/* Hello, Emacs, this is -*-C-*- * $Id: win.trm,v 2008/09/09 16:42:52 sfeam Exp $ */ /* GNUPLOT - win.trm */ /*[ * Copyright 1992 - 1993, 1998, 2004 * * Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear * in supporting documentation. * * Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to * distribute the complete modified source code. Modifications are to * be distributed as patches to the released version. Permission to * distribute binaries produced by compiling modified sources is granted, * provided you * 1. distribute the corresponding source modifications from the * released version in the form of a patch file along with the binaries, * 2. add special version identification to distinguish your version * in addition to the base release version number, * 3. provide your name and address as the primary contact for the * support of your modified version, and * 4. retain our contact information in regard to use of the base * software. * Permission to distribute the released version of the source code along * with corresponding source modifications in the form of a patch file is * granted with same provisions 2 through 4 for binary distributions. * * This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty * to the extent permitted by applicable law. ]*/ /* * * AUTHORS * * Gnuplot for Windows: * Maurice Castro, Russell Lang * */ /* This file implements the terminal and printer display for gnuplot */ /* under Microsoft Windows. */ /* */ /* The modifications to allow Gnuplot to run under Windows were made */ /* by Maurice Castro (maurice@bruce.cs.monash.edu.au) */ /* and Russell Lang (rjl@monu1.cc.monash.edu.au) 19 Nov 1992 */ /* */ /* Edit this file with tabstop=4 (vi :se ts=4) */ /* * adapted to the new terminal layout by Stefan Bodewig (Dec. 1995) */ #include "driver.h" #ifdef TERM_REGISTER register_term(windows) #endif #ifdef TERM_PROTO TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_options __PROTO((void)); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_init __PROTO((void)); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_reset __PROTO((void)); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_text __PROTO((void)); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_graphics __PROTO((void)); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_move __PROTO((unsigned int x, unsigned int y)); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_vector __PROTO((unsigned int x, unsigned int y)); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_linetype __PROTO((int lt)); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_put_text __PROTO((unsigned int x, unsigned int y, const char *str)); TERM_PUBLIC int WIN_justify_text __PROTO((enum JUSTIFY mode)); TERM_PUBLIC int WIN_text_angle __PROTO((int ang)); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_point __PROTO((unsigned int x, unsigned int y, int number)); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_resume __PROTO((void)); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_set_pointsize __PROTO((double)); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_linewidth __PROTO((double linewidth)); #ifdef USE_MOUSE TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_set_ruler __PROTO((int, int)); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_set_cursor __PROTO((int, int, int)); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_put_tmptext __PROTO((int, const char str[])); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_set_clipboard __PROTO((const char[])); #endif TERM_PUBLIC int WIN_make_palette __PROTO((t_sm_palette *palette)); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_set_color __PROTO((t_colorspec *)); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_filled_polygon __PROTO((int points, gpiPoint *corners)); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_boxfill __PROTO((int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)); /* To support "set term win enhanced" */ TERM_PUBLIC int WIN_set_font __PROTO((const char *font)); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_enhanced_put_text __PROTO((unsigned int x, unsigned int y, const char *str)); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_enhanced_open __PROTO((char * fontname, double fontsize, double base, TBOOLEAN widthflag, TBOOLEAN showflag, int overprint)); TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_enhanced_flush __PROTO((void)); #ifdef WITH_IMAGE TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_image __PROTO((unsigned int, unsigned int, coordval *, gpiPoint *, t_imagecolor)); #endif /* Initialization values - Guess Now Scale later */ #define WIN_XMAX (24000) #define WIN_YMAX (18000) #define WIN_HCHAR (WIN_XMAX/75) #define WIN_VCHAR (WIN_YMAX/25) #define WIN_HTIC (WIN_XMAX/160) #define WIN_VTIC WIN_HTIC #endif /* TERM_PROTO */ #ifndef TERM_PROTO_ONLY #ifdef TERM_BODY #include #include "win/winmain.h" #ifdef __MSC__ #include /* for mktemp() */ #endif #define WIN_POINT_TYPES 15 /* 20010411: raised */ /* Interface routines - create list of actions for Windows */ enum WIN_id { WIN_DEFAULT, WIN_MONOCHROME, WIN_COLOR, WIN_ENHANCED, WIN_NOENHANCED, WIN_FONT, WIN_OTHER }; static struct gen_table WIN_opts[] = { { "d$efault", WIN_DEFAULT }, { "m$onochrome", WIN_MONOCHROME }, { "c$olor", WIN_COLOR }, { "c$olour", WIN_COLOR }, { "noenh$anced", WIN_NOENHANCED }, { "enh$anced", WIN_ENHANCED }, { "font", WIN_FONT }, { NULL, WIN_OTHER } }; static int WIN_last_linetype = LT_NODRAW; /* HBB 20000813: linetype caching */ /* these variables are needed for enhanced text only */ /* FIXME: these are duplicates of struct graphwin members */ static char WIN_font[MAXFONTNAME] = WINFONT; static int WIN_fontsize = WINFONTSIZE; static double WIN_angle = 0.; /* unit is radian */ /* FIXME: these should most likely be members of struct graphwin */ static unsigned int WIN_x = 0; static unsigned int WIN_y = 0; static enum JUSTIFY WIN_justification = LEFT; /* state variables for enhanced text processing */ static TBOOLEAN ENHwin_opened_string; static TBOOLEAN ENHwin_show = TRUE; static int ENHwin_overprint = 0; static TBOOLEAN ENHwin_widthflag = TRUE; static TBOOLEAN ENHwin_sizeonly = FALSE; static double ENHwin_base; TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_options() { struct value a; char *s; TBOOLEAN set_font = FALSE, set_fontsize = FALSE; while (!END_OF_COMMAND) { switch(lookup_table(&WIN_opts[0],c_token)) { case WIN_DEFAULT: graphwin.color = TRUE; strcpy(graphwin.fontname, WINFONT); graphwin.fontsize = WINFONTSIZE; strcpy(graphwin.deffontname, WINFONT); graphwin.deffontsize = WINFONTSIZE; c_token++; break; case WIN_MONOCHROME: graphwin.color = FALSE; c_token++; break; case WIN_COLOR: graphwin.color = TRUE; c_token++; break; case WIN_ENHANCED: c_token++; term->put_text = WIN_enhanced_put_text; term->flags |= TERM_ENHANCED_TEXT; break; case WIN_NOENHANCED: c_token++; term->put_text = WIN_put_text; term->flags &= ~TERM_ENHANCED_TEXT; break; case WIN_FONT: c_token++; /* Fall through to attempt to read font name */ case WIN_OTHER: default: /* Code copied from ps.trm and modified for windows terminal */ if ((s = try_to_get_string())) { char *comma; if (set_font) int_error(c_token, "extraneous argument in set terminal %s", term->name); set_font = TRUE; comma = strrchr(s,','); if (comma && (1 == sscanf(comma+1,"%i", &graphwin.fontsize))) { graphwin.deffontsize = graphwin.fontsize; set_fontsize = TRUE; *comma = '\0'; } if (*s) { strncpy(graphwin.fontname, s, MAX_ID_LEN); strcpy(graphwin.deffontname, graphwin.fontname); free(s); } } else { if (set_fontsize) int_error(c_token, "extraneous argument in set terminal %s", term->name); set_fontsize = TRUE; /* We have font size specified */ graphwin.fontsize = (int) real(const_express(&a)); graphwin.deffontsize = graphwin.fontsize; } break; } } if (graphwin.fontname[0] == '\0') sprintf(term_options, "%s %s", graphwin.color ? "color" : "monochrome", term->flags & TERM_ENHANCED_TEXT ? "enhanced" : "noenhanced"); else sprintf(term_options, "%s %s font \"%s, %d\"", graphwin.color ? "color" : "monochrome", term->flags & TERM_ENHANCED_TEXT ? "enhanced" : "noenhanced", graphwin.fontname, graphwin.fontsize); if (IsWindow(graphwin.hWndGraph) && IsIconic(graphwin.hWndGraph)) ShowWindow(graphwin.hWndGraph, SW_SHOWNORMAL); GraphRedraw(&graphwin); } /* We don't actually do scaling, but we need to fix up the text size * if the user has resized the window. * Routine unused -- terminals are not allowed to do their own scale(). */ #if 0 int WIN_scale() { term->h_char = graphwin.hchar; term->v_char = graphwin.vchar; term->h_tic = graphwin.htic; term->v_tic = graphwin.vtic; sprintf(term_options, "%s \"%s\" %d", graphwin.color ? "color" : "monochrome", graphwin.fontname, graphwin.fontsize); return FALSE; /* can't be done */ } #endif TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_init() { if (!graphwin.hWndGraph) { graphwin.xmax = WIN_XMAX; graphwin.ymax = WIN_YMAX; graphwin.htic = WIN_HTIC; graphwin.vtic = WIN_VTIC; GraphInit(&graphwin); #ifdef WIN32 SetClassLong(graphwin.hWndGraph, GCL_HICON, (LONG) LoadIcon(graphwin.hInstance, "GRPICON")); #else SetClassWord(graphwin.hWndGraph, GCW_HICON, LoadIcon(graphwin.hInstance, "GRPICON")); #endif graphwin.resized = FALSE; } WIN_last_linetype = LT_NODRAW; /* HBB 20000813: linetype caching */ } TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_reset() { } TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_text() { GraphEnd(&graphwin); } TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_graphics() { GraphStart(&graphwin, pointsize); WIN_last_linetype = LT_NODRAW; /* HBB 20000813: linetype caching */ } TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_move(unsigned int x, unsigned int y) { /* Notice HBB 20010208: on Win32 platforms, passing int or * unsigned int arguments to GraphOp() might cause problems: int * is 32bits, but GraphOp() args are 16bit WORDS. */ GraphOp(&graphwin, W_move, x, y, NULL); /* save current position, only needed for enhanced text */ WIN_x = x; WIN_y = y; } TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_vector(unsigned int x, unsigned int y) { /* Notice HBB 20010208: --> WIN_move() */ GraphOp(&graphwin, W_vect, x, y, NULL); } TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_linetype(int lt) { if (lt != WIN_last_linetype) { /* Notice HBB 20010208: --> see WIN_move() */ GraphOp(&graphwin, W_line_type, lt, 0, NULL); WIN_last_linetype = lt; } } TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_put_text(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, const char *str) { /* Notice HBB 20010208: --> WIN_move() */ GraphOp(&graphwin, W_put_text, x, y, str); } TERM_PUBLIC int WIN_justify_text(enum JUSTIFY mode) { /* Notice HBB 20010208: --> WIN_move() */ GraphOp(&graphwin, W_justify, mode, 0, NULL); /* store text justification, only needed for enhanced text */ WIN_justification = mode; return (TRUE); } TERM_PUBLIC int WIN_text_angle(int ang) { if (graphwin.rotate) { /* Notice HBB 20010208: --> WIN_move() */ GraphOp(&graphwin, W_text_angle, ang, 0, NULL); /* store text angle, only needed for enhanced text */ WIN_angle = (double)ang * M_PI / 180.; } return