# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. # Set various version strings m4_define([opencv_major_version], [1]) m4_define([opencv_minor_version], [1]) m4_define([opencv_subminor_version], [0]) m4_define([opencv_version], [opencv_major_version.opencv_minor_version.opencv_subminor_version]) # Before making a release, the LT_VERSION string should be modified. # See: http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual.html#Versioning # # The string is of the form Current:Revision:Age. # # The following lines are taken from the GNU Libtool Manual: # Here are a set of rules to help you update your library version information: # # Start with version information of 0:0:0 for each libtool library. # Update the version information only immediately before a public release of your software. # More frequent updates are unnecessary, and only guarantee that the current interface number # gets larger faster. # # 1) If the library source code has changed at all since the last update, # then increment revision (c:r:a becomes c:r+1:a). # 2) If any interfaces have been added, removed, or changed since the last update, # increment current, and set revision to 0. # 3) If any interfaces have been added since the last public release, then increment age. # 4) If any interfaces have been removed since the last public release, then set age to 0. # # Never try to set the interface numbers so that they correspond to the release number of your package. # This is an abuse that only fosters misunderstanding of the purpose of library versions. Instead, # use the -release flag (see Release numbers), but be warned that every release of your package will # not be binary compatible with any other release. m4_define([opencv_lt_version], [2:0:0]) # init autotools AC_PREREQ(2.60) AC_INIT([opencv],[opencv_version],[opencvlibrary-devel@lists.sourceforge.net]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([opencv.pc.in]) AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([autotools]) AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([autotools/aclocal]) # put CVS revision of this configure.in into the resulting configure script AC_REVISION($Revision: 1.46 $) # Detect the canonical host and target build environment AC_CANONICAL_HOST AC_CANONICAL_TARGET # setup automake - we need >= 1.6 because of python and aclocal support # we updated to 1.9 because of cross-platform issues AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([cvconfig.h]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.9]) AC_PROG_MAKE_SET # use 'gly maintainer-mode flag to help CVS users that do not want to # help developing OpenCV but just need to compile the latest version # AM_MAINTAINER_MODE # substitute versionnumbers AC_SUBST(MMAJOR, [opencv_major_version]) AC_SUBST(MMINOR, [opencv_minor_version]) AC_SUBST(MSUBMINOR, [opencv_subminor_version]) AC_SUBST(VERSION, [opencv_version]) AC_SUBST(LT_VERSION, [opencv_lt_version]) # disable building static libraries, # allow Cygwin to build DLLs AC_DISABLE_STATIC AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL # checks for programs. AC_PROG_CXX AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_CPP AC_PROG_LIBTOOL # AC_SUBST(LD) # AC_SUBST(CXXLD) ###################################################################### # the following interpret 'with' and 'enable' switches. # some of these switches trigger checks that can be found further # below in this configure script # does the user want aggressive optimization? AC_ARG_ENABLE([debug], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-debug],[build debug version without optimization [no]])], [debug=$enableval], [debug=no]) # does the user want to build demo applications? AC_ARG_ENABLE([apps], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-apps],[build demo applications [yes]])], [enable_apps=$enableval], [enable_apps="yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_APPS], [test x"$enable_apps" = x"yes"]) # the following checks reflect the dependencies of OpenCV on other # libraries that do the actual work for video I/O or windowing # subsystem. On some platforms there are ambiguities that a user # can influence. There is also additional logic to be found in code # later code lines that tries to do sensible decisions on what to use # does the user want to compile python modules as well? AC_ARG_WITH([swig], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-swig],[use