/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1991-2008 Jamie Zawinski * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or * implied warranty. */ /* JWXYZ Is Not Xlib. But it's a bunch of function definitions that bear some resemblance to Xlib and that do Cocoa-ish things that bear some resemblance to the things that Xlib might have done. */ #import #import #import "jwxyz.h" #import "jwxyz-timers.h" #undef Assert #define Assert(C,S) do { \ if (!(C)) { \ NSLog(@"%s",S); \ abort(); \ }} while(0) # undef MAX # undef MIN # define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) # define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) struct jwxyz_Drawable { enum { WINDOW, PIXMAP } type; CGContextRef cgc; CGRect frame; union { struct { NSView *view; unsigned long background; } window; struct { int depth; } pixmap; }; }; struct jwxyz_Display { Window main_window; Screen *screen; struct jwxyz_sources_data *timers_data; CGDirectDisplayID cgdpy; /* ...of the one and only Window, main_window. This can change if the window is dragged to a different screen. */ CGColorSpaceRef colorspace; /* Color space of this screen. We tag all of our images with this to avoid translation when rendering. */ }; struct jwxyz_Screen { Display *dpy; Visual *visual; }; struct jwxyz_GC { XGCValues gcv; unsigned int depth; CGImageRef clip_mask; // CGImage copy of the Pixmap in gcv.clip_mask }; struct jwxyz_Font { char *ps_name; NSFont *nsfont; float size; // points // In X11, "Font" is just an ID, and "XFontStruct" contains the metrics. // But we need the metrics on both of them, so they go here. XFontStruct metrics; }; Display * jwxyz_make_display (void *nsview_arg) { NSView *view = (NSView *) nsview_arg; if (!view) abort(); Display *d = (Display *) calloc (1, sizeof(*d)); d->screen = (Screen *) calloc (1, sizeof(Screen)); d->screen->dpy = d; Visual *v = (Visual *) calloc (1, sizeof(Visual)); v->class = TrueColor; v->red_mask = 0x00FF0000; v->green_mask = 0x0000FF00; v->blue_mask = 0x000000FF; v->bits_per_rgb = 8; d->screen->visual = v; d->timers_data = jwxyz_sources_init (XtDisplayToApplicationContext (d)); Window w = (Window) calloc (1, sizeof(*w)); w->type = WINDOW; // kludge! this needs to be set late, so we do it in XClearWindow! // w->cgc = [[[view window] graphicsContext] graphicsPort]; w->cgc = 0; w->window.view = view; w->window.background = BlackPixel(0,0); d->main_window = w; [view lockFocus]; w->cgc = [[[view window] graphicsContext] graphicsPort]; [view unlockFocus]; jwxyz_window_resized (d, w); return d; } void jwxyz_free_display (Display *dpy) { jwxyz_XtRemoveInput_all (dpy); // #### jwxyz_XtRemoveTimeOut_all (); free (dpy->screen->visual); free (dpy->screen); free (dpy->main_window); free (dpy); } void * jwxyz_window_view (Window w) { Assert (w->type == WINDOW, "not a window"); return w->window.view; } /* Call this when the View changes size or position. */ void jwxyz_window_resized (Display *dpy, Window w) { Assert (w->type == WINDOW, "not a window"); NSRect r = [w->window.view frame]; w->frame.origin.x = r.origin.x; // NSRect -> CGRect w->frame.origin.y = r.origin.y; w->frame.size.width = r.size.width; w->frame.size.height = r.size.height; // Figure out which screen the window is currently on. { int wx, wy; XTranslateCoordinates (dpy, w, NULL, 0, 0, &wx, &wy, NULL); CGPoint p; p.x = wx; p.y = wy; CGDisplayCount n; dpy->cgdpy = 0; CGGetDisplaysWithPoint (p, 1, &dpy->cgdpy, &n); Assert (dpy->cgdpy, "unable to find CGDisplay"); } #if 0 { // Figure out this screen's colorspace, and use that for every CGImage. // CMProfileRef profile = 0; CMGetProfileByAVID ((CMDisplayIDType) dpy->cgdpy, &profile); Assert (profile, "unable to find colorspace profile"); dpy->colorspace = CGColorSpaceCreateWithPlatformColorSpace (profile); Assert (dpy->colorspace, "unable to find colorspace"); } # else // WTF? It's faster if we *do not* use the screen's colorspace! // dpy->colorspace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); # endif } jwxyz_sources_data * display_sources_data (Display *dpy) { return dpy->timers_data; } Window XRootWindow (Display *dpy, int screen) { return dpy->main_window; } Screen * XDefaultScreenOfDisplay (Display *dpy) { return dpy->screen; } Visual * XDefaultVisualOfScreen (Screen *screen) { return screen->visual; } Display * XDisplayOfScreen (Screen *s) { return s->dpy; } int XDisplayNumberOfScreen (Screen *s) { return 0; } int XScreenNumberOfScreen (Screen *s) { return 0; } int XDisplayWidth (Display *dpy, int screen) { return (int) dpy->main_window->frame.size.width; } int XDisplayHeight (Display *dpy, int screen) { return (int) dpy->main_window->frame.size.height; } static void validate_pixel (unsigned long pixel, unsigned int depth, BOOL alpha_allowed_p) { if (depth == 1) Assert ((pixel == 0 || pixel == 1), "bogus mono pixel"); else if (!alpha_allowed_p) Assert (((pixel & BlackPixel(0,0)) == BlackPixel(0,0)), "bogus color pixel"); } static void set_color (CGContextRef cgc, unsigned long argb, unsigned int depth, BOOL alpha_allowed_p, BOOL fill_p) { validate_pixel (argb, depth, alpha_allowed_p); if (depth == 1) { if (fill_p) CGContextSetGrayFillColor (cgc, (argb ? 1.0 : 0.0), 1.0); else CGContextSetGrayStrokeColor (cgc, (argb ? 1.0 : 0.0), 1.0); } else { float a = ((argb >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0; float r = ((argb >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0; float g = ((argb >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0; float b = ((argb ) & 0xFF) / 255.0; if (fill_p) CGContextSetRGBFillColor (cgc, r, g, b, a); else CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor (cgc, r, g, b, a); } } static void set_line_mode (CGContextRef cgc, XGCValues *gcv) { CGContextSetLineWidth (cgc, gcv->line_width ? gcv->line_width : 1); CGContextSetLineJoin (cgc, gcv->join_style == JoinMiter ? kCGLineJoinMiter : gcv->join_style == JoinRound ? kCGLineJoinRound : kCGLineJoinBevel); CGContextSetLineCap (cgc, gcv->cap_style == CapNotLast ? kCGLineCapButt : gcv->cap_style == CapButt ? kCGLineCapButt : gcv->cap_style == CapRound ? kCGLineCapRound : kCGLineCapSquare); } static void set_clip_mask (Drawable d, GC gc) { Assert (!!gc->gcv.clip_mask == !!gc->clip_mask, "GC clip mask mixup"); Pixmap p = gc->gcv.clip_mask; if (!p) return; Assert (p->type == PIXMAP, "not a pixmap"); CGRect wr = d->frame; CGRect to; to.origin.x = wr.origin.x + gc->gcv.clip_x_origin; to.origin.y = wr.origin.y + wr.size.height - gc->gcv.clip_y_origin - p->frame.size.height; to.size.width = p->frame.size.width; to.size.height = p->frame.size.height; CGContextClipToMask (d->cgc, to, gc->clip_mask); } /* Pushes a GC context; sets BlendMode and ClipMask. */ static void push_gc (Drawable d, GC gc) { CGContextRef cgc = d->cgc; CGContextSaveGState (cgc); switch (gc->gcv.function) { case GXset: case GXclear: case GXcopy:/*CGContextSetBlendMode (cgc, kCGBlendModeNormal);*/ break; case GXxor: CGContextSetBlendMode (cgc, kCGBlendModeDifference); break; case GXor: CGContextSetBlendMode (cgc, kCGBlendModeLighten); break; case GXand: CGContextSetBlendMode (cgc, kCGBlendModeDarken); break; default: abort(); break; } if (gc->gcv.clip_mask) set_clip_mask (d, gc); } #define pop_gc(d,gc) CGContextRestoreGState ((d)->cgc) /* Pushes a GC context; sets BlendMode, ClipMask, Fill, and Stroke colors. */ static void push_color_gc (Drawable d, GC gc, unsigned long color, BOOL antialias_p, Bool fill_p) { push_gc (d, gc); int depth = gc->depth; switch (gc->gcv.function) { case GXset: color = (depth == 1 ? 1 : WhitePixel(0,0)); break; case GXclear: color = (depth == 1 ? 