Need to do/fix: * some GLIB CRITICAL when use libebook, libosso, libosso-abook in Qt4.(2010.06.08) Done: * fixed some display problem.(2010.06.17) * implement that remove seleted group/contact. (2010.06.12 / 2010.06.13) * implement add contacts to group.(2010.06.12) * display prolem after new group.(2010.06.11 / 2010.06.12) * display prolem after sent message.(2010.06.11) * use Q_SLOTS, Q_SIGNALS, Q_EMIT macro in TpSession for avoid build error when use together GTK/libosso.(2010.06.10) * implement send sms. maybe use ( TpSession & TelepathyQt4 ) or maemo lib.(2010.06.07 / 2010.06.10) * modify the icon of UI.(2010.06.10) * modify the UI position.(2010.06.10) * make a .DEB file(v0.0.1).(2010.06.09) * implement that get all contacts from DB of devices.(2010.06.03 / 2010.06.09) * add dialog to add contacts to groups.(2010.06.03 / 2010.06.07) * add dialog to add new group.(2010.06.03 / 2010.06.04)