swig wrapper generator [no]])], [with_swig=$withval], [with_swig=no]) # does the user want to compile python modules as well? AC_ARG_WITH([python], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-python],[use python for wrapping [yes]])], [with_python=$withval], [with_python=yes]) # does the user want OpenCV to use xine video libraries? AC_ARG_WITH([xine], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-xine],[use xine libraries (see LICENSE) [no]])], [with_xine=$withval], [with_xine=no]) # does the user want OpenCV to use ffmpeg video libraries? AC_ARG_WITH([ffmpeg], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-ffmpeg],[use ffmpeg libraries (see LICENSE) [automatic]])], [with_ffmpeg=$withval], [with_ffmpeg=auto]) # does the user want OpenCV to use libraw1394/libdc1394 for video input? AC_ARG_WITH([1394libs], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-1394libs],[use libraw1394/libdc1394 [automatic]])], [with_1394libs=$withval], [with_1394libs=auto]) # does the user want OpenCV to use the video4linux kernel module? AC_ARG_WITH([v4l], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-v4l],[use video4linux [automatic]])], [with_v4l=$withval], [with_v4l=auto]) # does the user want OpenCV to use image libraries from OS X 10.4? AC_ARG_WITH([imageio], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-imageio],[use ImageIO libraries [automatic]])], [with_imageio=$withval], [with_imageio=yes]) # does the user want OpenCV to use QuickTime video libraries? AC_ARG_WITH([quicktime], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-quicktime],[use QuickTime libraries [automatic]])], [with_quicktime=$withval], [with_quicktime=yes]) # does the user want OpenCV to use the Carbon GUI of Mac OS X? AC_ARG_WITH([carbon], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-carbon],[use Carbon windows [automatic]])], [with_carbon=$withval], [with_carbon=yes]) # does the user want OpenCV to use GTK+ 2.0 for the GUI? AC_ARG_WITH([gtk], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-gtk],[use gtk+ 2.0 windows [automatic]])], [with_gtk=$withval], [with_gtk=auto]) # does the user want OpenCV to use gthread for GTK+ threaded HighGUI? AC_ARG_WITH([gthread], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-gthread],[use gthread in addition to gtk+ [automatic]])], [with_gthread=$withval], [with_gthread=auto]) ###################################################################### # getting the code to compile # cure annoying default arguments for CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS # that autoconf automatically sets in GNU environments if # no CFLAGS or CXXFLAGS were manually given if test x"$CFLAGS" = "x-g -O2" ; then CFLAGS="" fi if test x"$CXXFLAGS" = "x-g -O2" ; then CXXFLAGS="" fi # see if the user wants aggressive optimizations of the code, # check whether to include debugging code AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build debug version (no optimization)]) if test x"$debug" = "xyes"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) if test x"$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu" = "xyes"; then CPPFLAGS="-DDEBUG -D_DEBUG $CPPFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="-ggdb -O0 $CXXFLAGS" fi else AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) AC_MSG_NOTICE( TARGET=$target ) case $target in i*86-apple-*) if test x"$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu" = "xyes"; then # apples g++ fails with '-march=i686' and there are no apple machines older than prescott/core anyway CXXFLAGS="-g -march=prescott -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer $CXXFLAGS" fi ;; i686-*-*) if test x"$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu" = "xyes"; then # default to i686/pentiumpro -- people can override this CXXFLAGS="-g -march=i686 -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer $CXXFLAGS" fi ;; powerpc-*-*) if test x"$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu" = "xyes"; then # default to G3 processors -- people can override this CXXFLAGS="-g -mcpu=G3 -mtune=G5 -fomit-frame-pointer $CXXFLAGS" fi ;; *-*-*) if test x"$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu" = "xyes"; then CXXFLAGS="-fomit-frame-pointer $CXXFLAGS" fi ;; esac CPPFLAGS="-DNDEBUG $CPPFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="-O3 $CXXFLAGS" fi