Module Overview

Information about the software modules Modest consists of, their status and who is working on them.
List is still a draft and far from beeing complete.

Module name Namespace Status Involved Developers
Main Application Framework modest-main Experimental Dirk-Jan Binnema
Account Manager modest-account-mgr Experimental Dirk-Jan Binnema
Gconf configuration backend modest-conf-gconf Experimental Dirk-Jan Binnema
Protocols modest-proto Experimental Dirk-Jan Binnema
Account store modest-tny-account-store Experimental Dirk-Jan Binnema
Folder tree modest-tny-folder-tree-view Experimental Dirk-Jan Binnema
Header view modest-tny-header-tree-view Experimental Dirk-Jan Binnema
Message view modest-tny-msg-view Experimental Dirk-Jan Binnema
Window management modest-window-mgr Experimental Dirk-Jan Binnema
Account Presets modest-account-presets Preliminary API defined Florian Boor