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Work with application

On this page you can find a description of the work with MySocials app on mobile device based on Maemo 5 platform (Nokia N900). The work with application on the other platforms is similarly.

After you start MySocials for the first time, you will see "Add new account" window. You should create an account by inputing some name and choosing one of the supported services.

Maemo 5 version

Then you have to log on the service. Our application uses authorization through web-interface (WebAuth). MySocials doesn't store your registration information (e.g. login and password). Therefore if your session is out of date, the application shows authorization window again.

Maemo 5 version

After that you will see main form of the app which consists of main menu, the list of your friends from social networks and toolbar with icons for working with list of friends, messages and albums. Future version of MySocials will support work with news feeds, audio and video. Button Refresh Button is used for refreshing information in the app.

Maemo 5 version

You can use filters to navigate through friends list. There are filters for social services, online/offline status and sex.

Maemo 5 version

Maemo 5 version

Maemo 5 version

You can find a friend in the list by using quick search. Button Backspace Button allows you to clean the searching field.

Maemo 5 version

After choosing one of your friends from the list you see his/her profile information. From this form you can go to browsing the user's albums, messages or send new message to him/her. Button Back Button returns you to the previous screen (in this case friends list form).

Maemo 5 version

After choosing messages icon from toolbar you can browse your new messages from the services, inbox and outbox messages, and your drafts.

Maemo 5 version  Maemo 5 version  Maemo 5 version 

After choosing albums icon from toolbar you can browse the list of user's albums.

Maemo 5 version

Content of chosen album is shown as a list of previews of the images.

Maemo 5 version

You can view the pictures in full screen mode after clicking on it's preview. If the picture hasn't been loaded from service the application shows the preview.

Maemo 5 version

You are also available to browse and send comments to each image in the album (if this service is supported by social network).

Maemo 5 version

Application settings

You can use main menu of MySocials to set up the application.

Maemo 5 version: main menu

"Program settings" menu item allows you to set up some specific settings of the application. The item "Enable window rotation" is available only for mobile devices. It allows the application to respond when your device changes it's position in space. The item "Enable multi panel mode" controls the number of panels in the main form of the application. If you choose this option, you see current panel with data from service (for example, the list of pictures) and the previous one (the list of albums). Otherwise you see only one panel with data in the main form of the application. It is very convenient for devices with small screen such as mobile devices. Button "Clear cache" allows you to clean application's cache to save your device resources.

Maemo 5 version

After choosing "Network" item you can set proxy settings. Button "No Proxy" turns off the search of proxy setting in your system. Button "System" activates the search of proxy settings in your system to use them in the application. Button "Manual" activates the fields for inputing Address and Port of proxy that you use in your system.

Maemo 5 version

You can edit the list of created accounts by using "Accounts" item of the menu. Button "Add" allows you to create new account. Using button "Remove" you can delete one of the existing accounts. Button "Reconnect" allows you to pass the authorization on the service again. You should use this button, if you had some network problems on your device and your account was switched to the offline mode or you wanted to log on the service with another registration information (e.g. login and password). In that case you have to choose this account in the list and push "Reconnect" button.

Maemo 5 version

MySocials Project © 2011