if test x"$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu" = "xyes"; then PY_CXXFLAGS="-Wall -pipe $CXXFLAGS" CXXFLAGS="-Wall -fno-rtti -pipe $CXXFLAGS" else PY_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" fi AC_SUBST(PY_CXXFLAGS) # add libm because it is used by several libraries and OpenCV itself AC_CHECK_LIB(m,pow) AC_CHECK_LIB(dl,dlopen) AC_CHECK_LIB(pthread,pthread_create) # check endianness AC_C_BIGENDIAN # check for specific functions that might be missing from # certain standard library implementations AC_FUNC_ALLOCA AC_CHECK_HEADERS([malloc.h]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([assert.h]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(lrint) ###################################################################### # HighGUI dependencies for windowing system # honor user selection, # if no selection given check for Carbon first CARBON_CFLAGS="" CARBON_LIBS="" if test x"$with_carbon" = "xyes"; then # header presence and usability seem to be enough AC_CHECK_HEADER([Carbon/Carbon.h], [ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_CARBON,,[Carbon windowing environment]) CARBON_LIBS="-Xlinker -framework -Xlinker Carbon" have_carbon=yes ], [ have_carbon=no with_carbon=no ]) # sanity checks if test x"$have_carbon" = "xyes"; then # if we asked for gtk, this is not ok if test x"$with_gtk" = "xyes"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([You cannot specify --with-carbon and --with-gtk at the same time]) fi # don't check alternatives if carbon was found if test x"$with_gtk" = "xauto"; then with_gtk=no fi fi else have_carbon=no if test ! x"$with_carbon" = "xno"; then AC_MSG_WARN([unexpected arguments for option --with-carbon, continuing assuming 'no']) fi fi AC_SUBST(CARBON_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(CARBON_LIBS) AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_CARBON], [test x"$have_carbon" = "xyes"]) # use GTK+ 2.x (or later) for windowing # if carbon not present or not wanted (--without-carbon) GTK_CFLAGS="" GTK_LIBS="" GTHREAD_CFLAGS="" GTHREAD_LIBS="" if test x"$with_gtk" = "xno"; then have_gtk=no else # check if ./configure arguments are valid if test x"$with_gtk" = "xauto"; then with_gtk=yes fi if test x"$with_gtk" = "xyes"; then # pkg-config is needed for GTK+ AC_PATH_PROG(PKG_CONFIG, pkg-config, no) if test x"$PKG_CONFIG" == "xno"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([You have to install pkg-config to compile OpenCV with GTK+]) fi PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GTK, "gtk+-2.0 gdk-pixbuf-2.0", [ have_gtk=yes AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GTK,,[GTK+ 2.x toolkit]) ], [ have_gtk=no ]) else # if we get here then --with-gtk was not called with 'yes','no' or 'auto' AC_MSG_WARN([unexpected arguments for option --with-gtk, continuing assuming 'no']) have_gtk=no fi fi if test x"$with_gthread" = "xno"; then have_gthread=no else if test x"$have_gtk" = "xyes"; then if test x"$with_gthread" = "xauto"; then with_gthread=yes fi if test x"$with_gthread" = "xyes"; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GTHREAD, "gthread-2.0", [ have_gthread=yes AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GTHREAD,,[GTK+ 2.0 Thread support]) ], [ have_gthread=no ]) else # if we get here then --with-gthread was not called with 'yes','no' or 'auto' AC_MSG_WARN([unexpected arguments for option --with-gthread, continuing assuming 'no']) have_gthread=no fi else # if no gtk+ was detected, looking for gthread does not make any sense have_gthread=no fi fi AC_SUBST(GTK_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(GTK_LIBS) AC_SUBST(GTHREAD_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(GTHREAD_LIBS) AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_GTK], [test x"$have_gtk" = "xyes"]) ###################################################################### # HighGUI dependencies for video I/O # if QuickTime is present, it will override everything else, # (unless '--without-quicktime' was given) if test x"$with_quicktime" = "xyes"; then # check other ./configure flags if test x"$with_ffmpeg" = "xyes"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([You cannot specify --with-quicktime and --with-ffmpeg at the same time]) fi if test x"$with_xine" = "xyes"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([You cannot specify --with-quicktime and --with-xine