color) __PROTO((double gray)); The value of gray is [0;1]. The terminal uses its color palette or any other way to transform in into true gray or to r,g,b. This terminal entry remembers (or not) this colour so that it can reuse it for a subsequent drawing (for each terminal separately). void (*filled_polygon) __PROTO((int points, gpiPoint *corners)); The declaration has been made the same as in GIF's gd.h. It fills the given polygon according to color set by the previous call to set_color(). ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* TECHNICAL DETAILS ABOUT PLOT WITH IMAGE ======================================= The plot_image() routine in graphics.c was added by Daniel Sebald on October 30, 2003. It is intended for plotting images if the terminal driver supports images, otherwise it reverts to pm3d color boxes if possible. A large part of the routine checks that the visible points form a valid rectangular grid. Because the data is in the form of 2D/3D point structures, this must be done. (A future feature might be the ability to circumvent the large storage requirements of 2D/3D point structures and the need to check whether data forms a grid whenever the user supplies image data in a known matrix format.) If a grid aligned with the Cartesian axes is not given, plot_image() will revert to plotting color boxes using Petr Mikulik's pm3d features, provided the user has selected palette image, as opposed to RGB image. Only details about the "tricky" algorithms are given here. There are eight valid ways that pixel grid information can be entered via the plot->points[] array. These are based upon the scanning direction (i.e., along one of the dimensions) and the two directions (positive vs. negative) along the dimensions that the points are entered. Definitions: K = input scan line length (i.e., number of samples along line) L = input plane length (i.e., number of scan lines) dim = dimension (0 means increments along x, 1 means increments along y) dxg0 = delta x grid along the scan line (can be positive or negative) dyg0 = delta y grid along the scan line (can be positive or negative) dxg1 = delta x grid between scan lines (can be positive or negative) dyg1 = delta y grid between scan lines (can be positive or negative) sgn() = sign of variable (- represented as 0, + represented as 1) a^b = raise a to the power b M = output row length (i.e., number of columns) N = output column length (i.e., number of rows) The goal is to move the data from the plot->points[] array to the matrix pixel grid in the order (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), ..., (M,N-1), (M,N) forming the M x N matrix (1,1)...(M,1) . . . . . . (1,N)...(M,N) (Note that the terminal scale, positive or negative, has an influence on the orientation of pixels. Ignore this temporarily for simplicity. Formulas are augmented later to account for axes directions.) The approach is to step through the plot points and copy each visible point to its appropriate spot in the image matrix array. The routine that does this is fundamentally for (i=0, j=line_length, i_image=i_start; i < plot->p_count; i++) { image[i_image] = plot->points[i].CRD_COLOR; i_image += i_delta_pixel; j--; if (j == 0) { i_image += i_delta_line; j = line_length; } } Thus the indexing parameters i_start, line_length, i_delta_pixel and i_delta_line must be determined. line_length is solely dependent upon the dimension; K if dimension = 0 (i.e., increment along a row) and L if dimension = 1 (i.e., along column). The other relationships can be determined by looking at the eight 4 x 2 illustrations which follow. Assume points are entered 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, then the various ways of entry are: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 4 2 0 7 5 3 1 0 2 4 6 1 3 5 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 7 5 3 1 6 4 2 0 1 3 5 7 0 2 4 6 The functions are: sgn(dyg1)---------| sgn(dxg1)------ | sgn(dyg0)-- | | i_delta_pixel sgn(dxg0) | | | | | | | | i_start | | | i_delta_line --- --- --- --- | -------------------- | ------- | --------------- (1) - 0 0 - | K - 1 = K*1 - 1 | -1 | 2*K = K + K (2) - 0 0 + | K*L - 1 = K*L - 1 | -1 | 0 = K - K (3) + 0 0 - | 0 = K*1 - K | 1 | 0 = -K + K (4) + 0 0 + | K*(L-1) = K*L - K | 1 | -2*K = -K - K | | | (5) 0 - - 0 | (L-1)*K = K*L - K | -K | K*L + 1 (6) 0 + - 0 | K*L - 1 = K*L - 1 | -K | K*L - 1 (7) 0 - + 0 | 0 = K*1 - K | K | -K*L + 1 (8) 0 + + 0 | K - 1 = K*1 - 1 | K | -K*L - 1 There is a clear distinction between formulas based upon dimension. Summarizing, dimension = 0 (x changing) ------------------------------------------------------- line_length: K i_start: L^(dyg1 > 0) * K - K^(dxg0 > 0) i_delta_pixel: (-1)^(dxg0 < 0) i_delta_line: K*[(-1)^(dxg0 > 0) + (-1)^(dyg1 > 0)] ------------------------------------------------------- dimension = 1 (y