0 : BlackPixel(0,0)); break; } CGContextRef cgc = d->cgc; set_color (cgc, color, depth, gc->gcv.alpha_allowed_p, fill_p); CGContextSetShouldAntialias (cgc, antialias_p); } /* Pushes a GC context; sets Fill and Stroke colors to the foreground color. */ static void push_fg_gc (Drawable d, GC gc, Bool fill_p) { push_color_gc (d, gc, gc->gcv.foreground, gc->gcv.antialias_p, fill_p); } /* Pushes a GC context; sets Fill and Stroke colors to the background color. */ static void push_bg_gc (Drawable d, GC gc, Bool fill_p) { push_color_gc (d, gc, gc->gcv.background, gc->gcv.antialias_p, fill_p); } /* You've got to be fucking kidding me! It is *way* faster to draw points by creating and drawing a 1x1 CGImage with repeated calls to CGContextDrawImage than it is to make a single call to CGContextFillRects()! I still wouldn't call it *fast*, however... */ #define XDRAWPOINTS_IMAGES int XDrawPoints (Display *dpy, Drawable d, GC gc, XPoint *points, int count, int mode) { int i; CGRect wr = d->frame; # ifdef XDRAWPOINTS_IMAGES unsigned int argb = gc->gcv.foreground; validate_pixel (argb, gc->depth, gc->gcv.alpha_allowed_p); if (gc->depth == 1) argb = (gc->gcv.foreground ? WhitePixel(0,0) : BlackPixel(0,0)); CGDataProviderRef prov = CGDataProviderCreateWithData (NULL, &argb, 4, NULL); CGImageRef cgi = CGImageCreate (1, 1, 8, 32, 4, dpy->colorspace, /* Host-ordered, since we're using the address of an int as the color data. */ (kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Host), prov, NULL, /* decode[] */ NO, /* interpolate */ kCGRenderingIntentDefault); CGDataProviderRelease (prov); CGContextRef cgc = d->cgc; CGRect rect; rect.size.width = rect.size.height = 1; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i > 0 && mode == CoordModePrevious) { rect.origin.x += points->x; rect.origin.x -= points->y; } else { rect.origin.x = wr.origin.x + points->x; rect.origin.y = wr.origin.y + wr.size.height - points->y - 1; } //Assert (CGImageGetColorSpace (cgi) == dpy->colorspace, "bad colorspace"); CGContextDrawImage (cgc, rect, cgi); points++; } CGImageRelease (cgi); # else /* ! XDRAWPOINTS_IMAGES */ CGRect *rects = (CGRect *) malloc (count * sizeof(CGRect)); CGRect *r = rects; push_fg_gc (d, gc, YES); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { r->size.width = r->size.height = 1; if (i > 0 && mode == CoordModePrevious) { r->origin.x = r[-1].origin.x + points->x; r->origin.y = r[-1].origin.x - points->y; } else { r->origin.x = wr.origin.x + points->x; r->origin.y = wr.origin.y + wr.size.height - points->y; } points++; r++; } CGContextFillRects (d->cgc, rects, count); free (rects); # endif /* ! XDRAWPOINTS_IMAGES */ return 0; } int XDrawPoint (Display *dpy, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y) { XPoint p; p.x = x; p.y = y; return XDrawPoints (dpy, d, gc, &p, 1, CoordModeOrigin); } static void draw_rect (Display *, Drawable, GC, int x, int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, BOOL foreground_p, BOOL fill_p); int XCopyArea (Display *dpy, Drawable src, Drawable dst, GC gc, int src_x, int src_y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, int dst_x, int dst_y) { Assert ((width < 65535), "improbably large width"); Assert ((height < 65535), "improbably large height"); Assert ((src_x < 65535 && src_x > -65535), "improbably large src_x"); Assert ((src_y < 65535 && src_y > -65535), "improbably large src_y"); Assert ((dst_x < 65535 && dst_x > -65535), "improbably large dst_x"); Assert ((dst_y < 65535 && dst_y > -65535), "improbably large dst_y"); if (width == 0 || height == 0) return 0; if (gc && (gc->gcv.function == GXset || gc->gcv.function == GXclear)) { // "set" and "clear" are dumb drawing modes that ignore the source // bits and just draw solid rectangles. set_color (dst->cgc, (gc->gcv.function == GXset ? (gc->depth == 1 ? 1 : WhitePixel(0,0)) : (gc->depth == 1 ? 0 : BlackPixel(0,0))), gc->depth, gc->gcv.alpha_allowed_p, YES); draw_rect (dpy, dst, 0, dst_x, dst_y, width, height, YES, YES); return 0; } CGRect src_frame, dst_frame; // Sizes and origins of the two drawables CGRect src_rect, dst_rect; // The two rects to draw, clipped to the // bounds of their drawables. BOOL clipped = NO; // Whether we did any clipping of the rects. src_frame = src->frame; dst_frame = dst->frame; // Initialize src_rect... // src_rect.origin.x = src_frame.origin.x + src_x; src_rect.origin.y = src_frame.origin.y + src_frame.size.height - height - src_y; if (src_rect.origin.y < -65535) Assert(0, "src.origin.y went nuts"); src_rect.size.width = width; src_rect.size.height = height; // Initialize dst_rect... // dst_rect.origin.x = dst_frame.origin.x + dst_x; dst_rect.origin.y = dst_frame.origin.y + dst_frame.size.height - height - dst_y; if (dst_rect.origin.y < -65535) Assert(0, "dst.origin.y went nuts"); dst_rect.size.width = width; dst_rect.size.height = height; // Clip rects to frames... // // CGRect orig_src_rect = src_rect; CGRect orig_dst_rect = dst_rect; # define CLIP(THIS,THAT,VAL,SIZE) do { \ float off = THIS##_rect.origin.VAL; \ if (off < 0) { \ clipped = YES; \ THIS##_rect.size.SIZE += off; \ THAT##_rect.size.SIZE += off; \ THIS##_rect.origin.VAL -= off; \ THAT##_rect.origin.VAL -= off; \ } \ off = (( THIS##_rect.origin.VAL + THIS##_rect.size.SIZE) - \ (THIS##_frame.origin.VAL + THIS##_frame.size.SIZE)); \ if (off > 0) { \ clipped = YES; \ THIS##_rect.size.SIZE -= off; \ THAT##_rect.size.SIZE -= off; \ }} while(0) CLIP (dst, src, x, width); CLIP (dst, src, y, height); CLIP (src, dst, x, width); CLIP (src, dst, y, height); # undef CLIP #if 0 Assert (src_rect.size.width == dst_rect.size.width, "width out of sync"); Assert (src_rect.size.height == dst_rect.size.height, "height out of sync"); Assert (src_rect.origin.x >= 0 && src_rect.origin.y >= 0, "clip failed src_x"); Assert (dst_rect.origin.x >= 0 && dst_rect.origin.y >= 0, "clip failed dst_x"); Assert (src_rect.origin.y >= 0 && src_rect.origin.y >= 0, "clip failed src_y"); Assert (dst_rect.origin.y >= 0 && dst_rect.origin.y >= 0, "clip failed dst_y"); Assert (src_rect.origin.x + src_rect.size.width <= src_frame.origin.x + src_frame.size.width, "clip failed src_width"); #endif if (src_rect.size.width <= 0 || src_rect.size.height <= 0) return 0; NSObject *releaseme = 0; CGImageRef cgi; BOOL mask_p = NO; if (src->type == PIXMAP) { // get a CGImage out of the pixmap CGContext -- it's the whole pixmap, // but it presumably shares the data pointer instead of copying it. cgi = CGBitmapContextCreateImage (src->cgc); // if doing a sub-rect, trim it down. if (src_rect.origin.x != src_frame.origin.x || src_rect.origin.y != src_frame.origin.y || src_rect.size.width != src_frame.size.width || src_rect.size.height != src_frame.size.height) { // #### I don't understand why this is needed... src_rect.origin.y = (src_frame.size.height - src_rect.size.height - src_rect.origin.y); // This does not copy image data, so it should be fast. CGImageRef cgi2 = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect (cgi, src_rect); CGImageRelease (cgi); cgi = cgi2; } if (src->pixmap.depth == 1) mask_p = YES; } else { /* (src->type == WINDOW) */ NSRect nsfrom; nsfrom.origin.x = src_rect.origin.x; nsfrom.origin.y = src_rect.origin.y; nsfrom.size.width = src_rect.size.width; nsfrom.size.height = src_rect.size.height; #if 1 // get the bits (desired sub-rectangle) out of the NSView via Cocoa. // NSBitmapImageRep *bm = [NSBitmapImageRep alloc]; [bm initWithFocusedViewRect:nsfrom]; unsigned char *data = [bm bitmapData]; int bps = [bm bitsPerSample]; int bpp = [bm bitsPerPixel]; int bpl = [bm bytesPerRow]; releaseme = bm; #endif #if 0 // QuickDraw way (doesn't work, need NSQuickDrawView) PixMapHandle pix = GetPortPixMap([src->window.view qdPort]); char **data = GetPortPixMap (pix); int bps = 8; int bpp = 32; int bpl = GetPixRowBytes (pix) & 0x3FFF; #endif #if 0 // get the bits (desired sub-rectangle) out of the raw frame buffer. // (This renders wrong, and appears to be even slower anyway.) // int window_x, window_y; XTranslateCoordinates (dpy, src, NULL, 0, 0, &window_x, &window_y, NULL); window_x += nsfrom.origin.x; window_y += (dst->frame.size.height - (nsfrom.origin.y + nsfrom.size.height)); unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *) CGDisplayAddressForPosition (dpy->cgdpy, window_x, window_y); int bps = CGDisplayBitsPerSample (dpy->cgdpy); int bpp = CGDisplayBitsPerPixel (dpy->cgdpy); int bpl = CGDisplayBytesPerRow (dpy->cgdpy); #endif // create a CGImage from those bits CGDataProviderRef prov = CGDataProviderCreateWithData (NULL, data, bpl * nsfrom.size.height, NULL); cgi = CGImageCreate (src_rect.size.width, src_rect.size.height, bps, bpp, bpl, dpy->colorspace, /* Use whatever default bit ordering we got from initWithFocusedViewRect. I would have assumed that it was (kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Host), but on Intel, it's not! */ 0, prov, NULL, /* decode[] */ NO, /* interpolate */ kCGRenderingIntentDefault); //Assert (CGImageGetColorSpace (cgi) == dpy->colorspace, "bad colorspace"); CGDataProviderRelease (prov); } if (mask_p) { // src depth == 1 push_bg_gc (dst, gc, YES); // fill the destination rectangle with solid background... CGContextFillRect (dst->cgc, orig_dst_rect); // then fill in a solid rectangle of the fg color, using the image as an // alpha mask. (the image has only values of BlackPixel or WhitePixel.) set_color (dst->cgc, gc->gcv.foreground, gc->depth, gc->gcv.alpha_allowed_p, YES); CGContextClipToMask (dst->cgc, dst_rect, cgi); CGContextFillRect (dst->cgc, dst_rect); pop_gc (dst, gc); } else { // src depth > 1 push_gc (dst, gc); // If either the src or dst rects did not lie within their drawables, // then we have adjusted both the src and dst rects to account for // the clipping; that means we need to first clear to the background, // so that clipped bits end up in the bg color instead of simply not // being copied. // if (clipped) { set_color (dst->cgc, gc->gcv.background, gc->depth, gc->gcv.alpha_allowed_p, YES); CGContextFillRect (dst->cgc, orig_dst_rect); } // copy the CGImage onto the destination CGContext //Assert (CGImageGetColorSpace (cgi) == dpy->colorspace, "bad colorspace"); CGContextDrawImage (dst->cgc, dst_rect, cgi); pop_gc (dst, gc); } CGImageRelease (cgi); if (releaseme) [releaseme release]; return 0; } int XCopyPlane (Display *dpy, Drawable src, Drawable dest, GC gc, int src_x, int src_y, unsigned width, int height, int dest_x, int dest_y, unsigned long plane) { Assert ((gc->depth == 1 || plane == 1), "hairy plane mask!"); // This isn't right: XCopyPlane() is supposed to map 1/0 to fg/bg, // not to white/black. return XCopyArea (dpy, src, dest, gc, src_x, src_y, width, height, dest_x, dest_y); } int XDrawLine (Display *dpy, Drawable d, GC gc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { // when drawing a zero-length line, obey line-width and cap-style. if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2) { int w = gc->gcv.line_width; x1 -= w/2; y1 -= w/2; if (gc->gcv.line_width > 1 && gc->gcv.cap_style == CapRound) return XFillArc (dpy, d, gc, x1, y1, w, w, 0, 360*64); else return XFillRectangle (dpy, d, gc, x1, y1, w, w); } CGRect wr = d->frame; NSPoint p; p.x = wr.origin.x + x1; p.y = wr.origin.y + wr.size.height - y1; push_fg_gc (d, gc, NO); set_line_mode (d->cgc, &gc->gcv); CGContextBeginPath (d->cgc); CGContextMoveToPoint (d->cgc, p.x, p.y); p.x = wr.origin.x + x2; p.y = wr.origin.y + wr.size.height - y2; CGContextAddLineToPoint (d->cgc, p.x, p.y); CGContextStrokePath (d->cgc); pop_gc (d, gc); return 0; } int XDrawLines (Display *dpy, Drawable d, GC gc, XPoint *points, int count, int mode) { int i; NSPoint p; CGRect wr = d->frame; push_fg_gc (d, gc, NO); set_line_mode (d->cgc, &gc->gcv); // if the first and last points coincide, use closepath to get // the proper line-joining. BOOL closed_p = (points[0].x == points[count-1].x && points[0].y == points[count-1].y); if (closed_p) count--; p.x = wr.origin.x + points->x; p.y = wr.origin.y + wr.size.height - points->y; points++; CGContextBeginPath (d->cgc); CGContextMoveToPoint (d->cgc, p.x, p.y); for (i = 1; i < count; i++) { if (mode == CoordModePrevious) { p.x += points->x; p.y -= points->y; } else { p.x = wr.origin.x + points->x; p.y = wr.origin.y + wr.size.height - points->y; } CGContextAddLineToPoint (d->cgc, p.x, p.y); points++; } if (closed_p) CGContextClosePath (d->cgc); CGContextStrokePath (d->cgc); pop_gc (d, gc); return 0; } int XDrawSegments (Display *dpy, Drawable d, GC gc, XSegment *segments, int count) { int i; CGRect wr = d->frame; push_fg_gc (d, gc, NO); set_line_mode (d->cgc, &gc->gcv); CGContextBeginPath (d->cgc); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { CGContextMoveToPoint (d->cgc, wr.origin.x + segments->x1, wr.origin.y + wr.size.height - segments->y1); CGContextAddLineToPoint (d->cgc, wr.origin.x + segments->x2, wr.origin.y + wr.size.height - segments->y2); segments++; } CGContextStrokePath (d->cgc); pop_gc (d, gc); return 0; } int XClearWindow (Display *dpy, Window win) { Assert (win->type == WINDOW, "not a window"); CGRect wr = win->frame; return XClearArea (dpy, win, 0, 0, wr.size.width, wr.size.height, 0); } int XSetWindowBackground (Display *dpy, Window w, unsigned long pixel) { Assert (w->type == WINDOW, "not a window"); validate_pixel (pixel, 32, NO); w->window.background = pixel; return 0; } static void draw_rect (Display *dpy, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, BOOL foreground_p, BOOL fill_p) { CGRect wr = d->frame; CGRect r; r.origin.x = wr.origin.x + x; r.origin.y = wr.origin.y + wr.size.height - y - height; r.size.width = width; r.size.height = height; if (gc) { if (foreground_p) push_fg_gc (d, gc, fill_p); else push_bg_gc (d, gc, fill_p); } if (fill_p) CGContextFillRect (d->cgc, r); else { if (gc) set_line_mode (d->cgc, &gc->gcv); CGContextStrokeRect (d->cgc, r); } if (gc) pop_gc (d, gc); } int XFillRectangle (Display *dpy, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { draw_rect (dpy, d, gc, x, y, width, height, YES, YES); return 0; } int XDrawRectangle (Display *dpy, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { draw_rect (dpy, d, gc, x, y, width, height, YES, NO); return 0; } int XFillRectangles (Display *dpy, Drawable d, GC gc, XRectangle *rects, int n) { CGRect wr = d->frame; int i; push_fg_gc (d, gc, YES); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { CGRect r; r.origin.x = wr.origin.x + rects->x; r.origin.y = wr.origin.y + wr.size.height - rects->y - rects->height; r.size.width = rects->width; r.size.height = rects->height; CGContextFillRect (d->cgc, r); rects++; } pop_gc (d, gc); return 0; } int XClearArea (Display *dpy, Window win, int x, int y, int w, int h, Bool exp) { Assert (win->type == WINDOW, "not a window"); set_color (win->cgc, win->window.background, 32, NO, YES); draw_rect (dpy, win, 0, x, y, w, h, NO, YES); return 0; } int XFillPolygon (Display *dpy, Drawable d, GC gc, XPoint *points, int npoints, int shape, int mode) { CGRect wr = d->frame; int i; push_fg_gc (d, gc, YES); CGContextBeginPath (d->cgc); for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) { float x, y; if (i > 0 && mode == CoordModePrevious) { x += points[i].x; y -= points[i].y; } else { x = wr.origin.x + points[i].x; y = wr.origin.y + wr.size.height - points[i].y; } if (i == 0) CGContextMoveToPoint (d->cgc, x, y); else CGContextAddLineToPoint (d->cgc, x, y); } CGContextClosePath (d->cgc); if (gc->gcv.fill_rule == EvenOddRule) CGContextEOFillPath (d->cgc); else CGContextFillPath (d->cgc); pop_gc (d, gc); return 0; } #define radians(DEG) ((DEG) * M_PI / 180.0) #define degrees(RAD) ((RAD) * 180.0 / M_PI) static int draw_arc (Display *dpy, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, int angle1, int angle2, BOOL fill_p) { CGRect wr = d->frame; CGRect bound; bound.origin.x = wr.origin.x + x; bound.origin.y = wr.origin.y + wr.size.height - y - height; bound.size.width = width; bound.size.height = height; CGPoint ctr; ctr.x = bound.origin.x + bound.size.width /2; ctr.y = bound.origin.y + bound.size.height/2; float r1 = radians (angle1/64.0); float r2 = radians (angle2/64.0) + r1; BOOL clockwise = angle2 < 0; BOOL closed_p = (angle2 >= 360*64 || angle2 <= -360*64); push_fg_gc (d, gc, fill_p); CGContextBeginPath (d->cgc); CGContextSaveGState(d->cgc); CGContextTranslateCTM (d->cgc, ctr.x, ctr.y); CGContextScaleCTM (d->cgc, width/2.0, height/2.0); if (fill_p) CGContextMoveToPoint (d->cgc, 0, 0); CGContextAddArc (d->cgc, 0.0, 0.0, 1, r1, r2, clockwise); CGContextRestoreGState (d->cgc); // restore before stroke, for line width if (closed_p) CGContextClosePath (d->cgc); // for proper line joining if (fill_p) { CGContextFillPath (d->cgc); } else { set_line_mode (d->cgc, &gc->gcv); CGContextStrokePath (d->cgc); } pop_gc (d, gc); return 0; } int XDrawArc (Display *dpy, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, int angle1, int angle2) { return draw_arc (dpy, d, gc, x, y, width, height, angle1, angle2, NO); } int XFillArc (Display *dpy, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, int angle1, int angle2) { return draw_arc (dpy, d, gc, x, y, width, height, angle1, angle2, YES); } int XDrawArcs (Display *dpy, Drawable d, GC gc, XArc *arcs, int narcs) { int i; for (i = 0; i < narcs; i++) draw_arc (dpy, d, gc, arcs[i].x, arcs[i].y, arcs[i].width, arcs[i].height, arcs[i].angle1, arcs[i].angle2, NO); return 0; } int XFillArcs (Display *dpy, Drawable d, GC gc, XArc *arcs, int narcs) { int i; for (i = 0; i < narcs; i++) draw_arc (dpy, d, gc, arcs[i].x, arcs[i].y, arcs[i].width, arcs[i].height, arcs[i].angle1, arcs[i].angle2, YES); return 0; } static void gcv_defaults (XGCValues *gcv, int depth) { memset (gcv, 0, sizeof(*gcv)); gcv->function = GXcopy; gcv->foreground = (depth == 1 ? 