Add libwx-perl
[pkg-perl] / deb-src / libwx-perl / libwx-perl-0.96 / META.yml
1 #
2 name:         Wx
3 version:      0.96
4 version_from:
5 installdirs:  site
6 author:       Mattia Barbon <>
7 abstract:     interface to the wxWidgets cross-platform GUI toolkit
8 license:      perl
9 #requires:
10 build_requires:
11   Alien::wxWidgets:      0.25
12   Data::Dumper:             0
13   ExtUtils::MakeMaker:   6.17
14   ExtUtils::XSpp:        0.05
15   File::Spec::Functions: 0.82
16   if:                    0.03
17   Test::Harness:         2.26
18   Test::More:            0.45
19 no_index:
20   directory:
21     - samples
22     - script
23   package:
24     - MY
25     - Parse::Yapp::Driver
27 # extras.
28 configure_requires:
29   Alien::wxWidgets: 0.25
30 dynamic_config: 1
31 resources:
32   MailingList:
33   bugtracker:
34   homepage:
35   license:
36   repository:
38 distribution_type: module
39 generated_by: ExtUtils::MY_Metafile version 0.09, EUMM-6.54.
40 meta-spec:
41   version: 1.3
42   url: