#!/usr/bin/env python # runs tons of test queries against the API, # sleeping between each and printing the result # debugging hack - add . to path import os, sys local_module_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '..') if os.path.isdir(local_module_dir): sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(local_module_dir)) import time import jamaendo as api2 class Tests(object): def XXXtestSearchArtists(self): result = api2.search_artists('porn') print "Result:", result print "Cache:", api2._artists def XXXtestSearchAlbums(self): result = api2.search_albums('porn') print "Result:", result print "Cache:", api2._albums def XXXtestSearchTracks(self): result = api2.search_tracks('porn') print "Result:", result print "Cache:", api2._tracks def XXXtestAlbumsOfTheWeek(self): result = api2.albums_of_the_week() print "Result:", result print "Cache:", api2._albums def XXXtestNewReleases(self): result = api2.new_releases() print "Result:", result print "Cache:", api2._tracks def XXXtestTracksOfTheWeek(self): result = api2.tracks_of_the_week() print "Result:", result print "Cache:", api2._tracks def XXXtestStarredRadios(self): result = api2.starred_radios() print "Result:", result def XXXtestGetRadio283(self): result = api2.get_radio(283) print "Result:", result def testGetRadioTracks283(self): result = api2.get_radio_tracks(283) print "Result:", result def XXXtestGetArtist91(self): result = api2.get_artist(91) print "Result:", result def XXXtestGetAlbum27865(self): result = api2.get_album(27865) print "Result:", result def XXXtestGetTrack353341(self): result = api2.get_track(353341) print "Result:", result def XXXtestGetTracks27865(self): result = api2.get_tracks(27865) print "Result:", result def XXXtestGetAlbums91(self): result = api2.get_albums(91) print "Result:", result def XXXtestFavoriteAlbumsKegie(self): result = api2.favorite_albums('kegie') print "Result:", result def XXXtestGetAlbumCover27865(self): result = api2.get_album_cover(27865) print "Result:", result def XXXtestGetAlbumCoverAsync27865(self): self.got_cover = False def gotit(cover): print "Got:", cover self.got_cover = True api2.get_album_cover_async(gotit, 27865) while not self.got_cover: print "Waiting for cover..." time.sleep(4) import traceback def main(): for name in Tests.__dict__.keys(): if name.startswith('test'): print "Running %s" % (name) try: t = Tests() getattr(t, name)() except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() print "Waiting..." time.sleep(10) if __name__=="__main__": main()