graphwin.rotate; } TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_point(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, int number) { /* draw point shapes later to save memory */ /* size of point symbols */ graphwin.htic = pointsize * term->h_tic / 2; graphwin.vtic = pointsize * term->v_tic / 2; /* HBB 20010411: secure against pointtype -1 or lower */ if (number < -1) number = -1; /* refuse nonsense values */ if (number >= 0) number %= WIN_POINT_TYPES; number += 1; /* Notice HBB 20010208: --> WIN_move() */ GraphOp(&graphwin, W_dot + number, x, y, NULL); } TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_resume() { GraphResume(&graphwin); } TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_set_pointsize(double s) { /* Save new pointsize as string */ char scale[30]; if (s < 0) s = 1; sprintf(scale, "%.15g", s); #if 1 /* HBB 980309: it seems passing it as a string is a bad idea * in Win16: it means the wgnuplot.dll has to parse the string * via sscanf(), leading to crash (by stack overflow?). Alternative: * pass it as a scaled-up integer. For the sake of compatibility, * pass the string as well. */ /* Notice HBB 20010208: --> WIN_move() */ GraphOp(&graphwin, W_pointsize, (int) 100 * s, 0, scale); #else GraphOp(&graphwin, W_pointsize, 0, 0, scale); #endif } TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_linewidth(double linewidth) { /* HBB 20000813: New routine */ WIN_last_linetype = LT_NODRAW; /* invalidate cached linetype */ /* Notice HBB 20010208: --> WIN_move() */ GraphOp(&graphwin, W_line_width, (int) 100 * linewidth, 0, NULL); } #ifdef USE_MOUSE /* Implemented by Petr Mikulik, February 2001 --- the best Windows solutions * come from OS/2 :-)) */ TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_put_tmptext ( int i, const char str[] ) { Graph_put_tmptext(&graphwin, i, str ); } TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_set_ruler ( int x, int y ) { Graph_set_ruler(&graphwin, x, y ); } TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_set_cursor ( int c, int x, int y ) { Graph_set_cursor(&graphwin, c, x, y ); } TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_set_clipboard ( const char s[] ) { Graph_set_clipboard(&graphwin, s); } #endif /* USE_MOUSE */ #ifdef WITH_IMAGE /* Note: this is a verbatim copy of PM_image (pm.trm) with only minor changes */ TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_image(unsigned int M, unsigned int N, coordval *image, gpiPoint *corner, t_imagecolor color_mode) { PBYTE rgb_image; unsigned int image_size; unsigned int pad_bytes; /* IC_PALETTE and IC_RGB images are converted to a 24bit RGB format suitable for Windows: - sequence of lines is reversed - each line starts at a 4 byte boundary */ /* fprintf(stderr, "WIN_image: %i x %i, mode=%s\n", M, N, color_mode==IC_RGB?"IC_RGB":"IC_PALETTE" ); */ pad_bytes = (4 - (3 * M) % 4) % 4; /* scan lines start on ULONG boundaries */ image_size = (M + pad_bytes ) * N * 3; rgb_image = (PBYTE) gp_alloc(image_size, "WIN RGB image"); if (color_mode == IC_PALETTE) { unsigned int x, y; rgb_image += N * (3 * M + pad_bytes); for (y=0; ytype ) { case TC_FRAC: GraphOp(&graphwin, W_pm3d_setcolor, (int)(256*colorspec->value), 0, NULL); break; case TC_RGB: GraphOp(&graphwin, W_pm3d_setcolor, (colorspec->lt) & 0xffff, 0xff00 | ((colorspec->lt >> 16) & 0x00ff), NULL); break; case TC_LT: /* set color only when second parameter to W_line_type equals 1 */ GraphOp(&graphwin, W_line_type, colorspec->lt, 1, NULL); break; } WIN_last_linetype = LT_NODRAW; /* invalidate cached linetype */ } TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_filled_polygon(int points, gpiPoint *corners) { int i; /* Notice HBB 20010208: --> WIN_move() */ for (i=0; i WIN_move() */ GraphOp(&graphwin, W_fillstyle, style, 0, NULL); GraphOp(&graphwin, W_move, xleft, ybottom, NULL); GraphOp(&graphwin, W_boxfill, width, height, NULL); } TERM_PUBLIC int WIN_set_font(const char *font) { char fontname[MAXFONTNAME]; int fontsize; if (font != NULL) { if (font[0] == '\0') { strcpy(fontname, graphwin.deffontname); fontsize = graphwin.deffontsize; } else { char *size; size = strrchr(font, ','); if (size == NULL) { /* only font name given */ strcpy(fontname, font); fontsize = graphwin.deffontsize; } else if (size == font) { /* only font size given */ strcpy(fontname, graphwin.deffontname); sscanf(size+1,"%i", &fontsize); } else { /* full font information supplied */ strncpy(fontname, font, size-font); fontname[size-font] = '\0'; sscanf(size+1,"%i", &fontsize); } } } if (font != NULL) { GraphOp(&graphwin, W_font, fontsize, 0, fontname); strcpy(WIN_font, fontname); WIN_fontsize = fontsize; } else { GraphOp(&graphwin, W_font, 0, 0, ""); strcpy(WIN_font, graphwin.deffontname); WIN_fontsize = graphwin.deffontsize; } return TRUE; } TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_enhanced_open( char *fontname, double fontsize, double base, TBOOLEAN widthflag, TBOOLEAN showflag, int overprint) { static const int win_scale = 40; /* scaling of base offset */ static unsigned int ENHwin_xsave, ENHwin_ysave; char *fontstring; /* There are two special cases: * overprint = 3 means save current position * overprint = 4 means restore saved position */ if (overprint == 3) { ENHwin_xsave = WIN_x; ENHwin_ysave = WIN_y; return; } else if (overprint == 4) { WIN_x = ENHwin_xsave; WIN_y = ENHwin_ysave; return; } if (!ENHwin_opened_string) { ENHwin_opened_string = TRUE; /* Start new text fragment */ enhanced_cur_text = &enhanced_text[0]; /* Keep track of whether we are supposed to show this string */ ENHwin_show = showflag; /* 0/1/2 no overprint / 1st pass / 2nd pass */ ENHwin_overprint = overprint; /* widthflag FALSE means do not update text position after printing */ ENHwin_widthflag = widthflag; /* Scale fractional font height to vertical units of display */ /* FIXME: Font scaling is not done properly (yet) and will lead to non-optimal results for most font and size selections. OUTLINEFONTMETRICS could be used for better here. */ ENHwin_base = win_scale * base; /* Select font */ /* FIXME: It would be nice to have fractional font sizes for super- and subscripts. */ /* FIXME: sometimes fontname has zero length */ if ((fontname != NULL) && strlen(fontname) > 0) { fontstring = malloc(strlen(fontname) + 16); sprintf(fontstring, "%s,%i", fontname, (int)fontsize); } else { fontstring = malloc( strlen(graphwin.deffontname) + 16 ); sprintf( fontstring, "%s,%i", graphwin.deffontname, (int)fontsize); } WIN_set_font( fontstring ); free( fontstring ); } } TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_enhanced_flush() { static unsigned int ENHwin_xsave, ENHwin_ysave; if (ENHwin_opened_string) { int width, height; unsigned int x, y, len; *enhanced_cur_text = '\0'; /* print the string fragment, perhaps invisibly */ /* NB: base expresses offset from current y pos */ x = WIN_x - ENHwin_base * sin(WIN_angle); y = WIN_y + ENHwin_base * cos(WIN_angle); /* calculate length of string first */ len = GraphGetTextLength(&graphwin, enhanced_text, WIN_font, WIN_fontsize); width = cos(WIN_angle) * len; height = sin(WIN_angle) * len; if (ENHwin_show && !ENHwin_sizeonly) { /* display string */ GraphOp(&graphwin, W_put_text, x, y, enhanced_text); } /* update drawing position according to len */ if (!ENHwin_widthflag) { width = 0; height = 0; } if (ENHwin_sizeonly) { /* This is the first pass for justified printing. */ /* We just adjust the starting position for second pass. */ if (WIN_justification == RIGHT) { WIN_x -= width; WIN_y -= height; } else if (WIN_justification == CENTRE) { WIN_x -= width / 2; WIN_y -= height / 2; } /* nothing to do for LEFT justified text */ } else if (ENHwin_overprint == 1) { /* Save current position */ ENHwin_xsave = WIN_x + width; ENHwin_ysave = WIN_y + height; /* First pass of overprint, leave position in center of fragment */ WIN_x += width / 2; WIN_y += height / 2; } else if (ENHwin_overprint == 2) { /* Restore current position, */ /* this sets the position behind the overprinted text */ WIN_x = ENHwin_xsave; WIN_y = ENHwin_ysave; } else { /* Normal case is to update position to end of fragment */ WIN_x += width; WIN_y += height; } ENHwin_opened_string = FALSE; } } TERM_PUBLIC void WIN_enhanced_put_text(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, const char *str) { char *original_string = (char *)str; unsigned int pass, num_passes; /* If no enhanced text processing is needed, we can use the plain */ /* vanilla put_text() routine instead of this fancy recursive one. */ if (ignore_enhanced_text || !strpbrk(str, "{}^_@&~")) { WIN_put_text(x,y,str); return; } /* Set up global variables needed by enhanced_recursion() */ ENHwin_opened_string = FALSE; enhanced_fontscale = 1.0; strncpy(enhanced_escape_format,"%c",sizeof(enhanced_escape_format)); /* Tell the terminal to move the drawing position */ /* we store the current position to WIN_x and WIN_y */ WIN_x = x; WIN_y = y; /* Text justification requires two passes. During the first pass we */ /* don't draw anything, we just measure the space it will take. */ /* Without justification one pass is enough */ if (WIN_justification == LEFT) { num_passes = 1; } else { num_passes = 2; ENHwin_sizeonly = TRUE; } for( pass=1; pass <= num_passes; pass++ ) { /* This will restore the default font and update WIN_font and WIN_fontsize */ WIN_set_font(NULL); /* Set the recursion going. We say to keep going until a * closing brace, but we don't really expect to find one. * If the return value is not the nul-terminator of the * string, that can only mean that we did find an unmatched * closing brace in the string. We increment past it (else * we get stuck in an infinite loop) and try again. */ while (*(str = enhanced_recursion((char *)str, TRUE, NULL, WIN_fontsize, 0.0, TRUE, TRUE, 0))) { (term->enhanced_flush)(); /* I think we can only get here if *str == '}' */ enh_err_check(str); if (!*++str) break; /* end of string */ /* else carry on and process the rest of the string */ } /* In order to do text justification we need to do a second pass that */ /* uses information stored during the first pass. */ /* see WIN_enhanced_flush() */ if (pass == 1) { /* do the actual printing in the next pass */ ENHwin_sizeonly = FALSE; str = original_string; /* temporarily switch to left alignment since we do it ourselves */ GraphOp(&graphwin, W_justify, LEFT, 0, NULL); } } /* restore default font */ WIN_set_font(NULL); /* restore text alignment */ if (num_passes > 1) GraphOp(&graphwin, W_justify, WIN_justification, 0, NULL); } #endif /* TERM_BODY */ #ifdef TERM_TABLE TERM_TABLE_START(win_driver) "windows", "Microsoft Windows", WIN_XMAX, WIN_YMAX, WIN_VCHAR, WIN_HCHAR, WIN_VTIC, WIN_HTIC, WIN_options, WIN_init, WIN_reset, WIN_text, null_scale, WIN_graphics, WIN_move, WIN_vector, WIN_linetype, WIN_put_text, WIN_text_angle, WIN_justify_text, WIN_point, do_arrow, WIN_set_font, WIN_set_pointsize, TERM_CAN_MULTIPLOT|TERM_NO_OUTPUTFILE, WIN_text /* suspend */ , WIN_resume, WIN_boxfill, WIN_linewidth #ifdef USE_MOUSE , 0 /* WIN_waitforinput */, WIN_put_tmptext, WIN_set_ruler, WIN_set_cursor, WIN_set_clipboard #endif , WIN_make_palette, 0 /* previous_palette */, WIN_set_color, WIN_filled_polygon #ifdef WITH_IMAGE , WIN_image #endif , WIN_enhanced_open, WIN_enhanced_flush, do_enh_writec TERM_TABLE_END(win_driver) #undef LAST_TERM #define LAST_TERM win_driver #endif /* TERM_TABLE */ #endif /* TERM_PROTO_ONLY */ #ifdef TERM_HELP START_HELP(windows) "1 windows", "?commands set terminal windows", "?set terminal windows", "?set term windows", "?terminal windows", "?term windows", "?windows", " Three options may be set in the `windows` terminal driver.", "", " Syntax:", " set terminal windows {color | monochrome}", " {enhanced | noenhanced}", " {{font} \"fontname{,fontsize}\" {}}", "", " where `color` and `monochrome` select colored or mono output,", " `enhanced` enables enhanced text mode features (subscripts,", " superscripts and mixed fonts). See `enhanced` for more information.", " `\"\"` is the name of a valid Windows font, and ``", " is the size of the font in points.", "", " Other options may be set with the graph-menu or the initialization file.", "", " The Windows version normally terminates immediately as soon as the end of", " any files given as command line arguments is reached (i.e. in non-interactive", " mode), unless you specify `-` as the last command line option.", " It will also not show the text-window at all, in this mode, only the plot.", " By giving the optional argument `-persist` (same as for gnuplot under x11;", " former Windows-only options `/noend` or `-noend` are still accepted as well),", " will not close gnuplot. Contrary to gnuplot on other operating systems,", " gnuplot's interactive command line is accessible after the -persist option.", "2 graph-menu", "?commands set terminal windows graph-menu", "?set terminal windows graph-menu", "?set term windows graph-menu", "?windows graph-menu", "?graph-menu", " The `gnuplot graph` window has the following options on a pop-up menu", " accessed by pressing the right mouse button or selecting `Options` from the", " system menu:", "", " `Bring to Top` when checked brings the graph window to the top after every", " plot.", "", " `Color` when checked enables color linestyles. When unchecked it forces", " monochrome linestyles.", "", " `Copy to Clipboard` copies a bitmap and a Metafile picture.", "", " `Background...` sets the window background color.", "", " `Choose Font...` selects the font used in the graphics window.", "", " `Line Styles...` allows customization of the line colors and styles.", "", " `Print...` prints the graphics windows using a Windows printer driver and", " allows selection of the printer and scaling of the output. The output", " produced by `Print` is not as good as that from `gnuplot`'s own printer", " drivers.", "", " `Update wgnuplot.ini` saves the current window locations, window sizes, text", " window font, text window font size, graph window font, graph window font", " size, background color and linestyles to the initialization file", " `WGNUPLOT.INI`.", "2 printing", "?commands set terminal windows printing", "?set terminal windows printing", "?set term windows printing", "?windows printing", "?printing", " In order of preference, graphs may be be printed in the following ways.", "", " `1.` Use the `gnuplot` command `set terminal` to select a printer and `set", " output` to redirect output to a file.", "", " `2.` Select the `Print...` command from the `gnuplot graph` window. An extra", " command `screendump` does this from the text window.", "", " `3.