Same API but now retrieving the album art in threads
authorIvan Frade <>
Fri, 4 Sep 2009 22:11:34 +0000 (01:11 +0300)
committerIvan Frade <>
Fri, 4 Sep 2009 22:11:34 +0000 (01:11 +0300)
src/ [deleted file]
src/ [new file with mode: 0755]

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 4ca7344..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
-import urllib2, urllib
-import os
-from album_art_spec import getCoverArtFileName, getCoverArtThumbFileName, get_thumb_filename_for_path
-import dbus, time
-import string
-    import libxml2
-    libxml_available = True
-except ImportError:
-    libxml_available = False
-    import PIL
-    import Image
-except ImportError:
-    print "Please install python-imaging package"
-    sys.exit (-1)
-# Set socket timeout
-import socket
-import urllib2
-timeout = 5
-LASTFM_APIKEY = "1e1d53528c86406757a6887addef0ace"
-BASE_MSN = ""
-MSN_MEDIUM = "+filterui:imagesize-medium"
-MSN_SMALL = "+filterui:imagesize-medium"
-MSN_SQUARE = "+filterui:aspect-square"
-MSN_PHOTO = "+filterui:photo-graphics"
-CACHE_LOCATION = os.path.join (os.getenv ("HOME"), ".cache", "mussorgsky")
-# LastFM:
-class MussorgskyAlbumArt:
-    def __init__ (self):
-        bus = dbus.SessionBus ()
-        handle = time.time()
-        if (not os.path.exists (CACHE_LOCATION)):
-            os.makedirs (CACHE_LOCATION)
-        self.thumbnailer = LocalThumbnailer ()
-    def get_album_art (self, artist, album, force=False):
-        """
-        Return a tuple (album_art, thumbnail_album_art)
-        """
-        filename = getCoverArtFileName (album)
-        thumbnail = getCoverArtThumbFileName (album)
-        album_art_available = False
-        if (os.path.exists (filename) and not force):
-            print "Album art already there " + filename
-            album_art_available = True
-        else:
-            results_page = self.__msn_images (artist, album)
-            for online_resource in self.__get_url_from_msn_results_page (results_page):
-                print "Choosed:", online_resource
-                content = self.__get_url (online_resource)
-                if (content):
-                    print "Albumart: %s " % (filename)
-                    self.__save_content_into_file (content, filename)
-                    album_art_available = True
-                    break
-        if (not album_art_available):
-            return (None, None)
-        if (not os.path.exists (thumbnail) or force or album_art_availble):
-            if (not self.__request_thumbnail (filename)):
-                print "Failed doing thumbnail. Probably album art is not an image!"
-                os.remove (filename)
-                return (None, None)
-        else:
-            print "Thumbnail exists (and probably valid) " + thumbnail
-        return (filename, thumbnail)
-    def get_alternatives (self, artist, album, max_alternatives=4):
-        """
-        return a list of paths of possible album arts
-        """
-        counter = 0
-        results_page = self.__msn_images (artist, album)
-        for image_url in self.__get_url_from_msn_results_page (results_page):
-            if (not image_url):
-                # Some searches doesn't return anything at all!
-                break
-            if (counter >= max_alternatives):
-                break
-            image = self.__get_url (image_url)
-            if (image):
-                image_path = os.path.join (CACHE_LOCATION, "alternative-" + str(counter))
-                thumb_path = os.path.join (CACHE_LOCATION, "alternative-" + str(counter) + "thumb")
-                self.__save_content_into_file (image, image_path)
-                self.thumbnailer.create (image_path, thumb_path)
-                counter += 1
-                yield (image_path, thumb_path)
-    def save_alternative (self, artist, album, img_path, thumb_path):
-        if not os.path.exists (img_path) or not os.path.exists (thumb_path):
-            print "**** CRITICAL **** image in path", path, "doesn't exist!"
