"Connecting" = "Connecting"; "Checking version" = "Checking version"; "Sending file" = "Sending file"; "Installing" = "Installing"; "Restarting AR.Drone" = "Restarting AR.Drone"; "Checking again" = "Checking again"; "Trying to connect to AR.Drone" = "Trying to connect to AR.Drone"; "Cannot connect to AR.Drone" = "Cannot connect to AR.Drone"; "Wifi not available, please connect your %@ to your AR.Drone" = "Wifi not available, please connect your %@ to your AR.Drone"; "Please wait, this operation can take several minutes" = "Please wait, this operation can take several minutes"; "AR.Drone firmware %@\n%@\n%@" = "AR.Drone firmware %@\n%@\n%@"; "Please update this application" = "Please update this application"; "AR.Drone up to date" = "AR.Drone up to date"; "Firmware update available" = "Firmware update available"; "Update installed" = "Update installed"; "Update process failed" = "Update process failed"; "Can't send over network" = "Can't send over network"; "Launching Application..." = "Launching Application..."; "Please close application" = "Please close application"; "Do you want to update the AR.Drone ?" = "Do you want to update the AR.Drone ?"; "Update file sent succesfully\nPlease restart the AR.Drone" = "Update file sent succesfully\nPlease restart the AR.Drone"; "If AR.Drone led is green, restart the application." = "If AR.Drone led is green, restart the application."; "If AR.Drone led is green, reset the Wifi connection." = "If AR.Drone led is green, reset the Wifi connection."; "Checking/updating bootloader" = "Checking/updating bootloader"; "SKIP" = "skip";