` If `set output \"PRN\"` is used, output will go to a temporary file. When", " you exit from `gnuplot` or when you change the output with another `set", " output` command, a dialog box will appear for you to select a printer port.", " If you choose OK, the output will be printed on the selected port, passing", " unmodified through the print manager. It is possible to accidentally (or", " deliberately) send printer output meant for one printer to an incompatible", " printer.", "2 text-menu", "?commands set terminal windows text-menu", "?set terminal windows text-menu", "?set term windows text-menu", "?windows text-menu", "?text-menu", " The `gnuplot text` window has the following options on a pop-up menu accessed", " by pressing the right mouse button or selecting `Options` from the system", " menu:", "", " `Copy to Clipboard` copies marked text to the clipboard.", "", " `Paste` copies text from the clipboard as if typed by the user.", "", " `Choose Font...` selects the font used in the text window.", "", " `System Colors` when selected makes the text window honor the System Colors", " set using the Control Panel. When unselected, text is black or blue on a", " white background.", "", " `Update wgnuplot.ini` saves the current text window location, text window", " size, text window font and text window font size to the initialisation file", " `WGNUPLOT.INI`.", "", " `MENU BAR`", "", " If the menu file `WGNUPLOT.MNU` is found in the same directory as", " WGNUPLOT.EXE, then the menu specified in `WGNUPLOT.MNU` will be loaded.", " Menu commands:", "", " [Menu] starts a new menu with the name on the following line.", "", " [EndMenu] ends the current menu.", "", " [--] inserts a horizontal menu separator.", "", " [|] inserts a vertical menu separator.", "", " [Button] puts the next macro on a push button instead of a menu.", "", " Macros take two lines with the macro name (menu entry) on the first line and", " the macro on the second line. Leading spaces are ignored. Macro commands:", "", " [INPUT] --- Input string with prompt terminated by [EOS] or {ENTER}", "", " [EOS] --- End Of String terminator. Generates no output.", "", " [OPEN] --- Get name of file to open from list box, with title of list box", " terminated by [EOS], followed by default filename terminated by [EOS] or", " {ENTER}.", "", " [SAVE] --- Get name of file to save. Similar to [OPEN]", "", " Macro character substitutions:", "", " {ENTER} --- Carriage Return '\\r'", "", " {TAB} --- Tab '\\011'", "", " {ESC} --- Escape '\\033'", "", " {^A} --- '\\001'", "", " ...", "", " {^_} --- '\\031'", "", " Macros are limited to 256 characters after expansion.", "2 wgnuplot.ini", "?commands set terminal windows wgnuplot.ini", "?set terminal windows wgnuplot.ini", "?set term windows wgnuplot.ini", "?windows wgnuplot.ini", "?wgnuplot.ini", " Windows `gnuplot` will read some of its options from the `[WGNUPLOT]` section", " of `WGNUPLOT.INI` in user's %APPDATA% directory. A sample `WGNUPLOT.INI` file:", "", " [WGNUPLOT]", " TextOrigin=0 0", " TextSize=640 150", " TextFont=Terminal,9", " GraphOrigin=0 150", " GraphSize=640 330", " GraphFont=Arial,10", " GraphColor=1", " GraphToTop=1", " GraphBackground=255 255 255", " Border=0 0 0 0 0", " Axis=192 192 192 2 2", " Line1=0 0 255 0 0", " Line2=0 255 0 0 1", " Line3=255 0 0 0 2", " Line4=255 0 255 0 3", " Line5=0 0 128 0 4", "", " The `GraphFont` entry specifies the font name and size in points. The five", " numbers given in the `Border`, `Axis` and `Line` entries are the `Red`", " intensity (0--255), `Green` intensity, `Blue` intensity, `Color Linestyle`", " and `Mono Linestyle`. `Linestyles` are 0=SOLID, 1=DASH, 2=DOT, 3=DASHDOT,", " 4=DASHDOTDOT. In the sample `WGNUPLOT.INI` file above, Line 2 is a green", " solid line in color mode, or a dashed line in monochrome mode. The default", " line width is 1 pixel. If `Linestyle` is negative, it specifies the width of", " a SOLID line in pixels. Line1 and any linestyle used with the `points` style", " must be SOLID with unit width." END_HELP(windows) #endif /* TERM_HELP */