-            return (None, None)
-        filename = getCoverArtFileName (album)
-        thumbnail = getCoverArtThumbFileName (album)
-        os.rename (img_path, filename)
-        os.rename (thumb_path, thumbnail)
-        return (filename, thumbnail)
-    def __last_fm (self, artist, album):
-        if (not libxml_available):
-            return None
-        if (not album or len (album) < 1):
-            return None
-        URL = BASE_LASTFM + "&api_key=" + LASTFM_APIKEY
-        if (artist and len(artist) > 1):
-            URL += "&artist=" + urllib.quote(artist)
-        if (album):
-            URL += "&album=" + urllib.quote(album)
-        print "Retrieving: %s" % (URL)
-        result = self.__get_url (URL)
-        if (not result):
-            return None
-        doc = libxml2.parseDoc (result)
-        image_nodes = doc.xpathEval ("//image[@size='large']")
-        if len (image_nodes) < 1:
-            return None
-        else:
-            return image_nodes[0].content
-    def __msn_images (self, artist, album):
-        good_artist = self.__clean_string_for_search (artist)
-        good_album = self.__clean_string_for_search (album)
-        if (good_album and good_artist):
-            full_try = BASE_MSN + good_album + "+" + good_artist + MSN_MEDIUM + MSN_SQUARE
-            print "Searching (album + artist): %s" % (full_try)
-            result = self.__get_url (full_try)
-            if (result and result.find ("no_results") == -1):
-                return result
-        if (album):
-            if (album.lower ().find ("greatest hit") != -1):
-                print "Ignoring '%s': too generic" % (album)
-                pass
-            else:
-                album_try = BASE_MSN + good_album + MSN_MEDIUM + MSN_SQUARE
-                print "Searching (album): %s" % (album_try)
-                result = self.__get_url (album_try)
-                if (result and result.find ("no_results") == -1):
-                    return result
-        if (artist):
-            artist_try = BASE_MSN + good_artist + "+CD+music"  + MSN_SMALL + MSN_SQUARE + MSN_PHOTO
-            print "Searching (artist CD): %s" % (artist_try)
-            result = self.__get_url (artist_try)
-            if (result and result.find ("no_results") == -1):
-                return result
-        return None
-    def __get_url_from_msn_results_page (self, page):
-        if (not page):
-            return
-        current_option = None
-        starting_at = 0
-        # 500 is just a safe limit
-        for i in range (0, 500):
-            # Iterate until find a jpeg
-            start = page.find ("furl=", starting_at)
-            if (start == -1):
-                yield None
-            end = page.find ("\"", start + len ("furl="))
-            current_option = page [start + len ("furl="): end].replace ("amp;", "")
-            if (current_option.lower().endswith (".jpg") or
-                current_option.lower().endswith (".jpeg")):
-                yield current_option
-            starting_at = end
-    def __clean_string_for_search (self, text):
-        if (not text or len (text) < 1):
-            return None
-        bad_stuff = "_:?\\-~"
-        clean = text
-        for c in bad_stuff:
-            clean = clean.replace (c, " ")
-        clean.replace ("/", "%2F")
-        clean = clean.replace (" CD1", "").replace(" CD2", "")
-        return urllib.quote(clean)
-    def __save_content_into_file (self, content, filename):
-        output = open (filename, 'w')
-        output.write (content)
-        output.close ()
-    def __get_url (self, url):
-        request = urllib2.Request (url)
-        request.add_header ('User-Agent', 'Mussorgsky/0.1 Test')
-        opener = urllib2.build_opener ()
-        try:
-            return (request).read ()
-        except:
-            return None
-    def __request_thumbnail (self, filename):
-        thumbFile = get_thumb_filename_for_path (filename)
-        return self.thumbnailer.create (filename, thumbFile)
-class LocalThumbnailer:
-    def __init__ (self):
-        self.THUMBNAIL_SIZE = (124,124)
-    def create (self, fullCoverFileName, thumbFile):
-        if (os.path.exists (fullCoverFileName)):
-            try:
-                image = (fullCoverFileName)
-                image = image.resize (self.THUMBNAIL_SIZE, Image.ANTIALIAS )
-       (thumbFile, "JPEG")
-                print "Thumbnail: " + thumbFile
-            except IOError, e:
-                print e
-                return False
-        return True
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    import sys
-    from optparse import OptionParser
-    parser = OptionParser()
-    parser.add_option ("-p", "--print", dest="print_paths",
-                       action="store_true", default=True,
-                       help="Print the destination paths")