at the same time]) fi if test x"$with_1394libs" = "xyes"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([You cannot specify --with-quicktime and --with-1394libs at the same time]) fi if test x"$with_v4l" = "xyes"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([You cannot specify --with-quicktime and --with-v4l at the same time]) fi # header presence and usability seem to be enough AC_CHECK_HEADER([QuickTime/QuickTime.h], [ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_QUICKTIME,,[QuickTime video libraries]) have_quicktime=yes ], [ have_quicktime=no ]) # specify quicktime libraries if test x"$have_quicktime" = "xyes"; then QUICKTIME_LIBS="-Xlinker -framework -Xlinker QuickTime -Xlinker -framework -Xlinker QuartzCore" # don't check alternatives if quicktime was found if test x"$with_ffmpeg" = "xauto"; then with_ffmpeg=no fi if test x"$with_xine" = "xauto"; then with_xine=no fi if test x"$with_1394libs" = "xauto"; then with_1394libs=no fi if test x"$with_v4l" = "xauto"; then with_v4l=no fi fi else # check if ./configure arguments are valid have_quicktime=no if test ! x"$with_quicktime" = "xno"; then AC_MSG_WARN([unexpected arguments for option --with-quicktime, continuing assuming 'no']) fi fi AC_SUBST(QUICKTIME_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(QUICKTIME_LIBS) AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_QUICKTIME], [test x"$have_quicktime" = "xyes"]) # prefer XINE over FFMPEG for video reading because it is quick, has a cleaner API # and allows for easy seeking with some formats if test x"$with_xine" = "xno"; then have_xine=no # XINE_LIBS="" else # check if ./configure arguments are valid if test x"$with_xine" = "xauto"; then with_xine=yes fi if test x"$with_xine" = "xyes"; then AC_CHECK_HEADER(xine.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(xine, xine_init, [ have_xine=yes AC_DEFINE(HAVE_XINE,,[Xine video library]) XINE_LIBS="-lxine" ], [ have_xine=no ]), [ have_xine=no ]) else # if we get here then --with-xine was not called with 'yes','no' or 'auto' AC_MSG_WARN([unexpected arguments for option --with-xine, continuing assuming 'no']) have_xine=no fi fi AC_SUBST(XINE_LIBS) AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_XINE], [test x"$have_xine" = "xyes"]) # unfortunately, xine does not feature video writing, # so we have to resort to FFMPEG here if test x"$with_ffmpeg" = "xno"; then have_ffmpeg=no # FFMPEGLIBS="" else # check if ./configure arguments are valid if test x"$with_ffmpeg" = "xauto"; then with_ffmpeg=yes fi if test x"$with_ffmpeg" = "xyes"; then AC_CHECK_HEADER(ffmpeg/avcodec.h, AC_SEARCH_LIBS([avcodec_decode_video],[avcodec_pic avcodec], [ AC_SEARCH_LIBS([av_open_input_file], [avformat_pic avformat], [ have_ffmpeg=yes AC_DEFINE(HAVE_FFMPEG,,[FFMpeg video library]) FFMPEGLIBS="-lavcodec -lavformat" ], [ have_ffmpeg=no ], [-lavcodec]) ], [ have_ffmpeg=no ]), [ have_ffmpeg=no ]) else # if we get here then --with-ffmpeg was not called with 'yes','no' or 'auto' AC_MSG_WARN([unexpected arguments for option --with-ffmpeg, continuing assuming 'no']) have_ffmpeg=no fi fi AC_SUBST(FFMPEGLIBS) AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_FFMPEG], [test x"$have_ffmpeg" = "xyes"]) # IEEE1394 / FireWire video video i/o with libdc1394, libraw1394 # (can be managed by QuickTime as well) if test x"$with_1394libs" = "xno"; then have_raw1394=no have_dc1394=no # IEEE1394LIBS="" else # check if ./configure arguments are valid if test x"$with_1394libs" = "xauto"; then with_1394libs=yes fi if test x"$with_1394libs" = "xyes"; then SAVELIBS="$LIBS" have_raw1394=no have_dc1394=no AC_CHECK_HEADER(libraw1394/raw1394.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(raw1394, raw1394_new_handle, [ have_raw1394=yes LIBS="-lm -lraw1394 $LIBS" ])) if test x"$have_raw1394" = "xyes"; then AC_CHECK_HEADER(libdc1394/dc1394_control.