[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0.0 Version of this file, NOT of the app. Keep it at 1.0.0 Encoding=UTF-8 Name=masstransit Name of the app as seen in Menu Comment=Horaires de bus Description of the app as seen as subtitle in Menu in Finger mode Exec=/opt/masstransit/masstransit.py Link to the app Icon=masstransit Name of our icon file, without the trailing .png part X-Icon-path=/usr/share/icons Path to the icon X-Window-Icon=masstransit Name of our icon file, without the trailing .png part (again?!) Type=Application # X-Osso-Service=com.nokia.masstransit X-Osso-Type=application/x-executable # StartupWMClass=mClock Only needed because it's a PyGame app (would be automatic with GTK)