changing) ------------------------------------------------------- line_length: L i_start: L^(dxg1 < 0) * K - K^(dyg0 < 0) i_delta_pixel: K*(-1)^(dxg1 < 0) i_delta_line: K*L*(-1)^(dxg1 > 0) + (-1)^(dyg0 > 0) ------------------------------------------------------- The above formulas are what appear preceding the for() loop in the actual code except for one detail, the terminal scale, i.e., direction for which the axes are increasing. Simply note that if terminal scale is negative the orientation swaps along the related direction. Thus augmenting the sign tests in the above equations will account for the terminal scale. For example, let xsts and ysts be the sign of the x and y terminal scale, respectively. Then the formula for i_start when x is changing (dimension 0) becomes: i_start: L^(dyg1*ysts > 0) * K - K^(dxg0*xsts > 0) and so on. /***** NOTE: Info between starred comments was original method and now a simple, but less efficient, method of finding the corners by conditional tests while rearranging the points is done. So the following is obsolete... but may come back to it at some point. But if this has been sitting around for quite a while now, feel free to delete what is between the stars. There is also the matter of computing what points in the array of plot->point[] constitute pixels (1,1) and (N,M). There are four grid corners determined on the first pass through the data. However, what these map to also depend upon the three variables dim, d_x_g and d_y_g. Again, looking at the illustrations: dim sgn(d_x_g) sgn(d_y_g) | pixel_1_1 | pixel_M_N --- ---------- ---------- | --------- | --------- (1) 0 - - | 1 | 2 (2) 0 - + | 3 | 0 (3) 0 + - | 0 | 3 (4) 0 + + | 2 | 1 (5) 1 - - | 2 | 1 (6) 1 - + | 3 | 0 (7) 1 + - | 0 | 3 (8) 1 + + | 1 | 2 These functions are implemented by table look up. With int pixel_1_1_logic[2][2][2] = {1, 3, 0, 2, 2, 3, 0, 1}; int pixel_M_N_logic[2][2][2] = {2, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0, 3, 2}; The following yields the desired functions: pixel_1_1 = grid_corner[ pixel_1_1_logic[dimension][delta_x_grid > 0][delta_y_grid > 0] ]; pixel_M_N = grid_corner[ pixel_M_N_logic[dimension][delta_x_grid > 0][delta_y_grid > 0] ]; *****/ TECHNICAL DETAILS ABOUT TERMINAL DRIVER FUNCTION image ====================================================== Support for images in the X11 driver was added by Daniel Sebald on February 27, 2003. The function void (*image) __PROTO((unsigned M, unsigned N, coordval *image, gpiPoint *corner, int color_mode)); is the terminal driver routine for displaying an image. 'M' is the number of rows, 'N' is the number of columns, 'image' is a pointer to image data stored with upper left pixel first and scanning horizontally from left to right, 'corner' contains corner[0].x upper left pixel (1,1) location (extent) of image corner[0].y corner[1].x lower right pixel (M,N) location (extent) of image corner[1].y corner[2].x upper left corner of visible window corner[2].y corner[3].x lower right corner of visible window corner[3].y and 'color_mode' indicates if the image should use RGB triples or palette lookup. Image samples are a coordval which is a float. Image data attempts to be consistent with the color schemes of Petr Mikulik's pm3d. Therefore, the values in the image array are in the range [0.0,1.0] and the terminal driver routine can handle this data by mapping this range to a range appropriate for the output device. If `color_mode` is IC_RGB, the `image` array should be treated as triples of floats. That is, rather than the length of the image array being M*N, as is the case when `color_mode` is IC_PALETTE, the length of the array is 3*M*N. Triples are of the form image[0] = red 1,1 image[1] = green 1,1 image[2] = blue 1,1 image[3] = red 1,2 image[4] = green 1,2 image[5] = blue 1,2 etc. When in IC_PALETTE mode, image data should be used as an index into the palette constructed by the make_palette() terminal routine. That is, one should multiply the value by the palette size minus one, cast to an integer and range check (good practice) the index. The meaning of the corners is that the first two represent the outer extent of the pixels representing the image; not the centers of the pixels on the outer edge, but the outer edge of the pixels on the outer edge. The next two corners represent the extent of the visual, or clipping region. Thus, on the outer edge of the image may be pixels which are only fractionally displayed. TECHNICAL DETAILS ABOUT X11 IMAGE DRIVER ======================================== Support for images in the X11 driver was added by Daniel Sebald on February 27, 2003. For X11, this image terminal function is X11_image(). Because of the large amount of data associated with an image, the routine avoids using floats and avoids using formatted I/O representation for numbers. The "scanf" function is a very inefficient routine for large