* Fixes NB#106248, do not allow launching a mailbox and folders windows at the same...
[modest] / src / export.map
1 {
2   global: 
4         __exidx_end;
5         _bss_end__;
6         __bss_start__;
7         __dso_handle;
8         __libc_csu_fini;
9         __exidx_start;
10         _init;
11         __bss_end__;
12         _start;
13         __libc_csu_init;
14         main;
15         __end__;
16         _fini;
17         _edata;
18         _end;
19         _IO_stdin_used;
20         __data_start;
21         modest_account_settings_*;
22         modest_account_mgr_*;
23         modest_account_protocol_*;
24         modest_defs_*;
25         modest_conf_*;
26         modest_easysetup_wizard_*;
27         modest_pair_*;
28         modest_platform_*;
29         modest_plugin_*;
30         modest_protocol_*;
31         modest_server_account_settings_*;
32         modest_validating_entry_*;
33         modest_ui_actions_*;
34         modest_wizard_dialog_*;
35   local: *;
36 };