/* This file is to prevent problems with swig <= 1.3.25 which use PyInt_AS_LONG and may cause some corruption on RedHat systems. Include it in every .i file who generate a C/C++ file */ %runtime%{ /* define the PyAPI_FUNC macro if it doesn't exist, for example with Python version below 2.3... But not really tested... */ #ifndef PyAPI_FUNC # define PyAPI_FUNC(RTYPE) RTYPE #endif /* remove the PyInt_AS_LONG if defined, as this cause problems on RedHat */ #ifdef PyInt_AS_LONG #undef PyInt_AS_LONG #endif /* wrapper to the better function PyInt_AsLong, removing problems with RedHat (I hope) */ long PyInt_AS_LONG (PyObject *obj) { return PyInt_AsLong (obj); } /* remove the PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE if defined, to prevent errors */ #ifdef PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE #undef PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE #endif /* wrapper to the better function PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE, to prevent errors */ double PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE (PyObject *obj) { return PyFloat_AsDouble (obj); } %}