amounts of data. To avoid using floats, the maximum resolution of the color plane of the X11 device is assumed to be 16 bits. (Not an unreasonable assumption.) The image data is converted to short by multiplying by the maximum palette value. On the gplt_x11.c side of the pipe, these unsigned short values are shifted to the right to match the size of its palette. To avoid using formatted I/O. A simple encoding scheme is used to eliminate all image data values having a value equivalent to a '\n' character or a '\0' character because the core gplt_x11.c routine interprets these characters in a special way. The scheme is as follows: if the character '\n' or '\0' are found, they are replaced by a two byte representation (CODE_WORD,value+1). On the receiving side, if the CODE_WORD is found, the next byte after it minus one is the decoded character. Naturally, the CODE_WORD itself must also be encoded so as to not lose those in the data stream. An additional step is to first translate the data before sending it over the pipe. This is done by subtracting a constant. The constant is added back in on the other side. The reason for this is that image data often contains many 0 characters (e.g., upper 8 bits). Thus the character '\0' is prevalent in image data, and without translation, the encoding scheme would result in noticable expansion of the data stream. The encoding is meant to cut down the amount of data that is stored in the gplt_x11.c replot buffers. Because there may be an endianess problem if the gnuplot and gnuplot_x11 programs were compiled under different compilers, Petr and Dan added an endian check command. If this check finds it is necessary to swap bytes in encoded binary data coming across the pipe, then gnuplot_x11 will do so for those commands using encoded binary. In most cases, these programs will have been compiled with the same compiler so byte swapping will not be done. But it is there just in case. The X11 color bit packing is a bit tricky. It attempts to be portable, but I'm sure there are peculiar hardware formats out there that will not work properly as it currently exists. (Some additions and tweaking will probably be need, but without examples of every hardware configuration it is difficult to program for them.) Basically, shifts and masking for packing the bits from the RGB data (16 bits per channel) are derived from the masks of the X11 display information. Also, there is hardware option of byte order: most significant byte first or least significant byte first. The routine will swap bytes if necessary. However, if the bytes need to be swapped and the RGB masks are all 8 bits, then the swapping can be done inherently by appropriately altering the bit shifts. For example, say the masks are R: 0xff0000, G: 0xff00, B: 0xff and bytes need to be swapped. Rather than using these masks and swapping bytes, the masks could be changed to R: 0xff00, G: 0xff0000, B: 0xff000000. Comments: The method works rather well, short of a more direct method of storing image data in gplt_x11.c without having to pull the data out of the replot buffer for every refresh. The new 2D binary data file entry (well documented in the gnuplot.doc file) in concert with the image routines was suppose to make Octave fast at drawing images. However, Octave needs some reworking yet to make this happen seamlessly. The problem is that Octave does not yet use binary data but instead uses ASCII data files to get information to Gnuplot. I've attempted to write data to a file in binary format using Octave's fwrite() routine then use Octave's graw() routine. This speeds things up somewhat, but I still think this interface can be improved at a later time. TECHNICAL DETAILS ABOUT POSTSCRIPT IMAGE DRIVER =============================================== The PostScript image driver is rather straightforward. Its main processing involves encoding the data in ASCII85 format. No compression scheme is used currently. Run length encoding hardly seems worth the effort because in most cases the amount of compression won't be too significant, I'm guessing. For image data, other than the single bit variety such as a facsimile, other forms of compression are more efficient. COMMENTS ABOUT BINARY DATA FILE SYNTAX ====================================== A keyword for binary data indicates which way to scan within the file. The Cartesian variables x, y, and z are analogous to the cylindrical variables t (theta), r, and z internally. However, the common math convention for listing triples in these coordinate systems is (x,y,z) and (r,t,z). It may be worth switching the role of theta and r inside the program. (If done, change the `scan` note inside the `binary` documentation.) ******************************************************************************* *******************************************************************************