gonvert ======= Any problems, suggestions, features or comments please contact me: anthony@unihedron.com Requirements ============ RH7.0 has everything you need. Otherwise make sure that you have: Python >= 1.5.2 http://python.org PyGTK >= 0.6.6 ftp://ftp.daa.com.au/pub/james/python/ pygnome ftp://ftp.daa.com.au/pub/james/python/ Libglade >= 0.13 http://freshmeat.net/redir/libglade/5651/url_homepage/ gnome-libs >= 1.2.4 http://www.helixcode.com/desktop/packages.php3 If you want to do GUI development then you will need: glade http://www.helixcode.com/desktop/packages.php3 Installation Notes ================== gonvert has been tested on RedHat 7.0 (python 1.5.2, libglade 0.14, pygtk 0.6.6) 1) Extract the tar archive. 2) cd into the gonvert-x.y.z directory 3a)If you just want to test the program as a user then: ./gonvert 3b) If you want to install the program then: su -c "make install" Uninstall the program: ====================== su -c "make uninstall" ================================================ Translation: To make translations to other languages, follow these steps: 1. Use the following to extract the raw message catalog pygettext gonvert edit messages.txt to CHARSET=utf-8 2, Give the messages.pot file to the translater person See http://www.unicode.org/charts/ for unicode translations To get a defined character, use \N{Character_name}, for example: \N{SKULL AND CROSSBONES} or u'\u2620' 3. Get the files back from the translator person: pl_messages.po the translated message file pl_messages.gmo the compiled translation, which was compiled with something like: msgfmt gonvert.po 4. Install the .gmo file in /usr/share/locale/xx/LC_MESSAGES using: # make install_pl 5. To update a translation use the following: msgmerge -U i18n/pl_messages.po messages.pot Merged results go into the source file. Compile the new translation msgfmt i18n/pl_messages.po -oi18n/pl_messages.gmo 7. Test by setting the LANGUAGE variable appropriately, then run gonvert. LANGUAGE=pl or LANGUAGE=en ================================================