-    parser.add_option ("-r", "--retrieve", dest="retrieve",
-                       action="store_true", default=False,
-                       help="Try to retrieve the online content")
-    parser.add_option ("-m", "--multiple", dest="multiple",
-                       action="store_true", default=False,
-                       help="Show more than one option")
-    parser.add_option ("-a", "--artist", dest="artist", type="string",
-                       help="ARTIST to look for", metavar="ARTIST")
-    parser.add_option ("-b", "--album", dest="album", type="string",
-                       help="ALBUM to look for", metavar="ALBUM")
-    (options, args) = parser.parse_args ()
-    print options
-    if (not options.artist and not options.album):
-        parser.print_help ()
-        sys.exit (-1)
-    if (options.multiple and options.retrieve):
-        print "Multiple and retrieve are incompatible"
-        parser.print_help ()
-        sys.exit (-1)
-    if options.print_paths and not options.retrieve:
-        print "Album art:", getCoverArtFileName (options.album)
-        print "Thumbnail:", getCoverArtThumbFileName (options.album)
-    if options.retrieve:
-        maa = MussorgskyAlbumArt ()
-        maa.get_album_art (options.artist, options.album)
-    if options.multiple:
-        maa = MussorgskyAlbumArt ()
-        for (img, thumb) in  maa.get_alternatives (options.artist, options.album, 5):
-            print img
-            print thumb
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..6454da2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+import os
+from album_art_spec import getCoverArtFileName, getCoverArtThumbFileName, get_thumb_filename_for_path
+from utils import UrllibWrapper
+import dbus, time
+import string
+import urllib
+    import libxml2
+    libxml_available = True
+except ImportError:
+    libxml_available = False
+    import PIL
+    import Image
+except ImportError:
+    print "Please install python-imaging package"
+    sys.exit (-1)
+LASTFM_APIKEY = "1e1d53528c86406757a6887addef0ace"
+BASE_MSN = ""
+MSN_MEDIUM = "+filterui:imagesize-medium"
+MSN_SMALL = "+filterui:imagesize-medium"
+MSN_SQUARE = "+filterui:aspect-square"
+MSN_PHOTO = "+filterui:photo-graphics"
+CACHE_LOCATION = os.path.join (os.getenv ("HOME"), ".cache", "mussorgsky")
+# LastFM:
+import threading
+class AADownloadThread (threading.Thread):
+    def __init__ (self, url, counter):
+        threading.Thread.__init__ (self, target=self.grab_image, args=(url,))
+        self.thumbnailer = LocalThumbnailer ()
+        self.counter = counter
+        self.image_path = None
+        self.thumb_path = None
+        self.urllib_wrapper = UrllibWrapper ()
+    def grab_image (self, image_url):
+        print "Working", self.counter
+        image = self.urllib_wrapper.get_url (image_url)
+        if (image):
+            self.image_path = os.path.join (CACHE_LOCATION, "alternative-" + str(self.counter))
+            self.thumb_path = os.path.join (CACHE_LOCATION, "alternative-" + str(self.counter) + "thumb")
+            self.urllib_wrapper.save_content_into_file (image, self.image_path)
+            self.thumbnailer.create (self.image_path, self.thumb_path)
+    def get_result (self):
+        return self.image_path, self.thumb_path
+class MussorgskyAlbumArt:
+    def __init__ (self):
+        bus = dbus.SessionBus ()
+        if (not os.path.exists (CACHE_LOCATION)):
+            os.makedirs (CACHE_LOCATION)
+        self.thumbnailer = LocalThumbnailer ()
+        self.urllib_wrapper = UrllibWrapper ()
+    def get_album_art (self, artist, album, force=False):
+        """
+        Return a tuple (album_art, thumbnail_album_art)
+        """
+        filename = getCoverArtFileName (album)
+        thumbnail = getCoverArtThumbFileName (album)
+        album_art_available = False
+        if (os.path.exists (filename) and not force):
+            print "Album art already there " + filename
+            album_art_available = True
+        else:
+            results_page = self.__msn_images (artist, album)
+            for online_resource in self.__get_url_from_msn_results_page (results_page):
+                print "Choosed:", online_resource
+                content = self.urllib_wrapper.get_url (online_resource)
+                if (content):
+                    print "Albumart: %s " % (filename)
+                    self.urllib_wrapper.save_content_into_file (content, filename)
+                    album_art_available = True
+                    break
+        if (not album_art_available):
+            return (None, None)
+        if (not os.path.exists (thumbnail) or force or album_art_availble):
+            if (not self.__request_thumbnail (filename)):
+                print "Failed doing thumbnail. Probably album art is not an image!"