1 : WhitePixel(0,0)); gcv->background = (depth == 1 ? 0 : BlackPixel(0,0)); gcv->line_width = 1; gcv->cap_style = CapNotLast; gcv->join_style = JoinMiter; gcv->fill_rule = EvenOddRule; gcv->alpha_allowed_p = NO; gcv->antialias_p = YES; } static void set_gcv (GC gc, XGCValues *from, unsigned long mask) { if (mask & GCFunction) gc->gcv.function = from->function; if (mask & GCForeground) gc->gcv.foreground = from->foreground; if (mask & GCBackground) gc->gcv.background = from->background; if (mask & GCLineWidth) gc->gcv.line_width = from->line_width; if (mask & GCCapStyle) gc->gcv.cap_style = from->cap_style; if (mask & GCJoinStyle) gc->gcv.join_style = from->join_style; if (mask & GCFillRule) gc->gcv.fill_rule = from->fill_rule; if (mask & GCClipXOrigin) gc->gcv.clip_x_origin = from->clip_x_origin; if (mask & GCClipYOrigin) gc->gcv.clip_y_origin = from->clip_y_origin; if (mask & GCSubwindowMode) gc->gcv.subwindow_mode = from->subwindow_mode; if (mask & GCClipMask) XSetClipMask (0, gc, from->clip_mask); if (mask & GCFont) XSetFont (0, gc, from->font); if (mask & GCForeground) validate_pixel (from->foreground, gc->depth, gc->gcv.alpha_allowed_p); if (mask & GCBackground) validate_pixel (from->background, gc->depth, gc->gcv.alpha_allowed_p); if (mask & GCLineStyle) abort(); if (mask & GCPlaneMask) abort(); if (mask & GCFillStyle) abort(); if (mask & GCTile) abort(); if (mask & GCStipple) abort(); if (mask & GCTileStipXOrigin) abort(); if (mask & GCTileStipYOrigin) abort(); if (mask & GCGraphicsExposures) abort(); if (mask & GCDashOffset) abort(); if (mask & GCDashList) abort(); if (mask & GCArcMode) abort(); } GC XCreateGC (Display *dpy, Drawable d, unsigned long mask, XGCValues *xgcv) { struct jwxyz_GC *gc = (struct jwxyz_GC *) calloc (1, sizeof(*gc)); if (d->type == WINDOW) { gc->depth = 32; } else { /* (d->type == PIXMAP) */ gc->depth = d->pixmap.depth; } gcv_defaults (&gc->gcv, gc->depth); set_gcv (gc, xgcv, mask); return gc; } int XChangeGC (Display *dpy, GC gc, unsigned long mask, XGCValues *gcv) { set_gcv (gc, gcv, mask); return 0; } int XFreeGC (Display *dpy, GC gc) { if (gc->gcv.font) XUnloadFont (dpy, gc->gcv.font); Assert (!!gc->gcv.clip_mask == !!gc->clip_mask, "GC clip mask mixup"); if (gc->gcv.clip_mask) { XFreePixmap (dpy, gc->gcv.clip_mask); CGImageRelease (gc->clip_mask); } free (gc); return 0; } Status XGetWindowAttributes (Display *dpy, Window w, XWindowAttributes *xgwa) { Assert (w->type == WINDOW, "not a window"); memset (xgwa, 0, sizeof(*xgwa)); xgwa->x = w->frame.origin.x; xgwa->y = w->frame.origin.y; xgwa->width = w->frame.size.width; xgwa->height = w->frame.size.height; xgwa->depth = 32; xgwa->screen = dpy->screen; xgwa->visual = dpy->screen->visual; return 0; } Status XGetGeometry (Display *dpy, Drawable d, Window *root_ret, int *x_ret, int *y_ret, unsigned int *w_ret, unsigned int *h_ret, unsigned int *bw_ret, unsigned int *d_ret) { *x_ret = d->frame.origin.x; *y_ret = d->frame.origin.y; *w_ret = d->frame.size.width; *h_ret = d->frame.size.height; *d_ret = (d->type == WINDOW ? 32 : d->pixmap.depth); *root_ret = RootWindow (dpy, 0); *bw_ret = 0; return True; } Status XAllocColor (Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, XColor *color) { // store 32 bit ARGB in the pixel field. color->pixel = (( 0xFF << 24) | (((color->red >> 8) & 0xFF) << 16) | (((color->green >> 8) & 0xFF) << 8) | (((color->blue >> 8) & 0xFF) )); return 1; } Status XAllocColorCells (Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, Bool contig, unsigned long *pmret, unsigned int npl, unsigned long *pxret, unsigned int npx) { return 0; } int XStoreColors (Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, XColor *colors, int n) { Assert(0, "XStoreColors called"); return 0; } int XStoreColor (Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, XColor *c) { Assert(0, "XStoreColor called"); return 0; } int XFreeColors (Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, unsigned long *px, int npixels, unsigned long planes) { return 0; } Status XParseColor (Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, const char *spec, XColor *ret) { unsigned char r=0, g=0, b=0; if (*spec == '#' && strlen(spec) == 7) { static unsigned const char hex[] = { // yeah yeah, shoot me. 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,10,11,12,13,14,15,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,10,11,12,13,14,15,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; r = (hex[spec[1]] << 4) | hex[spec[2]]; g = (hex[spec[3]] << 4) | hex[spec[4]]; b = (hex[spec[5]] << 4) | hex[spec[6]]; } else if (!strcasecmp(spec,"black")) { r = g = b = 0; } else if (!strcasecmp(spec,"white")) { r = g = b = 255; } else if (!strcasecmp(spec,"red")) { r = 255; } else if (!strcasecmp(spec,"green")) { g = 255; } else if (!strcasecmp(spec,"blue")) { b = 255; } else if (!strcasecmp(spec,"cyan")) { g = b = 255; } else if (!strcasecmp(spec,"magenta")) { r = b = 255; } else if (!strcasecmp(spec,"yellow")) { r = g = 255; } else { return 0; } ret->red = (r << 8) | r; ret->green = (g << 8) | g; ret->blue = (b << 8) | b; ret->flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; return 1; } Status XAllocNamedColor (Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, char *name, XColor *screen_ret, XColor *exact_ret) { if (! XParseColor (dpy, cmap, name, screen_ret)) return False; *exact_ret = *screen_ret; return XAllocColor (dpy, cmap, screen_ret); } int XQueryColor (Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, XColor *color) { validate_pixel (color->pixel, 32, NO); unsigned char r = ((color->pixel >> 16) & 0xFF); unsigned char g = ((color->pixel >> 8) & 0xFF); unsigned char b = ((color->pixel ) & 0xFF); color->red = (r << 8) | r; color->green = (g << 8) | g; color->blue = (b << 8) | b; color->flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; return 0; } int XQueryColors (Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, XColor *c, int n) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) XQueryColor (dpy, cmap, &c[i]); return 0; } static unsigned long ximage_getpixel_1 (XImage *ximage, int x, int y) { return ((ximage->data [y * ximage->bytes_per_line + (x>>3)] >> (x & 7)) & 1); } static int ximage_putpixel_1 (XImage *ximage, int x, int y, unsigned long pixel) { if (pixel) ximage->data [y * ximage->bytes_per_line + (x>>3)] |= (1 << (x & 7)); else ximage->data [y * ximage->bytes_per_line + (x>>3)] &= ~(1 << (x & 7)); return 0; } static unsigned long ximage_getpixel_32 (XImage *ximage, int x, int y) { return *((unsigned long *) ximage->data + (y * (ximage->bytes_per_line >> 2)) + x); } static int ximage_putpixel_32 (XImage *ximage, int x, int y, unsigned long pixel) { *((unsigned long *) ximage->data + (y * (ximage->bytes_per_line >> 2)) + x) = pixel; return 0; } Status XInitImage (XImage *ximage) { if (!ximage->bytes_per_line) ximage->bytes_per_line = (ximage->depth == 1 ? (ximage->width + 7) / 8 : ximage->width * 4); if (ximage->depth == 1) { ximage->f.put_pixel = ximage_putpixel_1; ximage->f.get_pixel = ximage_getpixel_1; } else if (ximage->depth == 32 || ximage->depth == 24) { ximage->f.put_pixel = ximage_putpixel_32; ximage->f.get_pixel = ximage_getpixel_32; } else { abort(); } return 1; } XImage * XCreateImage (Display *dpy, Visual *visual, unsigned int depth, int format, int offset, char *data, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, int bitmap_pad, int bytes_per_line) { XImage *ximage = (XImage *) calloc (1, sizeof(*ximage)); ximage->width = width; ximage->height = height; ximage->format = format; ximage->data = data; ximage->bitmap_unit = 8; ximage->byte_order = MSBFirst; ximage->bitmap_bit_order = ximage->byte_order; ximage->bitmap_pad = bitmap_pad; ximage->depth = depth; ximage->red_mask = (depth == 1 ? 0 : 0x00FF0000); ximage->green_mask = (depth == 1 ? 0 : 0x0000FF00); ximage->blue_mask = (depth == 1 ? 0 : 0x000000FF); ximage->bits_per_pixel = (depth == 1 ? 1 : 32); ximage->bytes_per_line = bytes_per_line; XInitImage (ximage); return ximage; } XImage * XSubImage (XImage *from, int x, int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) { XImage *to = XCreateImage (0, 0, from->depth, from->format, 0, 0, w, h, from->bitmap_pad, 0); to->data = (char *) malloc (h * to->bytes_per_line); if (x >= from->width) w = 0; else if (x+w > from->width) w = from->width - x; if (y >= from->height) h = 0; else if (y+h > from->height) h = from->height - y; int tx, ty; for (ty = 0; ty < h; ty++) for (tx = 0; tx < w; tx++) XPutPixel (to, tx, ty, XGetPixel (from, x+tx, y+ty)); return to; } XPixmapFormatValues * XListPixmapFormats (Display *dpy, int *n_ret) { XPixmapFormatValues *ret = calloc (2, sizeof(*ret)); ret[0].depth = 32; ret[0].bits_per_pixel = 32; ret[0].scanline_pad = 8; ret[1].depth = 1; ret[1].bits_per_pixel = 1; ret[1].scanline_pad = 8; *n_ret = 2; return ret; } unsigned long XGetPixel (XImage *ximage, int x, int y) { return ximage->f.get_pixel (ximage, x, y); } int XPutPixel (XImage *ximage, int x, int y, unsigned long pixel) { return ximage->f.put_pixel (ximage, x, y, pixel); } int XDestroyImage (XImage *ximage) { if (ximage->data) free (ximage->data); free (ximage); return 0; } static void flipbits (unsigned const char *in, unsigned char *out, int length) { static const unsigned char table[256] = { 0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0xC0, 0x20, 0xA0, 0x60, 0xE0, 0x10, 0x90, 0x50, 0xD0, 0x30, 0xB0, 0x70, 0xF0, 0x08, 0x88, 0x48, 0xC8, 0x28, 0xA8, 0x68, 0xE8, 0x18, 0x98, 0x58, 0xD8, 0x38, 0xB8, 0x78, 0xF8, 0x04, 0x84, 0x44, 0xC4, 0x24, 0xA4, 0x64, 0xE4, 0x14, 0x94, 0x54, 0xD4, 0x34, 0xB4, 0x74, 0xF4, 0x0C, 0x8C, 0x4C, 0xCC, 0x2C, 0xAC, 0x6C, 0xEC, 0x1C, 0x9C, 0x5C, 0xDC, 0x3C, 0xBC, 0x7C, 0xFC, 0x02, 0x82, 0x42, 0xC2, 0x22, 0xA2, 0x62, 0xE2, 0x12, 0x92, 0x52, 0xD2, 0x32, 0xB2, 0x72, 0xF2, 0x0A, 0x8A, 0x4A, 0xCA, 0x2A, 0xAA, 0x6A, 0xEA, 0x1A, 0x9A, 0x5A, 0xDA, 0x3A, 0xBA, 0x7A, 0xFA, 0x06, 0x86, 0x46, 0xC6, 0x26, 0xA6, 0x66, 0xE6, 0x16, 0x96, 0x56, 0xD6, 0x36, 0xB6, 0x76, 0xF6, 0x0E, 0x8E, 0x4E, 0xCE, 0x2E, 0xAE, 0x6E, 0xEE, 0x1E, 0x9E, 0x5E, 0xDE, 0x3E, 0xBE, 0x7E, 0xFE, 0x01, 0x81, 0x41, 0xC1, 0x21, 0xA1, 0x61, 0xE1, 0x11, 0x91, 0x51, 0xD1, 0x31, 0xB1, 0x71, 0xF1, 0x09, 0x89, 0x49, 0xC9, 0x29, 0xA9, 0x69, 0xE9, 0x19, 0x99, 0x59, 0xD9, 0x39, 0xB9, 0x79, 0xF9, 0x05, 0x85, 0x45, 0xC5, 0x25, 0xA5, 0x65, 0xE5, 0x15, 0x95, 0x55, 0xD5, 0x35, 0xB5, 0x75, 0xF5, 0x0D, 0x8D, 0x4D, 0xCD, 0x2D, 0xAD, 0x6D, 0xED, 0x1D, 0x9D, 0x5D, 0xDD, 0x3D, 0xBD, 0x7D, 0xFD, 0x03, 0x83, 0x43, 0xC3, 0x23, 0xA3, 0x63, 0xE3, 0x13, 0x93, 0x53, 0xD3, 0x33, 0xB3, 0x73, 0xF3, 0x0B, 0x8B, 0x4B, 0xCB, 0x2B, 0xAB, 0x6B, 0xEB, 0x1B, 0x9B, 0x5B, 0xDB, 0x3B, 0xBB, 0x7B, 0xFB, 0x07, 0x87, 0x47, 0xC7, 0x27, 0xA7, 0x67, 0xE7, 0x17, 0x97, 0x57, 0xD7, 0x37, 0xB7, 0x77, 0xF7, 0x0F, 0x8F, 0x4F, 0xCF, 0x2F, 0xAF, 0x6F, 0xEF, 0x1F, 0x9F, 0x5F, 0xDF, 0x3F, 0xBF, 0x7F, 0xFF }; while (--length > 0) *out++ = table[*in++]; } int XPutImage (Display *dpy, Drawable d, GC gc, XImage *ximage, int src_x, int src_y, int dest_x, int dest_y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) { CGRect wr = d->frame; // Clip width and height to the bounds of the Drawable // if (dest_x + w > wr.size.width) { if (dest_x > wr.size.width) return 0; w = wr.size.width - dest_x; } if (dest_y + h > wr.size.height) { if (dest_y > wr.size.height) return 0; h = wr.size.height - dest_y; } if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) return 0; // Clip width and height to the bounds of the XImage // if (src_x + w > ximage->width) { if (src_x > ximage->width) return 0; w = ximage->width - src_x; } if (src_y + h > ximage->height) { if (src_y > ximage->height) return 0; h = ximage->height - src_y; } if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) return 0; if (gc && (gc->gcv.function == GXset || gc->gcv.function == GXclear)) { // "set" and "clear" are dumb drawing modes that ignore the source // bits and just draw solid rectangles. set_color (d->cgc, (gc->gcv.function == GXset ? (gc->depth == 1 ? 1 : WhitePixel(0,0)) : (gc->depth == 1 ? 0 : BlackPixel(0,0))), gc->depth, gc->gcv.alpha_allowed_p, YES); draw_rect (dpy, d, 0, dest_x, dest_y, w, h, YES, YES); return 0; } int bpl = ximage->bytes_per_line; int bpp = ximage->bits_per_pixel; int bsize = bpl * h; char *data = ximage->data; CGRect r; r.origin.x = wr.origin.x + dest_x; r.origin.y = wr.origin.y + wr.size.height - dest_y - h; r.size.width = w; r.size.height = h; if (bpp == 32) { /* Take advantage of the fact that it's ok for (bpl != w * bpp) to create a CGImage from a sub-rectagle of the XImage. */ data += (src_y * bpl) + (src_x * 4); CGDataProviderRef prov = CGDataProviderCreateWithData (NULL, data, bsize, NULL); CGImageRef cgi = CGImageCreate (w, h, bpp/4, bpp, bpl, dpy->colorspace, /* Need this for XPMs to have the right colors, e.g. the logo in "maze". */ (kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Host), prov, NULL, /* decode[] */ NO, /* interpolate */ kCGRenderingIntentDefault); CGDataProviderRelease (prov); //Assert (CGImageGetColorSpace (cgi) == dpy->colorspace, "bad colorspace"); CGContextDrawImage (d->cgc, r, cgi); CGImageRelease (cgi); } else { // (bpp == 1) /* To draw a 1bpp image, we use it as a mask and fill two rectangles. #### However, the bit order within a byte in a 1bpp XImage is the wrong way around from what Quartz expects, so first we have to copy the data to reverse it. Shit! Maybe it would be worthwhile to go through the hacks and #ifdef each one that diddles 1bpp XImage->data directly... */ Assert ((src_x % 8) == 0, "XPutImage with non-byte-aligned 1bpp X offset not implemented"); data += (src_y * bpl) + (src_x / 8); // move to x,y within the data unsigned char *flipped = (unsigned char *) malloc (bsize); flipbits ((unsigned char *) data, flipped, bsize); CGDataProviderRef prov = CGDataProviderCreateWithData (NULL, flipped, bsize, NULL); CGImageRef mask = CGImageMaskCreate (w, h, 1, bpp, bpl, prov, NULL, /* decode[] */ NO); /* interpolate */ push_fg_gc (d, gc, YES); CGContextFillRect (d->cgc, r); // foreground color CGContextClipToMask (d->cgc, r, mask); set_color (d->cgc, gc->gcv.background, gc->depth, NO, YES); CGContextFillRect (d->cgc, r); // background color pop_gc (d, gc); free (flipped); CGDataProviderRelease (prov); CGImageRelease (mask); } return 0; } XImage * XGetImage (Display *dpy, Drawable d, int x, int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned long plane_mask, int format) { const unsigned char *data = 0; int depth, ibpp, ibpl; NSBitmapImageRep *bm = 0; if (d->type == PIXMAP) { depth = d->pixmap.depth; ibpp = CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerPixel (d->cgc); ibpl = CGBitmapContextGetBytesPerRow (d->cgc); data = CGBitmapContextGetData (d->cgc); Assert (data, "CGBitmapContextGetData failed"); } else { // get the bits (desired sub-rectangle) out of the NSView bm = [NSBitmapImageRep alloc]; NSRect nsfrom; nsfrom.origin.x = x; nsfrom.origin.y = y; nsfrom.size.width = width; nsfrom.size.height = height; [bm initWithFocusedViewRect:nsfrom]; depth = 32; ibpp = [bm bitsPerPixel]; ibpl = [bm bytesPerRow]; data = [bm bitmapData]; Assert (data, "NSBitmapImageRep initWithFocusedViewRect failed"); data += (y * ibpl) + (x * (ibpp/8)); } format = (depth == 1 ? XYPixmap : ZPixmap); XImage *image = XCreateImage (dpy, 0, depth, format, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0); image->data = (char *) malloc (height * image->bytes_per_line); int obpl = image->bytes_per_line; /* both PPC and Intel use word-ordered ARGB frame buffers, which means that on Intel it is BGRA when viewed by bytes (And BGR when using 24bpp packing). */ int xx, yy; if (depth == 1) { const unsigned char *iline = data; for (yy = y; yy < y+height; yy++) { const unsigned char *iline2 = iline; for (xx = x; xx < x+width; xx++) { iline2++; // ignore b or a iline2++; // ignore g or r unsigned char r = *iline2++; // r or g if (ibpp == 32) iline2++; // ignore a or b XPutPixel (image, xx, yy, (r ? 