# Jamaendo A media player for the Nokia N900 and other Maemo 5 (Fremantle) phones. [Jamaendo][jamaendo] plays music from the music catalog of [JAMENDO][jamendo]. JAMENDO is an online platform that distributes musical works under Creative Commons licenses. Jamaendo was written by Kristoffer Grönlund. ## Panucci [Jamaendo][jamaendo] is based on [Panucci][panucci], an audiobook and podcast player for Maemo. Panucci is written by [jamendo]: http://www.jamendo.com/ "Jamendo" [jamaendo]: http://github.com/krig/jamaendo/ "Jamaendo" [panucci]: http://panucci.garage.maemo.org/ "Panucci" ## Installation To build the packages, you need a scratchbox environment set up. See the Nokia/Maemo documentation for information on how to do this. To build the package, go to the Jamaendo source directory and type make build-package This will (hopefully) generate a .deb file for you to install on your Maemo 5 device. ## Optification If you're running a newer release of the Fremantle platform, this step may not (I hope not!) be necessary, but either way: The package that the build process produces is not entirely optified. It is compatible with the `maemo-optify` tool, however. All you need to do is run `maemo-optify-deb` on the generated .deb file.