+                os.remove (filename)
+                return (None, None)
+        else:
+            print "Thumbnail exists (and probably valid) " + thumbnail
+        return (filename, thumbnail)
+    def get_alternatives (self, artist, album, max_alternatives=4):
+        """
+        return a list of paths of possible album arts
+        """
+        counter = 0
+        results_page = self.__msn_images (artist, album)
+        threads = []
+        for image_url in self.__get_url_from_msn_results_page (results_page):
+            if (not image_url):
+                # Some searches doesn't return anything at all!
+                break
+            if (counter >= max_alternatives):
+                break
+            t = AADownloadThread (image_url, counter)
+            t.start ()
+            threads.append (t)
+            counter += 1
+        for t in threads:
+            t.join (5)
+            if (t.isAlive ()):
+                yield (None, None)
+            else:
+                yield t.get_result ()
+    def save_alternative (self, artist, album, img_path, thumb_path):
+        if not os.path.exists (img_path) or not os.path.exists (thumb_path):
+            print "**** CRITICAL **** image in path", path, "doesn't exist!"
+            return (None, None)
+        filename = getCoverArtFileName (album)
+        thumbnail = getCoverArtThumbFileName (album)
+        os.rename (img_path, filename)
+        os.rename (thumb_path, thumbnail)
+        return (filename, thumbnail)
+    def __msn_images (self, artist, album):
+        good_artist = self.__clean_string_for_search (artist)
+        good_album = self.__clean_string_for_search (album)
+        if (good_album and good_artist):
+            full_try = BASE_MSN + good_album + "+" + good_artist + MSN_MEDIUM + MSN_SQUARE
+            print "Searching (album + artist): %s" % (full_try)
+            result = self.urllib_wrapper.get_url (full_try)
+            if (result and result.find ("no_results") == -1):
+                return result
+        if (album):
+            if (album.lower ().find ("greatest hit") != -1):
+                print "Ignoring '%s': too generic" % (album)
+                pass
+            else:
+                album_try = BASE_MSN + good_album + MSN_MEDIUM + MSN_SQUARE
+                print "Searching (album): %s" % (album_try)
+                result = self.urllib_wrapper.get_url (album_try)
+                if (result and result.find ("no_results") == -1):
+                    return result
+        if (artist):
+            artist_try = BASE_MSN + good_artist + "+CD+music"  + MSN_SMALL + MSN_SQUARE + MSN_PHOTO
+            print "Searching (artist CD): %s" % (artist_try)
+            result = self.urllib_wrapper.get_url (artist_try)
+            if (result and result.find ("no_results") == -1):
+                return result
+        return None
+    def __get_url_from_msn_results_page (self, page):
+        if (not page):
+            return
+        current_option = None
+        starting_at = 0
+        # 500 is just a safe limit
+        for i in range (0, 500):
+            # Iterate until find a jpeg
+            start = page.find ("furl=", starting_at)
+            if (start == -1):
+                yield None
+            end = page.find ("\"", start + len ("furl="))
+            current_option = page [start + len ("furl="): end].replace ("amp;", "")
+            if (current_option.lower().endswith (".jpg") or
+                current_option.lower().endswith (".jpeg")):
+                yield current_option
+            starting_at = end
+    def __clean_string_for_search (self, text):
+        if (not text or len (text) < 1):