1 : 0)); } iline += ibpl; } } else { Assert (ibpp == 24 || ibpp == 32, "weird obpp"); const unsigned char *iline = data; unsigned char *oline = (unsigned char *) image->data; oline += (y * obpl); for (yy = y; yy < y+height; yy++) { const unsigned char *iline2 = iline; unsigned char *oline2 = oline; for (xx = x; xx < x+width; xx++) { unsigned char a = (ibpp == 32 ? (*iline2++) : 0xFF); unsigned char r = *iline2++; unsigned char g = *iline2++; unsigned char b = *iline2++; unsigned long pixel = ((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0)); *((unsigned int *) oline2) = pixel; oline2 += 4; } oline += obpl; iline += ibpl; } } if (bm) [bm release]; return image; } void jwxyz_draw_NSImage (Display *dpy, Drawable d, void *nsimg_arg, XRectangle *geom_ret) { NSImage *nsimg = (NSImage *) nsimg_arg; // convert the NSImage to a CGImage via the toll-free-bridging // of NSData and CFData... // NSData *nsdata = [NSBitmapImageRep TIFFRepresentationOfImageRepsInArray: [nsimg representations]]; CFDataRef cfdata = (CFDataRef) nsdata; CGImageSourceRef cgsrc = CGImageSourceCreateWithData (cfdata, NULL); CGImageRef cgi = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex (cgsrc, 0, NULL); NSSize imgr = [nsimg size]; CGRect winr = d->frame; float rw = winr.size.width / imgr.width; float rh = winr.size.height / imgr.height; float r = (rw < rh ? rw : rh); CGRect dst; dst.size.width = imgr.width * r; dst.size.height = imgr.height * r; dst.origin.x = (winr.size.width - dst.size.width) / 2; dst.origin.y = (winr.size.height - dst.size.height) / 2; // Clear the part not covered by the image to background or black. // if (d->type == WINDOW) XClearWindow (dpy, d); else { set_color (d->cgc, BlackPixel(dpy,0), 32, NO, YES); draw_rect (dpy, d, 0, 0, 0, winr.size.width, winr.size.height, NO, YES); } //Assert (CGImageGetColorSpace (cgi) == dpy->colorspace, "bad colorspace"); CGContextDrawImage (d->cgc, dst, cgi); CFRelease (cgsrc); CGImageRelease (cgi); if (geom_ret) { geom_ret->x = dst.origin.x; geom_ret->y = dst.origin.y; geom_ret->width = dst.size.width; geom_ret->height = dst.size.height; } } Pixmap XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData (Display *dpy, Drawable drawable, const char *data, unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned long fg, unsigned int bg, unsigned int depth) { Pixmap p = XCreatePixmap (dpy, drawable, w, h, depth); XImage *image = XCreateImage (dpy, 0, 1, XYPixmap, 0, (char *) data, w, h, 0, 0); XGCValues gcv; gcv.foreground = fg; gcv.background = bg; GC gc = XCreateGC (dpy, p, GCForeground|GCBackground, &gcv); XPutImage (dpy, p, gc, image, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h); XFreeGC (dpy, gc); image->data = 0; XDestroyImage (image); return p; } Pixmap XCreatePixmap (Display *dpy, Drawable d, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int depth) { char *data = (char *) malloc (width * height * 4); if (! data) return 0; Pixmap p = (Pixmap) calloc (1, sizeof(*p)); p->type = PIXMAP; p->frame.size.width = width; p->frame.size.height = height; p->pixmap.depth = depth; /* Quartz doesn't have a 1bpp image type. We used to use 8bpp gray images instead of 1bpp, but some Mac video don't support that! So we always use 32bpp, regardless of depth. */ p->cgc = CGBitmapContextCreate (data, width, height, 8, /* bits per component */ width * 4, /* bpl */ dpy->colorspace, // Without this, it returns 0... kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst ); Assert (p->cgc, "could not create CGBitmapContext"); return p; } int XFreePixmap (Display *d, Pixmap p) { Assert (p->type == PIXMAP, "not a pixmap"); CGContextRelease (p->cgc); free (p); return 0; } static Pixmap copy_pixmap (Pixmap p) { if (!p) return 0; Assert (p->type == PIXMAP, "not a pixmap"); Pixmap p2 = (Pixmap) malloc (sizeof (*p2)); *p2 = *p; CGContextRetain (p2->cgc); // #### is this ok? need to copy it instead? return p2; } /* Font metric terminology, as used by X11: "lbearing" is the distance from the logical origin to the leftmost pixel. If a character's ink extends to the left of the origin, it is negative. "rbearing" is the distance from the logical origin to the rightmost pixel. "descent" is the distance from the logical origin to the bottommost pixel. For characters with descenders, it is negative. "ascent" is the distance from the logical origin to the topmost pixel. It is the number of pixels above the baseline. "width" is the distance from the logical origin to the position where the logical origin of the next character should be placed. If "rbearing" is greater than "width", then this character overlaps the following character. If smaller, then there is trailing blank space. */ // This is XQueryFont, but for the XFontStruct embedded in 'Font' // static void query_font (Font fid) { if (!fid || !fid->nsfont) { NSLog(@"no NSFont in fid"); abort(); } if (![fid->nsfont fontName]) { NSLog(@"broken NSFont in fid"); abort(); } int first = 32; int last = 255; XFontStruct *f = &fid->metrics; XCharStruct *min = &f->min_bounds; XCharStruct *max = &f->max_bounds; #define CEIL(F) ((F) < 0 ? floor(F) : ceil(F)) f->fid = fid; f->min_char_or_byte2 = first; f->max_char_or_byte2 = last; f->default_char = 'M'; f->ascent = CEIL ([fid->nsfont ascender]); f->descent = -CEIL ([fid->nsfont descender]); min->width = 255; // set to smaller values in the loop min->ascent = 255; min->descent = 255; min->lbearing = 255; min->rbearing = 255; f->per_char = (XCharStruct *) calloc (last-first+2, sizeof (XCharStruct)); int i; NSBezierPath *bpath = [NSBezierPath bezierPath]; for (i = first; i <= last; i++) { unsigned char str[2]; str[0] = i; str[1] = 0; NSString *nsstr = [NSString stringWithCString:(char *) str encoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding]; /* I can't believe we have to go through this bullshit just to convert a 'char' to an NSGlyph!! You might think that we could do NSGlyph glyph = [fid->nsfont glyphWithName:nsstr]; but that doesn't work; my guess is that glyphWithName expects full Unicrud names like "LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE". */ NSGlyph glyph; { NSTextStorage *ts = [[NSTextStorage alloc] initWithString:nsstr]; [ts setFont:fid->nsfont]; NSLayoutManager *lm = [[NSLayoutManager alloc] init]; NSTextContainer *tc = [[NSTextContainer alloc] init]; [lm addTextContainer:tc]; [tc release]; // lm retains tc [ts addLayoutManager:lm]; [lm release]; // ts retains lm glyph = [lm glyphAtIndex:0]; [ts release]; } /* Compute the bounding box and advancement by converting the glyph to a bezier path. There appears to be *no other way* to find out the bounding box of a character: [NSFont boundingRectForGlyph] and [NSString sizeWithAttributes] both return an advancement-sized rectangle, not a rectangle completely enclosing the glyph's ink. */ NSPoint advancement; NSRect bbox; advancement.x = advancement.y = 0; [bpath removeAllPoints]; [bpath moveToPoint:advancement]; [bpath appendBezierPathWithGlyph:glyph inFont:fid->nsfont]; advancement = [bpath currentPoint]; bbox = [bpath bounds]; /* Now that we know the advancement and bounding box, we can compute the lbearing and rbearing. */ XCharStruct *cs = &f->per_char[i-first]; cs->ascent = CEIL (bbox.origin.y) + CEIL (bbox.size.height); cs->descent = CEIL(-bbox.origin.y); cs->lbearing = CEIL (bbox.origin.x); cs->rbearing = CEIL (bbox.origin.x) + CEIL (bbox.size.width); cs->width = CEIL (advancement.x); Assert (cs->rbearing - cs->lbearing == CEIL(bbox.size.width), "bbox w wrong"); Assert (cs->ascent + cs->descent == CEIL(bbox.size.height), "bbox h wrong"); max->width = MAX (max->width, cs->width); max->ascent = MAX (max->ascent, cs->ascent); max->descent = MAX (max->descent, cs->descent); max->lbearing = MAX (max->lbearing, cs->lbearing); max->rbearing = MAX (max->rbearing, cs->rbearing); min->width = MIN (min->width, cs->width); min->ascent = MIN (min->ascent, cs->ascent); min->descent = MIN (min->descent, cs->descent); min->lbearing = MIN (min->lbearing, cs->lbearing); min->rbearing = MIN (min->rbearing, cs->rbearing); # undef CEIL #if 0 fprintf(stderr, " %3d %c: w=%3d lb=%3d rb=%3d as=%3d ds=%3d " " bb=%3d x %3d @ %3d %3d adv=%3d %3d\n", i, i, cs->width, cs->lbearing, cs->rbearing, cs->ascent, cs->descent, (int) bbox.size.width, (int) bbox.size.height, (int) bbox.origin.x, (int) bbox.origin.y, (int) advancement.x, (int) advancement.y); #endif } } // Since 'Font' includes the metrics, this just makes a copy of that. // XFontStruct * XQueryFont (Display *dpy, Font fid) { // copy XFontStruct XFontStruct *f = (XFontStruct *) calloc (1, sizeof(*f)); *f = fid->metrics; // copy XCharStruct array int size = f->max_char_or_byte2 - f->min_char_or_byte2; f->per_char = (XCharStruct *) calloc (size + 2, sizeof (XCharStruct)); memcpy (f->per_char, fid->metrics.per_char, size * sizeof (XCharStruct)); return f; } static Font copy_font (Font fid) { // copy 'Font' struct Font fid2 = (Font) malloc (sizeof(*fid2)); *fid2 = *fid; // copy XCharStruct array int size = fid->metrics.max_char_or_byte2 - fid->metrics.min_char_or_byte2; fid2->metrics.per_char = (XCharStruct *) malloc ((size + 2) * sizeof (XCharStruct)); memcpy (fid2->metrics.per_char, fid->metrics.per_char, size * sizeof (XCharStruct)); // copy the other pointers fid2->ps_name = strdup (fid->ps_name); // [fid2->nsfont retain]; fid2->metrics.fid = fid2; return fid2; } static NSFont * try_font (BOOL fixed, BOOL bold, BOOL ital, BOOL serif, float size, char **name_ret) { Assert (size > 0, "zero font size"); const char *prefix = (fixed ? "Monaco" : (serif ? "Times" : "Helvetica")); const char *suffix = (bold && ital ? (serif ? "-BoldItalic" : "-BoldOblique") : (bold ? "-Bold" : ital ? (serif ? "-Italic" : "-Oblique") : "")); char *name = (char *) malloc (strlen(prefix) + strlen(suffix) + 1); strcpy (name, prefix); strcat (name, suffix); NSString *nsname = [NSString stringWithCString:name encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSFont *f = [NSFont fontWithName:nsname size:size]; if (f) { *name_ret = name; } else { free (name); } return f; } static NSFont * try_native_font (const char *name, char **name_ret, float *size_ret) { if (!name) return 0; const char *spc = strrchr (name, ' '); if (!spc) return 0; int size = 0; if (1 != sscanf (spc, " %d ", &size)) return 0; if (size <= 4) return 0; char *name2 = strdup (name); name2[strlen(name2) - strlen(spc)] = 0; NSString *nsname = [NSString stringWithCString:name2 encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSFont *f = [NSFont fontWithName:nsname size:size]; if (f) { *name_ret = name2; *size_ret = size; return f; } else { free (name2); return 0; } } /* Returns a random font in the given size and face. */ static NSFont * random_font (BOOL bold, BOOL ital, float size, char **name_ret) { NSFontTraitMask mask = ((bold ? NSUnboldFontMask : NSBoldFontMask) | (ital ? NSUnitalicFontMask : NSItalicFontMask)); NSArray *fonts = [[NSFontManager sharedFontManager] availableFontNamesWithTraits:mask]; if (!fonts) return 0; int n = [fonts count]; if (n <= 0) return 0; int j; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { int i = random() % n; NSString *name = [fonts objectAtIndex:i]; NSFont *f = [NSFont fontWithName:name size:size]; if (!f) continue; /* Don't use this font if it (probably) doesn't include ASCII characters. */ NSStringEncoding enc = [f mostCompatibleStringEncoding]; if (! (enc == NSUTF8StringEncoding || enc == NSISOLatin1StringEncoding || enc == NSNonLossyASCIIStringEncoding || enc == NSISOLatin2StringEncoding || enc == NSUnicodeStringEncoding || enc == NSWindowsCP1250StringEncoding || enc == NSWindowsCP1252StringEncoding || enc == NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding)) { // NSLog(@"skipping \"%@\": encoding = %d", name, enc); continue; } // NSLog(@"using \"%@\": %d", name, enc); *name_ret = strdup ([name cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]); return f; } // None of the fonts support ASCII? return 0; } static NSFont * try_xlfd_font (const char *name, char **name_ret, float *size_ret) { NSFont *nsfont = 0; BOOL bold = NO; BOOL ital = NO; BOOL fixed = NO; BOOL serif = NO; BOOL rand = NO; float size = 0; char *ps_name = 0; const char *s = (name ? name : ""); while (*s) { while (*s && (*s == '*' || *s == '-')) s++; const char *s2 = s; while (*s2 && (*s2 != '*' && *s2 != '-')) s2++; int L = s2-s; if (s == s2) ; # define CMP(STR) (L == strlen(STR) && !strncasecmp (s, (STR), L)) else if (CMP ("random")) rand = YES; else if (CMP ("bold")) bold = YES; else if (CMP ("i")) ital = YES; else if (CMP ("o")) ital = YES; else if (CMP ("courier")) fixed = YES; else if (CMP ("fixed")) fixed = YES; else if (CMP ("m")) fixed = YES; else if (CMP ("times")) serif = YES; else if (CMP ("6x10")) fixed = YES, size = 8; else if (CMP ("6x10bold")) fixed = YES, size = 8, bold = YES; else if (CMP ("9x15")) fixed = YES, size = 12; else if (CMP ("9x15bold")) fixed = YES, size = 12, bold = YES; else if (CMP ("vga")) fixed = YES, size = 12; else if (CMP ("console")) fixed = YES, size = 12; else if (CMP ("gallant")) fixed = YES, size = 12; # undef CMP else if (size == 0) { int n = 0; if (1 == sscanf (s, " %d ", &n)) size = n / 10.0; } s = s2; } if (size < 6 || size > 1000) size = 12; if (rand) nsfont = random_font (bold, ital, size, &ps_name); if (!nsfont) nsfont = try_font (fixed, bold, ital, serif, size, &ps_name); // if that didn't work, turn off attibutes until it does // (e.g., there is no "Monaco-Bold".) // if (!nsfont && serif) { serif = NO; nsfont = try_font (fixed, bold, ital, serif, size, &ps_name); } if (!nsfont && ital) { ital = NO; nsfont = try_font (fixed, bold, ital, serif, size, &ps_name); } if (!nsfont && bold) { bold = NO; nsfont = try_font (fixed, bold, ital, serif, size, &ps_name); } if (!nsfont && fixed) { fixed = NO; nsfont = try_font (fixed, bold, ital, serif, size, &ps_name); } if (nsfont) { *name_ret = ps_name; *size_ret = size; return nsfont; } else { return 0; } } Font XLoadFont (Display *dpy, const char *name) { Font fid = (Font) calloc (1, sizeof(*fid)); fid->nsfont = try_native_font (name, &fid->ps_name, &fid->size); if (! fid->nsfont) fid->nsfont = try_xlfd_font (name, &fid->ps_name, &fid->size); if (!fid->nsfont) { NSLog(@"no NSFont for \"%s\"", name); abort(); } //NSLog(@"parsed \"%s\" to %s %.1f", name, fid->ps_name, fid->size); query_font (fid); return fid; } /* This translates the NSFont into the numbers that aglUseFont() wants. */ int jwxyz_font_info (Font f, int *size_ret, int *face_ret) { char *name = strdup (f->ps_name); char *dash = strchr (name, '-'); int flags = 0; int size = f->size; if (dash) { // 0 = plain; 1=B; 2=I; 3=BI; 4=U; 5=UB; etc. if (strcasestr (dash, "bold")) flags |= 1; if (strcasestr (dash, "italic")) flags |= 2; if (strcasestr (dash, "oblique")) flags |= 2; *dash = 0; } NSString *nname = [NSString stringWithCString:name encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; ATSFontFamilyRef id = ATSFontFamilyFindFromName ((CFStringRef) nname, kATSOptionFlagsDefault); // WTF? aglUseFont gets a BadValue if size is small!! if (size < 9) size = 9; //NSLog (@"font %s %.1f => %d %d %d", f->ps_name, f->size, id, flags, size); Assert (id >= 0, "no ATS font family"); *size_ret = size; *face_ret = flags; return id; } XFontStruct * XLoadQueryFont (Display *dpy, const char *name) { Font fid = XLoadFont (dpy, name); return XQueryFont (dpy, fid); } int XUnloadFont (Display *dpy, Font fid) { free (fid->ps_name); free (fid->metrics.per_char); // #### DAMMIT! I can't tell what's going wrong here, but I keep getting // crashes in [NSFont ascender] <- query_font, and it seems to go away // if I never release the nsfont. So, fuck it, we'll just leak fonts. // They're probably not very big... // // [fid->nsfont release]; free (fid); return 0; } int XFreeFontInfo (char **names, XFontStruct *info, int n) { int i; if (names) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (names[i]) free (names[i]); free (names); } if (info) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (info[i].per_char) free (info[i].per_char); free (info); } return 0; } int XFreeFont (Display *dpy, XFontStruct *f) { Font fid = f->fid; XFreeFontInfo (0, f, 1); XUnloadFont (dpy, fid); return 0; } int XSetFont (Display *dpy, GC gc, Font fid) { if (gc->gcv.font) XUnloadFont (dpy, gc->gcv.font); gc->gcv.font = copy_font (fid); [gc->gcv.font->nsfont retain]; return 0; } int XTextExtents (XFontStruct *f, const char *s, int length, int *dir_ret, int *ascent_ret, int *descent_ret, XCharStruct *cs) { memset (cs, 0, sizeof(*cs)); int i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { unsigned char c = (unsigned char) s[i]; if (c < f->min_char_or_byte2 || c > f->max_char_or_byte2) c = f->default_char; const XCharStruct *cc = &f->per_char[c - f->min_char_or_byte2]; if (i == 0) { *cs = *cc; } else { cs->ascent = MAX (cs->ascent, cc->ascent); cs->descent = MAX (cs->descent, cc->descent); cs->lbearing = MIN (cs->lbearing, cs->width + cc->lbearing); cs->rbearing = MAX (cs->rbearing, cs->width + cc->rbearing); cs->width += cc->width; } } *dir_ret = 0; *ascent_ret = f->ascent; *descent_ret = f->descent; return 0; } int XTextWidth (XFontStruct *f, const char *s, int length) { int ascent, descent, dir; XCharStruct cs; XTextExtents (f, s, length, &dir, &ascent, &descent, &cs); return cs.width; } static void set_font (CGContextRef cgc, GC gc) { Font font = gc->gcv.font; if (! font) { font = XLoadFont (0, 0); gc->gcv.font = font; [gc->gcv.font->nsfont retain]; } CGContextSelectFont (cgc, font->ps_name, font->size, kCGEncodingMacRoman); CGContextSetTextMatrix (cgc, CGAffineTransformIdentity); } static int draw_string (Display *dpy, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y, const char *str, int len, BOOL clear_background_p) { if (clear_background_p) { int ascent, descent, dir; XCharStruct cs; XTextExtents (&gc->gcv.font->metrics, str, len, &dir, &ascent, &descent, &cs); draw_rect (dpy, d, gc, x + MIN (0, cs.lbearing), y - MAX (0, ascent), MAX (MAX (0, cs.rbearing) - MIN (0, cs.lbearing), cs.width), MAX (0, ascent) + MAX (0, descent), NO, YES); } CGRect wr = d->frame; # if 1 /* The Quartz way is probably faster, but doesn't draw Latin1 properly. But the Cocoa way only works on NSView, not on CGContextRef (pixmaps)! */ push_fg_gc (d, gc, YES); set_font (d->cgc, gc); CGContextSetTextDrawingMode (d->cgc, kCGTextFill); if (! gc->gcv.antialias_p) CGContextSetShouldAntialias (d->cgc, YES); // always antialias text CGContextShowTextAtPoint (d->cgc, wr.origin.x + x, wr.origin.y + wr.size.height - y, str, len); pop_gc (d, gc); #else /* !0 */ /* The Cocoa way... */ unsigned long argb = gc->gcv.foreground; if (gc->depth == 1) argb = (argb ? WhitePixel(dpy,0) : BlackPixel(dpy,0)); float a = ((argb >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0; float r = ((argb >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0; float g = ((argb >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0; float b = ((argb ) & 0xFF) / 255.0; NSColor *fg = [NSColor colorWithDeviceRed:r green:g blue:b alpha:a]; NSDictionary *attr = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: gc->gcv.font->nsfont, NSFontAttributeName, fg, NSForegroundColorAttributeName, nil]; char *s2 = (char *) malloc (len + 1); strncpy (s2, str, len); s2[len] = 0; NSString *nsstr = [NSString stringWithCString:s2 encoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding]; free (s2); NSPoint pos; pos.x = wr.origin.x + x; pos.y = wr.origin.y + wr.size.height - y - gc->gcv.font->metrics.descent; [nsstr drawAtPoint:pos withAttributes:attr]; #endif /* 0 */ return 0; } int XDrawString (Display *dpy, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y, const char *str, int len) { return draw_string (dpy, d, gc, x, y, str, len, NO); } int XDrawImageString (Display *dpy, Drawable d, GC gc, int x, int y, const char *str, int len) { return draw_string (dpy, d, gc, x, y, str, len, YES); } int XSetForeground (Display *dpy, GC gc, unsigned long fg) { validate_pixel (fg, gc->depth, gc->gcv.alpha_allowed_p); gc->gcv.foreground = fg; return 0; } int XSetBackground (Display *dpy, GC gc, unsigned long bg) { validate_pixel (bg, gc->depth, gc->gcv.alpha_allowed_p); gc->gcv.background = bg; return 0; } int jwxyz_XSetAlphaAllowed (Display *dpy, GC gc, Bool allowed) { gc->gcv.alpha_allowed_p = allowed; return 0; } int jwxyz_XSetAntiAliasing (Display *dpy, GC gc, Bool antialias_p) { gc->gcv.antialias_p = antialias_p; return 0; } int XSetLineAttributes (Display *dpy, GC gc, unsigned int line_width, int line_style, int cap_style, int join_style) { gc->gcv.line_width = line_width; Assert (line_style == LineSolid, "only LineSolid implemented"); // gc->gcv.line_style = line_style; gc->gcv.cap_style = cap_style; gc->gcv.join_style = join_style; return 0; } int XSetGraphicsExposures (Display *dpy, GC gc, Bool which) { return 0; } int XSetFunction (Display *dpy, GC gc, int which) { gc->gcv.function = which; return 0; } int XSetSubwindowMode (Display *dpy, GC gc, int which) { gc->gcv.subwindow_mode = which; return 0; } int XSetClipMask (Display *dpy, GC gc, Pixmap m) { Assert (!!gc->gcv.clip_mask == !!gc->clip_mask, "GC clip mask mixup"); if (gc->gcv.clip_mask) { XFreePixmap (dpy, gc->gcv.clip_mask); CGImageRelease (gc->clip_mask); } gc->gcv.clip_mask = copy_pixmap (m); if (gc->gcv.clip_mask) gc->clip_mask = CGBitmapContextCreateImage (gc->gcv.clip_mask->cgc); else gc->clip_mask = 0; return 0; } int XSetClipOrigin (Display *dpy, GC gc, int x, int y) { gc->gcv.clip_x_origin = x; gc->gcv.clip_y_origin = y; return 0; } Bool XQueryPointer (Display *dpy, Window w, Window *root_ret, Window *child_ret, int *root_x_ret, int *root_y_ret, int *win_x_ret, int *win_y_ret, unsigned int *mask_ret) { Assert (w->type == WINDOW, "not a window"); NSWindow *nsw = [w->window.view window]; NSPoint wpos; // get bottom left of window on screen, from bottom left wpos.x = wpos.y = 0; wpos = [nsw convertBaseToScreen:wpos]; NSPoint vpos; // get bottom left of view on window, from bottom left vpos.x = vpos.y = 0; vpos = [w->window.view convertPoint:vpos toView:[nsw contentView]]; // get bottom left of view on screen, from bottom left vpos.x += wpos.x; vpos.y += wpos.y; // get top left of view on screen, from bottom left vpos.y += w->frame.size.height; // get top left of view on screen, from top left NSArray *screens = [NSScreen screens]; NSScreen *screen = (screens && [screens count] > 0 ? [screens objectAtIndex:0] : [NSScreen mainScreen]); NSRect srect = [screen frame]; vpos.y = srect.size.height - vpos.y; // get the mouse position on window, from bottom left NSEvent *e = [NSApp currentEvent]; NSPoint p = [e locationInWindow]; // get mouse position on screen, from bottom left p.x += wpos.x; p.y += wpos.y; // get mouse position on screen, from top left p.y = srect.size.height - p.y; if (root_x_ret) *root_x_ret = (int) p.x; if (root_y_ret) *root_y_ret = (int) p.y; if (win_x_ret) *win_x_ret = (int) (p.x - vpos.x); if (win_y_ret) *win_y_ret = (int) (p.y - vpos.y); if (mask_ret) *mask_ret = 0; // #### if (root_ret) *root_ret = 0; if (child_ret) *child_ret = 0; return True; } Bool XTranslateCoordinates (Display *dpy, Window w, Window dest_w, int src_x, int src_y, int *dest_x_ret, int *dest_y_ret, Window *child_ret) { Assert (w->type == WINDOW, "not a window"); NSWindow *nsw = [w->window.view window]; NSPoint wpos; // get bottom left of window on screen, from bottom left wpos.x = wpos.y = 0; wpos = [nsw convertBaseToScreen:wpos]; NSPoint vpos; // get bottom left of view on window, from bottom left vpos.x = vpos.y = 0; vpos = [w->window.view convertPoint:vpos toView:[nsw contentView]]; // get bottom left of view on screen, from bottom left vpos.x += wpos.x; vpos.y += wpos.y; // get top left of view on screen, from bottom left vpos.y += w->frame.size.height; // get top left of view on screen, from top left NSArray *screens = [NSScreen screens]; NSScreen *screen = (screens && [screens count] > 0 ? [screens objectAtIndex:0] : [NSScreen mainScreen]); NSRect srect = [screen frame]; vpos.y = srect.size.height - vpos.y; // point starts out relative to top left of view NSPoint p; p.x = src_x; p.y = src_y; // get point relative to top left of screen p.x += vpos.x; p.y += vpos.y; *dest_x_ret = p.x; *dest_y_ret = p.y; if (child_ret) *child_ret = w; return True; } KeySym XKeycodeToKeysym (Display *dpy, KeyCode code, int index) { return code; } int XLookupString (XKeyEvent *e, char *buf, int size, KeySym *k_ret, XComposeStatus *xc) { KeySym ks = XKeycodeToKeysym (0, e->keycode, 0); char c = (char) ks; // could be smarter about modifiers here... if (k_ret) *k_ret = ks; if (size > 0) buf[0] = c; if (size > 1) buf[1] = 0; return 0; } int XFlush (Display *dpy) { // Just let the event loop take care of this on its own schedule. return 0; } int XSync (Display *dpy, Bool flush) { return XFlush (dpy); } // declared in utils/visual.h int has_writable_cells (Screen *s, Visual *v) { return 0; } int visual_depth (Screen *s, Visual *v) { return 32; } int visual_cells (Screen *s, Visual *v) { return 0xFFFFFF; } int visual_class (Screen *s, Visual *v) { return TrueColor; } // declared in utils/grabclient.h Bool use_subwindow_mode_p (Screen *screen, Window window) { return False; }