Initial release of Maemo 5 port of gnuplot
[gnuplot] / demo / srl.dat
1 # Data file for world2.dem
2 # Note: The N/S and E/W   latitude and longitude flags are ignored,
3 #       so S and W require a minus sign instead
4 #
5 #Site           Latitude        Longitude       GeV
6 #---------------------------------------------------
7 Paris           48:50N          2:20E           2.75
8 Grenoble        45:21N          5:19E           6
9 Ithaca          42:26N          -76:30W         5.5
10 Argonne         41:50N          -87:41W         7
11 Stanford        37:25N          -122:09W        3
12 "Baton Rouge"   30:26N          -91:07W         1.3
13 Hamburg         53:34N          10:02E          4.5
14 Barcelona       41:18N          2:05E           2.5
15 Upton           40:52N          -72:53W         2.8
16 Yerevan         40:11N          44:30E          3.2
17 Campinas        -23:00S         -47:08W         1.35
18 Trieste         45:39N          13:48E          2.4
19 Grenoble        45:11N          5:43E           6
20 Lund            55:06N          9:48E           1.5
21 "Nishi Harima"  35N             135E            8
22 Tsukuba         36:04N          140:08E         2.5
23 Allaan          31:57N          35:57E          2.5
24 Novosibirsk     55:02N          82:56E          0.8
25 Pohang          36:01N          129:09E         2
26 Villigen        47:32N          8:13E           2.4
27 Daresbury       53:20N          -2:40W          2
28 Melbourne       -37:42S         145E            3
29 Saskatoon       52:07N          -106:38W        2.9
30 Shanghai        31:06N          121:22E         3.5
31 Moscow          55:45N          37:36E          2.5
32 #