+            return None
+        bad_stuff = "_:?\\-~"
+        clean = text
+        for c in bad_stuff:
+            clean = clean.replace (c, " ")
+        clean.replace ("/", "%2F")
+        clean = clean.replace (" CD1", "").replace(" CD2", "")
+        return urllib.quote(clean)
+    def __request_thumbnail (self, filename):
+        thumbFile = get_thumb_filename_for_path (filename)
+        return self.thumbnailer.create (filename, thumbFile)
+class LocalThumbnailer:
+    def __init__ (self):
+        self.THUMBNAIL_SIZE = (124,124)
+    def create (self, fullCoverFileName, thumbFile):
+        if (os.path.exists (fullCoverFileName)):
+            try:
+                image = (fullCoverFileName)
+                image = image.resize (self.THUMBNAIL_SIZE, Image.ANTIALIAS )
+       (thumbFile, "JPEG")
+                print "Thumbnail: " + thumbFile
+            except IOError, e:
+                print e
+                return False
+        return True
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import sys
+    from optparse import OptionParser
+    parser = OptionParser()
+    parser.add_option ("-p", "--print", dest="print_paths",
+                       action="store_true", default=True,
+                       help="Print the destination paths")
+    parser.add_option ("-r", "--retrieve", dest="retrieve",
+                       action="store_true", default=False,
+                       help="Try to retrieve the online content")
+    parser.add_option ("-m", "--multiple", dest="multiple",
+                       action="store_true", default=False,
+                       help="Show more than one option")
+    parser.add_option ("-a", "--artist", dest="artist", type="string",
+                       help="ARTIST to look for", metavar="ARTIST")
+    parser.add_option ("-b", "--album", dest="album", type="string",
+                       help="ALBUM to look for", metavar="ALBUM")
+    (options, args) = parser.parse_args ()
+    print options
+    if (not options.artist and not options.album):
+        parser.print_help ()
+        sys.exit (-1)
+    if (options.multiple and options.retrieve):
+        print "Multiple and retrieve are incompatible"
+        parser.print_help ()
+        sys.exit (-1)
+    if options.print_paths and not options.retrieve:
+        print "Album art:", getCoverArtFileName (options.album)
+        print "Thumbnail:", getCoverArtThumbFileName (options.album)
+    if options.retrieve:
+        maa = MussorgskyAlbumArt ()
+        maa.get_album_art (options.artist, options.album)
+    if options.multiple:
+        start = time.time ()
+        maa = MussorgskyAlbumArt ()
+        for (img, thumb) in  maa.get_alternatives (options.artist, options.album, 5):
+            print img
+            print thumb
+        end = time.time ()
+        print end - start
index a0eb309..0d7d622 100644 (file)
@@ -7,5 +7,27 @@ def escape_html (text, max_length=40):
             cutpoint = max_length
         text = text [0:cutpoint] + "..."
     return gobject.markup_escape_text (text)
-#.replace ("&","&amp;").replace ("<", "&lt;").replace (">", "&gt;").replace ("\"", "&quot;")
+# Set socket timeout
+import socket
+import urllib2
+timeout = 5
+class UrllibWrapper ():
+    def save_content_into_file (self, content, filename):
+        output = open (filename, 'w')
+        output.write (content)
+        output.close ()
+    def get_url (self, url):
+        request = urllib2.Request (url)
+        request.add_header ('User-Agent', 'Mussorgsky/0.1 Test')
+        opener = urllib2.build_opener ()
+        try:
+            return (request).read ()
+        except:
+            return None