## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in -*-Makefile-*- AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.2h ##plt-files-begin PLT_FILES = eg1.plt eg2.plt eg3.plt eg4.plt eg5.plt eg6.plt eg7.plt \ linepoin.plt test.plt ##plt-files-end EXTRA_DIST = Makefile.am.in $(PLT_FILES) \ header.tex makefile.dst tutorial.tex eg3.dat CLEANFILES = tutorial.aux tutorial.dvi tutorial.log tutorial.pdf tutorial.ps \ tutorial.toc eg1.tex eg2.tex eg3.tex eg4.tex eg5.tex eg6.tex eg7.tex \ eg7.eps eg7.pdf test.tex DVIPS = dvips LATEX = @LATEX@ SUFFIXES = .dvi .plt .pdf .tex .ps # default target all: @TUTORIAL@ tutorial: tutorial.dvi notutorial: # To touch it up after changes: remake: tutorial.dvi ps: tutorial.ps tutorial.ps: tutorial.dvi pdf: tutorial.pdf tutorial.dvi: eg1.tex eg2.tex eg3.tex eg4.tex eg5.tex eg6.tex eg7.tex eg7.eps test.tex \ tutorial.tex header.tex @echo Building LaTeX tutorial TEXINPUTS=.:$(srcdir):${TEXINPUTS}: $(LATEX) tutorial TEXINPUTS=.:$(srcdir):${TEXINPUTS}: $(LATEX) tutorial tutorial.pdf: eg1.tex eg2.tex eg3.tex eg4.tex eg5.tex eg6.tex eg7.tex eg7.pdf test.tex \ tutorial.tex header.tex @echo "Building LaTeX tutorial (PDF version)" TEXINPUTS=.:$(srcdir):${TEXINPUTS}: $(PDFLATEX) tutorial TEXINPUTS=.:$(srcdir):${TEXINPUTS}: $(PDFLATEX) tutorial RUN_GNUPLOT = if test -x $(top_builddir)/src/gnuplot ; then \ GNUPLOT_PS_DIR=$(top_srcdir)/term/PostScript \ GNUPLOT_LIB=$(srcdir) \ GNUTERM=latex \ $(top_builddir)/src/gnuplot $< ; \ else \ gnuplot $< ; \ fi eg7.eps: eg7.plt $(RUN_GNUPLOT) .dvi.ps: $(DVIPS) -o $@ $< .plt.tex: $(RUN_GNUPLOT) .eps.pdf: epstopdf $< distclean-local: @if test "$(top_srcdir)" != "$(top_builddir)" ; then \ rm -f eg3.dat; \ fi Makefile.am: Makefile.am.in rm -f $@ $@t sed -n '1,/^##plt-files-begin/p' Makefile.am.in > $@t echo PLT_FILES = *.plt | fmt | (tr '\012' @; echo ) \ |sed 's/@$$/%/;s/@/ \\@/g;' | tr @% '\012 ' >> $@t sed -n '/^##plt-files-end/,$$p' $< >> $@t chmod a-w $@t mv $@t $@