#!/usr/bin/perl -w use 5.006; use Config; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; $PACKAGE = 'Test::Simple'; ($PACKAGE_FILE = $PACKAGE) =~ s|::|/|g; $LAST_API_CHANGE = 0.48; $LAST_THREAD_CHANGE = 0.48; eval "require $PACKAGE"; unless ($@) { # Make sure we did find the module. if( ${$PACKAGE.'::VERSION'} < $LAST_API_CHANGE ) { printf <<"CHANGE_WARN", $LAST_API_CHANGE; NOTE: There have been API changes between this version and any older than version %s! Please see the Changes file for details. CHANGE_WARN sleep 5; } if( $] >= 5.008001 && $Config{useithreads} && ${$PACKAGE.'::VERSION'} < $LAST_THREAD_CHANGE ) { printf <<"THREAD_WARN", $LAST_THREAD_CHANGE; NOTE: The behavior of Test::More and threads has changed between this version and any older than version %s! Please see the Changes file for details. THREAD_WARN sleep 5; } } WriteMakefile( NAME => $PACKAGE, VERSION_FROM => "lib/$PACKAGE_FILE.pm", ABSTRACT_FROM => "lib/$PACKAGE_FILE.pm", AUTHOR => 'Michael G Schwern ', PREREQ_PM => { Test::Harness => 2.03, }, # Added to the core in 5.7.3 and also 5.6.2. INSTALLDIRS => $] >= 5.006002 ? 'perl' : 'site', ($ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION >= 6.31 ? (LICENSE => 'perl') : ()), );