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(dc1394_control, dc1394_camera_on, [ have_dc1394=yes AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DC1394,,[IEEE1394 capturing support]) AC_EGREP_HEADER(do_extra_buffering, libdc1394/dc1394_control.h, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DC1394_095,,[libdc1394 0.9.4 or 0.9.5])]) IEEE1394LIBS="-lm -lraw1394 -ldc1394_control" ])) fi LIBS="$SAVELIBS" else # if we get here then --with-1394libs was not called with 'yes','no' or 'auto' AC_MSG_WARN([unexpected arguments for option --with-1394libs, continuing assuming 'no']) have_dc1394=no fi fi AC_SUBST(IEEE1394LIBS) AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_DC1394], [test x"$have_dc1394" = "xyes"]) # Video for Linux (V4L) # we support version 1 and 2 currently if test x"$with_v4l" = "xno"; then have_v4l=no have_v4l2=no have_v4l1or2=no else # check if ./configure arguments are valid if test x"$with_v4l" = "xauto"; then with_v4l=yes fi if test x"$with_v4l" = "xyes"; then AC_CHECK_HEADER([linux/videodev.h], [ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_CAMV4L,,[V4L capturing support]) have_v4l=yes have_v4l1or2=yes ], [ have_v4l=no have_v4l1or2=no ]) AC_CHECK_HEADER([linux/videodev2.h], [ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_CAMV4L2,,[V4L2 capturing support]) have_v4l2=yes have_v4l1or2=yes ], [ have_v4l2=no ], [[ #include #include ]]) else # if we get here then --with-v4l was not called with 'yes','no' or 'auto' AC_MSG_WARN([unexpected arguments for option --with-v4l, continuing assuming 'no']) have_v4l=no have_v4l2=no have_v4l1or2=no fi fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_V4L], [test x"$have_v4l1or2" = "xyes"]) ###################################################################### # HighGUI dependencies for image I/O SAVELIBS="$LIBS" IMAGELIBS="" AC_SUBST(IMAGELIBS) have_imageio=no if test x"$with_imageio" = "xauto"; then with_imageio=yes fi if test x"$with_imageio" = "xyes"; then AC_CHECK_HEADER([ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h], [ have_imageio=yes AC_DEFINE(HAVE_IMAGEIO,,[Apple ImageIO Framework]) IMAGELIBS="$IMAGELIBS -framework ApplicationServices" LIBS="$LIBS -framework ApplicationServices" ], [ have_imageio=no ]) fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_IMAGEIO], [test x"$have_imageio" = "xyes"]) have_jpeg=no have_zlib=no have_png=no have_tiff=no # there are problems with dependencies of ImageIO to libtiff, etc. # that we avoid by not linking them ourselves if test x"$have_imageio" = "xno" ; then AC_CHECK_HEADER(jpeglib.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(jpeg, jpeg_destroy_decompress, [ have_jpeg=yes AC_DEFINE(HAVE_JPEG,,[IJG JPEG codec]) IMAGELIBS="$IMAGELIBS -ljpeg" ])) AC_CHECK_HEADER(zlib.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(z, gzopen, [ have_zlib=yes AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ZLIB,,[LZ77 compression/decompression library (used for PNG)]) IMAGELIBS="$IMAGELIBS -lz -lm" LIBS="$LIBS -lz -lm" ])) AC_CHECK_HEADER(png.h, [ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_PNG_H,,[png.h needs to be included]) have_png=yes ]) AC_CHECK_HEADER([libpng/png.h], [ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBPNG_PNG_H,,[libpng/png.h needs to be included]) have_png=yes ]) if test x"$have_png" = "xyes"; then AC_CHECK_LIB(png12, png_read_image, [ have_png=yes AC_DEFINE(HAVE_PNG,,[PNG codec]) IMAGELIBS="-lpng12 $IMAGELIBS" LIBS="-lpng12 $LIBS" AC_CHECK_FUNCS(png_get_valid png_set_tRNS_to_alpha) ], [ have_png=no ]) fi AC_CHECK_HEADER(tiff.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(tiff, TIFFReadRGBAStrip, [ have_tiff=yes AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TIFF,,[TIFF codec]) IMAGELIBS="$IMAGELIBS -ltiff" LIBS="$LIBS -ltiff" ])) fi have_jasper=no AC_CHECK_HEADER(jasper/jasper.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(jasper, jas_image_readcmpt, [ have_jasper=yes AC_DEFINE(HAVE_JASPER,,[JPEG-2000 codec]) IMAGELIBS="$IMAGELIBS -ljasper" LIBS="$LIBS -ljasper" ])) have_ilmimf=no AC_CHECK_HEADER(ImfCRgbaFile.h, AC_CHECK_LIB(IlmImf, ImfInputReadPixels, [ have_ilmimf=yes AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ILMIMF,,[OpenEXR codec]) IMAGELIBS="$IMAGELIBS -lIlmImf -lIex -lHalf" LIBS="$LIBS -lIlmImf -lIex -lHalf" ],, [ -lIex -lHalf ])) # Restore original LIBS settings... LIBS="$SAVELIBS" AC_SUBST(IMAGELIBS) ###################################################################### # SWIG wrappers # currently there is only python. # If additional wrapper languages / SWIG modules # get available for OpenCV, we will have a --with-LANGUAGE switch # for every wrapper language if test x"$with_python" = "xyes"; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([Checking for necessary tools to build python wrappers]) # we need Python now AM_PATH_PYTHON() # get some info on how to compile and link python modules AZ_PYTHON_CSPEC() AZ_PYTHON_LSPEC() # if not explicitly forbidden, check for swig also if test x"$with_swig" = "xauto"; then with_swig=yes fi ### almost ok... just need to check if we have the Python headers ### # first, save the CPPFLAGS OLD_CPPFLAGS=$CPPFLAGS # then add the PYTHON path founded previously CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS $PYTHON_CSPEC" # now, we can check AC_CHECK_HEADER(Python.h, [have_python=yes], [ AC_MSG_WARN([Python headers not found, disabling python wrappers]) have_python=no ]) # restore the old CPPFLAGS CPPFLAGS=$OLD_CPPFLAGS else # check if ./configure arguments are valid if test x"$with_python" = "xno"; then have_python=no else # if we get here then --with-python was not called with 'yes','no' or 'auto' AC_MSG_WARN([unexpected arguments for option --with-python, continuing assuming 'no']) have_python=no fi fi AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_PYTHON_WRAPPERS], [test x"$have_python" = "xyes"]) # check for swig itself SWIG="" if test x"$with_swig" = "xyes"; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([Checking for SWIG]) # Python 2.5 requires SWIG >= 1.3.30 AM_PYTHON_CHECK_VERSION( [2.5], have_python25=yes, have_python25=no ) if test x"$have_python25" = "xyes" ; then AC_PATH_SWIG([1.3.30]) else AC_PATH_SWIG([1.2.24]) fi if test -n "$SWIG"; then SWIG_ENABLE_CXX() SWIG_MULTI_MODULE_SUPPORT() # check for swig python library SWIG_PYTHON() have_swig=yes else if test x"$have_python25" = "xyes"; then AC_MSG_WARN([Python Version >= 2.5 requires SWIG >= 1.3.30]) fi have_swig=no fi else if test x"$with_swig" = "xno"; then have_swig=no else if test x"$with_swig" = "xauto"; then # no (python) wrapper will be generated # we don't need to check for SWIG have_swig=no else # if we get here then --with-swig was not called with 'yes','no' or 'auto' AC_MSG_WARN([unexpected arguments for option --with-swig, continuing assuming 'no']) have_swig=no fi fi fi AM_CONDITIONAL([UPDATE_SWIG_WRAPPERS], [test x"$have_swig" = "xyes"]) ###################################################################### # Parallelization # #CXXOPENMP="no" # #AC_ARG_WITH(openmp, dnl # [--with-openmp=COMPILER use OpenMP supporting compiler [default=no] ], # [CXXOPENMP="$withval"],[CXXOPENMP="no"]) #if test "$CXXOPENMP" = "no"; then # CXXOPENMP="$CXX" #fi # #AC_SUBST(CXXOPENMP) AC_SUBST(DEBUG) AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile opencv.pc opencv.spec docs/Makefile data/Makefile cxcore/Makefile cxcore/include/Makefile cxcore/src/Makefile cv/Makefile cv/include/Makefile cv/src/Makefile cvaux/Makefile cvaux/include/Makefile cvaux/src/Makefile ml/Makefile ml/include/Makefile ml/src/Makefile otherlibs/Makefile otherlibs/highgui/Makefile apps/Makefile apps/haartraining/Makefile apps/haartraining/include/Makefile apps/haartraining/src/Makefile interfaces/Makefile interfaces/swig/Makefile interfaces/swig/filtered/Makefile interfaces/swig/general/Makefile interfaces/swig/python/Makefile tests/Makefile tests/python/Makefile tests/cv/Makefile tests/cv/src/Makefile tests/cxts/Makefile tests/cxcore/Makefile tests/cxcore/src/Makefile utils/Makefile samples/Makefile samples/c/Makefile samples/python/Makefile ]) AC_OUTPUT AC_MSG_RESULT([ General configuration ================================================ Compiler: ${CXX} CXXFLAGS: ${CXXFLAGS} Install path: ${prefix} HighGUI configuration ================================================ Windowing system -------------- Use Carbon / Mac OS X: ${have_carbon} Use gtk+ 2.x: ${have_gtk} Use gthread: ${have_gthread} Image I/O --------------------- Use ImageIO / Mac OS X: ${have_imageio} Use libjpeg: ${have_jpeg} Use zlib: ${have_zlib} Use libpng: ${have_png} Use libtiff: ${have_tiff} Use libjasper: ${have_jasper} Use libIlmImf: ${have_ilmimf} Video I/O --------------------- Use QuickTime / Mac OS X: ${have_quicktime} Use xine: ${have_xine} Use ffmpeg: ${have_ffmpeg} Use dc1394 & raw1394: ${have_dc1394} Use v4l: ${have_v4l} Use v4l2: ${have_v4l2} Wrappers for other languages ========================================= SWIG ${SWIG} Python ${have_python} Additional build settings ============================================ Build demo apps ${enable_apps} Now run make ... ]) if test x"$have_xine" = "xyes"; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([ ATTENTION: highgui will be built with xine support, thus it will be a subject to GNU Public License]) fi