# # Example 3rd party application startup script. # # Install the startup script to /etc/init/apps. # # Applications are started after official stuff is done. # # The name of the script has to be unique, suffix .conf is mandatory. # # Applications are started in alphabetical order; note that # 3rd party applications are not run in malfunction state. # # Only these tags ("stanzas") are allowed. # # During installation, application can be started by issuing command # "start apps/myapp" in post-install script. Note that suffix .conf is # not allowed. # # If your app does not get started, run command /etc/init/xsession/app-precheck.sh description "Google Latitude Updater" author "rodrigo@linfati.cl" stop on stopping xsession console none # respawn # respawn limit 3 30 # nice 2 # normal exit 0 exec /usr/bin/aegis-exec -s -u user -l "/opt/linfati.com/bin/latituded --init"